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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 184541 mal)


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #375 am: 30. Aug 2017, 17:29 »
The consolation of survival

Spare thy cry and seal thy lips from screaming and sorrowful mourning,
Thou wilt fight another day,
Even when the offence as unbearable and overly vicious appeareth,
Thou art content of survival, for revenge may be the viable counter-act and thy foes shall certainly pay the toll of any of their deeds.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #376 am: 30. Aug 2017, 18:35 »
The perfect delivery

A handful group of a few people, the impossible they were ready to do, as failure would have meant the end of the heath and of the gallant steeds the people of Rohan is much grateful for, yet they somehow succeeded in enduring the starkest fight at the top of the stronghold's walls, hard and large, which naught could nonetheless do against the black powder that able is to undo stone and thick marble too, but victory in the most tragic hour was not measured by arts and cruel warfare, because valour made up for the loss of many and the souls of all decent splendidly rekindled.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #377 am: 30. Aug 2017, 20:00 »
The purge

Traitorous and least of the people, Rohan, you shall suffer the new wind being gathered from your western weak flanks, which your forces have so foolishly left unguarded and not garrisoned by the proper defence, for cowardice and simplicity are patterns of your very heart, peasants of the stables and farmers whose honour is not to be found in your very occupations, simple and poor, for you are by now used to the harvest and no longer some would dare wield a blade, and the knights and riders that in pride profess to be the masters of steeds, well, the force assembling in caves and furnaces shall deliver havoc to you all, as the might of industry only for the skilled and witty man it is possible to know, and to manage in the diverse shapes of fire and iron which well melts.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #378 am: 30. Aug 2017, 20:54 »
The Evil entombed

Now, hearken this warning and your guard be never lowered in any case, for doubt prolific cause of disaster may be, when one's mind is shut and closed for reason to enter,
It is a story that tells the outcome of the past strife along ice and wicked snow,
Wraiths were said to be the head of that malice, which chaos to the dying realm of the North has decided to bring, as concerted effort and scheme, to make the shield of the Good lesser and thin,
Well, amicable friend, nine are the phantoms that into the stone were entombed, and may the fell matter of those peaks be just cage and grave, for whom wished much death and despair.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #379 am: 30. Aug 2017, 21:25 »
The Fair Siblings

Golden is the hue of their hair, being it legacy and noble reminder of great bloodline in the tales of the Eldar,
Derived in origin from the first of the Elves whose conscience in Arda was lit, and this kind now dwelleth in the ways of Valinórë, beside the Powers magnificent and bright,
To Sea-elves they are related too, by their mother silver and wise, but mainly to the Noldor they belong, and they are of Arafinwë the kin,
Peaceful and quiet they often remain, albeit the fiery spirit and pride of their House being naturally present, and for wisdom they are renowned in equal terms, fair siblings with mind good and clear.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #380 am: 30. Aug 2017, 22:21 »
The lay of desolation

Which lay art thou willing to listen to, thy curiosity being legitimate and useful for the cause of knowledge and correction of mistakes?
Of the First, when a Tyrant sought domination on all lands and valiant Princes to retrieve the greatest treasure much were striving?
Of the Second, when a Dark Lord deceived the races of the World and of Men the monarch desired to be crowned?
Or of the Third, in which the revenant shadows attempted return and the gaining back of the tool, centre of disgraces and somber events?

Thus thou knowest this, that a lay of desolation through centuries and eras seemeth to have been hitherto told.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #381 am: 30. Aug 2017, 23:19 »
Great Fire, thou hast forsaken this world

Great Fire, thou hast forsaken this world, for the imperative duty of safeguarding thou decided to fulfil in its fullest, in the abyss of the mines thou hast then fallen, exploring pits and depths which no mortal eyes have since presence beheld, while furious tenson originated between thee and the fell Flame of Morgoth, and the heavens above were raging in wrath, at the sight of the two Angels battling their fate until utter end, yet thou withstood the hardest hazard in courage and glorious sacrifice, in order to give mankind the chance of victory in this last war of all, and I hope thou shalt return from ruin, hither, to aid the mission of the Good once again, awaiting the closing of this grey era of grim nature and spirit.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #382 am: 31. Aug 2017, 18:02 »
Flame of these decayed ways

Branches may rot, leaves may have green turn into sad yellow, and grimness may spread across the broad forest of the East,
But a flame here dwells and breathes bold sighs,
She goes in patrols and carefully keeps the path through the trees safe and secure, clean from filth and other beasts that one might possibly encounter in the creepiest nightmare,
Thus, a flame of those decayed ways, who neither surrenders nor is satisfied with the course of events within her secluded realm, for liberty she loves and for it until her last breath she is to battle.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #383 am: 31. Aug 2017, 21:33 »
Her Majesty

Her Majesty within ancient woods and deep halls in the resilient stone,
Thou dwellest beside the Silver Lord whom all Sea-elves as patriarch worship,
Thou art the wonder of thy secretive people who long have endured the harsh wheel of fate often turning ill for the millennial realm,
Thou art a blessing sent from thy dwelling lying yonder, across the impetuous waves, the sole of the Good, facing the reckless malice of the Flames and their master on the Iron Throne.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #384 am: 1. Sep 2017, 01:59 »
I harbour in me the will of life

Poem dedicated to the mariners of Númenor, and to all its people in general. Hard and tough, because one must be ready to withstand even the fiercest of the waves.

Little importance has the struggle and the kind of storms which your ship is bound to pass past and over, for light finds its place inside our very heart and mind, being the will of life brighter and more vivid than the most intense lighthouse that the blue surfaces makes lit, and even outer lights may help in the journey, as long as the internal flame burns strong and vehement, for in me I harbour the sentiment of striving to succeed, and to surpass the clouds that menace us in somber hours, just to sail and reach the goal of the voyage, with winds behind my back and the sunny day blessing the deed.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #385 am: 1. Sep 2017, 14:52 »
Follow the road, and stick to the known

You must not trust the deceptive forests of Mirkwood, one-time green and merry home for amicable creatures and friendly inhabitants among the leaves,
Illness has unfortunately taken over the land, with poison and dread, and with terror for which gentle people were driven off of their dwellings in the worst way,
Yet, fallen and sunk into the untamed grass, lies the ancient road of the wood, that any traveller aids and guides towards solace and shelter,
You ought thus to avoid indulging under those trees, afflicted by anger and venom, bewitched by a revenant malice, for salvation is given by what is known in such a maze, to which you are to stick.

Do not miss the road!


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #386 am: 1. Sep 2017, 23:13 »
The Outer Blue

Behold vast fields of waves and much they like to create foam,
Perfect to sail through, as I along blue ways I would fain roam,
About which destination and ultimate goal of such journeying I ponder,
While the breeze accompanies my progression and across marine routes I wander.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #387 am: 2. Sep 2017, 07:11 »
Your sword more than silver shines

Amazing rainbow hidden in your eyes that the most formidable temper hide, and I am certain you shall pass beyond those walls of glass and crystalline purity, one day, should the task be finally fulfilled and done, and the weary body that much toil has hitherto borne you are to bring along the westernmost shores, at the revealing turn of time, when a newer world humanity shall seek for and with apprehension await, once shadows will have vanished and been washed away, and in the meantime, Mithrandir, your sword has other wonders to make true and in the midst of tough battle it is indeed to shine more vividly, more than silver and hard diamond that in forbidden depths miners long for and yearn.

The rainbow in Gandalf's eyes signifies the multicoloured spirit of the Istar and his genuinely kind temperament, yet resolute to complete the task he was appointed to.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #388 am: 2. Sep 2017, 08:29 »
Weather tells

Weather tells much and the covert overt makes,
If one is open and his wit proper to unveil the signs which nature offers,
One is then to notice what is twisted and the forces that mars of reality the natural course, when a menacing will causes clouds to darken and to rumble in rage, or when storm unleashes its fury below,
This you may view as dark magic in action and lively and hideous to see.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #389 am: 2. Sep 2017, 16:17 »
I dread nothingness

Immortal and fair thou art, and ever-radiant in perilous fate and hazard as well,
Thy kind doth not fear the passing of time and of this mournful eras that never seem to end, and I therefore dread nothingness and the impious death,
Whilst thou, Elda, of the very World art made,
And until the World liveth, thou shalt live as well.