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ROTWK: HD Edition Showcase

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What is it?

The RotWK: HD Edition is a model pack featuring both reworked and all-new unit and hero models.

How does it work?

RotWK: HD Edition is being developed primarily for use on Revora's T3A:Online multiplayer server.
The most important feature of this model pack is that it's intercompatible, meaning you can
use it online even if your opponent doesn't have it installed.
You will not run into any compatibility or out-of-sync issues while running this pack.

How do I install it?

RotWK: HD Edition is still currently in development. For now though, you can enjoy some renders and in game screenshots.

Dwarven Zealots will be sporting an Iron Hills look, referencing the fact that Dain Ironfoot is King Under the Mountain.

Not many people know that pretty much every new unit or hero given to the old factions in RotWK was a cheap re-use of an unused model, most of which had been in the game files since BFME1.

Prince Brand, *King Brand in Patch 2.02 is a good example of this. So we've given him an outfit worthy of the descendant of Girion, King of the Bardings.

Noldor Warriors now sporting their HD look from the Last Alliance, they've even got a cape now.

Noldor Warriors and Lindon Horse Archers In-game.

King Brand and the Men of Dale In-game.

Be sure to follow our MODDB page as well to view images and updates as they are out:

That's all for now, stay tuned for more updates and screenshots in the future.

~ Mathijs and Rider of Rohan

It's really an ever-pleasing fact that such valuable projects are in development. High standards and great quality, as usual.

I just wonder: creating another own thread in this board for the sole Age of the Ring would be really marvellous indeed. Just to fill this space with more precious content. If you and Mathijs opted to showcase some bits here too, I think we would all be glad to welcome that proposition  :)

As for your art, those pieces are simply art goals  8-)

Thanks for the kind words DieWalkure, we'll probably consider doing that as well sometime.

Looks great, and in particular the zealots were probably one of the worst models in BfME.
I'm not completly sure, but couldn't the zealots throw their axes as an ability, because they aren't axe fighters anymore.

Yea they can through axes but they would do it like Gimli and pull a mini axe out from their side.


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