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Autor Thema: Lyrics to the Lone Traveller  (Gelesen 6951 mal)


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Lyrics to the Lone Traveller
« am: 30. Apr 2017, 02:11 »
As Galadriel is leaving Lórien alone, at the sunset of the Third Age of Arda, to join Elrond and the other High Elves of noble lineage in the journey to the Grey Havens, an upset Elf stops her in tears. She has some words for him.

Kind subject of mine, you ought not to weep,
Under this starred night of silence and sadness,
My fate is bound to go beyond the ends of mortality,
To journey back to the splendour I was born in, before the Sun and the Moon.

May this new era bring thee much joy and lively adventures,
The Three Rings are silent now and their powers on Arda undone,
Should you visit these woods again, after long years have passed,
Lone traveller, you shall see the decaying ruins of my rule.

To whom this poem is dedicated, I say: my friend, may these lyrics be the just gift and testament of our great friendship  ;)