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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 185128 mal)


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #600 am: 18. Dez 2017, 15:32 »
Tell me your name and I shall give you mine

Captain of valour, tell me your name and I shall give you mine,
You ride without clear direction and wander with no purpose you might, brave knight and fine,
Outlawed were you and of your title deprived, yet your monarch is to need your blade and lance in the gathering of night,
Thither shall you come, in the advancing of ruin, guided by the envoy of rule and light.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #601 am: 18. Dez 2017, 16:32 »
Dominions of old

The Mariners had great profit and luck, from their strongholds on the continental shore,
Bases that served well, for trade and their spreading of power all along the mortal ways,
Great harbours and ports, shelter for innumerable quantity of ship-craft,
Firm anchor in a world growing unrest and the flame of war, for those were the merriest days of whom used to dwell between the two worlds, neither menaced by pending peril nor completely within the beatitude of never-ending bliss.

The last verse refers to the special condition of Númenor during the dawn of its empire. They had been granted by the Powers a whole new island to reside in, away from the troubles of Middle-earth, closer to the eternal joy of Aman that Men could only gaze at from afar, being them forbidden to pass across the immortal waters. And it is this in-between nature of this realm, placed in more fortunate spaces than the common tribulation of the continent, albeit it being bound to the same ban from the West, that prepared the ground for the infamous rebellion of a one-time glorious lineage of kings.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #602 am: 19. Dez 2017, 17:32 »
Reflected on his shield

Broken shields and raided lands,
He guides the hope and every heart mends,
With the courage of the ancient court, in the main,
It seems that amidst troubles his existence has ever lain,
A crown apt for leading those willing to fight,
A sure trust, as the Eagles go past the horizon in their flight,
On him depends the fortune of this broad world,
Approaching is the conflict that future is to mould,
The High King must rise in glory and his dreadful lance wield,
Bearer of starlight, a vessel of hers, whose true radiance was reflected on his vast shield.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #603 am: 19. Dez 2017, 23:10 »
Bound to grief

Shall we rest bound to grief unto the end of the tale?
Will we act for good and feel no shame?
Silent before injustice we cannot remain,
Otherwise, should all turn ill, who is to defend our own domain?

People of the heath, calm your fear and hear,
We want to preserve our merry life and feasting, made joyful by beer,
Aye, to ride in the company of our king we were bidden,
And woeful will be the fate of the foes, who are to regret the battle and be smitten.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #604 am: 19. Dez 2017, 23:31 »
Wrath, asleep and hidden

Boiling anger and strong sentiment are growing more ardent under the trees,
Among the green path of such old woods, bearing remembrances of a world that is no more,
Ancient souls and silent mood, for too long has the forest witnessed the ruin coming from outer places and new, as all turned modern and grey, except for lone shrines that keep the flame alive,
The broad forest is one of those treasures and in its core powerful intelligence dwells, likely to wake and react in wrath in front of the misery of current days.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #605 am: 20. Dez 2017, 00:53 »
Do you dread those mines?

Do you dread those deep mines, Gandalf?
Rumours tell and much say, that the vivid hearth has worn out and paved the way for obscure figures lurking in the caverns below,
As infesting illness and unwanted guests they have multiplied their number, claiming that realm as their lair,
Drums in the void of those gloomy chambers began to resound and froze the will of the valorous warrior, fortified and defending the last hall.

There is more I need narrate, my fellow wizard, for fell fire and shadow emerged too from the abyss, and so deeply it was entombed, as the demons of the elder age whom all forgot fain.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #606 am: 20. Dez 2017, 01:20 »
A newer era, yet dimmer and pale

Bad weather has passed and left the skies of our present, finally and at the decisive moment of the strife,
New king of ours, take these wailing lands in your wise hands and may your decree avail all who reside within the ends of your reign,
The immortal ones have elected departure from decay, bequeathing a continent that strongly seeks peace and quiet times,
A newer era presents itself to the eyes of the resilient survivors, yet dimmer and pale, for magic shall abandon this shore and never return.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #607 am: 20. Dez 2017, 02:18 »
To thee only

To thee, to thee only,
Power was given to rule wholly,
Thou shalt behold the eras of thy kingdom progressing,
Unto the final darkening of heavens, when Arda the most will be in need of thy blessing.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #608 am: 20. Dez 2017, 23:32 »
He does not understand such thing

His brother he's always loved and cared for,
Infinite kindness was always the guide of his doing,
The just criterion of his imperative decree,
Even if that was flaw rather than immaculate virtue,
As flaws are nonetheless part of the Angels, as for the merest man,
Too merciful he often has been, for he does not understand such thing,
The nature of malice and its true reason in the holistic design,
A magnanimous father, aching his heart and suffering him inside, for evil deeds he deems betrayal from one who the right path could take.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #609 am: 20. Dez 2017, 23:57 »
Piercing the most terrible night

Doom or renewed hope? None could have unveiled the riddle,
At the sunset of the third era, in which two sides all should choose, being no chance in the middle,
Dark or Light, servitude in chains or prosperity in a realm that thrives,
The gleams of your far craft have never left our sight, and even in dire tribulation and plight they have lit that remote space in a pure flare above the air, piercing the terrible night of our times, just to spark a glare of bliss and ease our sad lives.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #610 am: 21. Dez 2017, 00:15 »
Mind your case and repent, for there is still time

There is still time ahead and therefore you despair should not,
What is broken may often be mended for sure, with much wit and of wisdom a lot,
Faults might become fine experience and fortify one's spirit for the sake of a tougher test,
Be open to remedying, mirroring the just one who with idleness does not rest.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #611 am: 21. Dez 2017, 17:19 »
You can't be that old

You can't be that old, my lord, as your visage does not seem to have borne the burden of time and fierce your temperament ever appears, as does your will that never stumbles into trouble or wobbles in doubt,
Unless you are of the kind of those northern Men whom many recall in diverse tales, for an old legacy they still carry on and even enjoy a past gift of the most prodigious sort, living longer than mere kindred mortals and being used to the wildest side of life, among woods and dishevelled ways.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #612 am: 23. Dez 2017, 00:33 »
I shall not falter

I shall not falter, I can assure,
Be certain of such promise and sure,
Sure as the light of my lamps that never has failed,
At the dawn of time them I laid.

I shall not flinch from my duty, I decree,
Those who hate our cause are to regret and flee,
Any soul worrying in toil, me as his keeper ever he has,
Now, gaze at my deeds and don't relinquish faith, as this your Queen orders and says.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #613 am: 23. Dez 2017, 00:51 »
The reason of our pain

The reason of our pain we may not know,
Not now, with events unfolding and time never halting its flow,
It is not for us to grasp the real purpose of our plight,
Sad fate is ours, common to all Men who live and then disappear in a rapid flight.

They say that just reward is to await the final demise,
Despairing is vain effort, being our spirit set to descend and arise,
Within the halls of the Judge, where the Weaver sews stories of might, in the solitude of the far West, silent and grey,
Voices tell that mortal ones are not to linger there for long, for we shall take another path whose destination none of our ways fathom may.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #614 am: 24. Dez 2017, 00:02 »
The void in me

The void in me consuming all,
Guided it has my will to linger still and make anything radiant fall,
Unknown force which lit hope devours,
Merriment quickly leaves space for sudden despair, and moments of jubilation eventually become for the Good grievous hours.