[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Dwarven Suggestions

Unique offer for Gimli

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       Gimli, Just like Dvalin, he is overrated. 2500 for him is clearly a lot. I think that in the current performance it should not cost more than 2000. But I had an idea how to make Gimli worthy of its price. I always thought that Gimli is missing something. The ego of the ability is the best characterizes his fate in the war of the ring. But in the end I realized what emu is and is not enough, namely the ability that would reflect friendship with Legolas, but it is very difficult to come up and implement, plus 4.5 already has a heroic battalion for Rohan - three hunters. But then I remembered that most of all Gimli dreamed of seeing the Lady of the Golden Forest - Galadriel. And I came up with a new ability that will finally form Gimli as it should be, and believe this idea just super. xD
 "  During his stay in Lothlorien, Gimli and Legolas spent a lot of time together and, to the surprise of their companions, became friends.
On February 16, the Brotherhood left Lothlorien. At parting, Galadriel gave each of them a present. She asked Gimli that she would like to receive the Gnome as a gift from the Lady of the Golden Forest.
           "Nothing, Lady," Gimli answered. "It's enough that I saw the Governor Galadrim and heard warm words from her."
"          Do you hear, Elves?" she exclaimed, addressing the others. - Nobody is allowed to say that Gnomes are stingy and ungrateful! But I'm sure that you, Gimli, Gloin's son, have a desire to do which I can do. Call him, I ask. You do not have to be the only guest left without a present.
"         Nothing, Lady Galadriel," repeated Gimli, bowing low and stammering. - Nothing. I would not ask anything if you would not, no. But now I will call my desire - the only strand of your hair, which is superior to all earth's gold, as stars outnumber diamonds from mines. I do not ask for this gift, but you ordered to name my desire ... "
Despite the surprise and outrage of the Elves (before this honor was not given to Feanor himself), Galadriel cut off three strands and gave them to Gimli. The dwarf said that he would put them inside the purest crystal, as a pledge of friendship between the Elves and the Dwarves.
          After parting, Gimli cried and asked himself why he had gone on this journey. He was ready for difficulties and hardships, but to find light and joy, and then voluntarily leave them - proved to be the most difficult test.   
The Fellowship of the Ring: "Farewell to Lorien,"
          "When Marshal Marky heard their story, he apologized for the harsh words about Galadriel, and offered the travelers to horses to speed up their movement. But Eomer warned them that there was little hope of a good search result: he and his riders stumbled upon the Orcs and killed them all last night. Aragorn promised that he would come to Edoras, and Gimli confirmed this decision.
"I'll come too," Gimli said. "The question of Lady Galadriel lies between us, and I hope to teach you a little polite words."
"We'll see," Eomer answered. - In the world there are such strange things that it is not so strange to learn polite words about a beautiful lady under the loving blows of a dwarf ax. Goodbye!

The Two Towers: "The Riders of Rohan,"
So Gimli cherishes the hope that when something else can see the beauty of Galadriel, and he simply can not fall in battle, as he will fight to the last. Named hope to see the beauty of Galadriel again and let Gimli always resist his fear and enemies. This proposal seems to me the best possible reflection of his firmness and

Hope - the ability that opens to the 10th level after buying improvements - Mithril armor. Gimli gets a unique ability. When Gimli's life falls below 25% of life, he issues a battle cry that strengthens his allies who become immune to fear and automatically become immune for 10 seconds and receives an additional 25% damage. Restarting the ability is 3 minutes.
I wonder what do you think? Do not hesitate to express your opinion! :)

I like the basic idea. But I think the boni could be adjusted a bit, such that they fit better for a mass slayer. In particular, making all allies immune means all enemies will automatically attack gimli.

it is very pleasant to hear that you liked FG15 and sincerely thankful for your opinion, it's nice that you appreciated my idea :). Of course, you can come up with other effects or bonuses for this ability ;). I will work on that to bring this proposal to even more suitable for implementation. By the way, I hope that you will also share your opinion about the proposal about Dain xD

Hi Dain  :)
I like your proposal. Usually when you invest 2500 to recruit Gimli you are disappointed because he endures for very less time when surrounded by masses. And is not good at all for a mass slayer, also given that dwarves are generally slow. A part of "Slayer" ability, you generally have few chances to shield waves of masses with Gimli or flee from dangerous situations.
I like the theme you proposed, It fits very well and it would be a new little but important piece of lore introduced in game :) later on I'll propose my version of your idea, more
mass-slayer centered, as FG suggested.
Also, as last note, I would not bind the ability to the purchasing of mithril armor. If we can find another way it would be better.

I see the purpose of this suggestion, even though I would rather have it be centred solely on the hero himself, given that we're talking about his personal desire and inner will to withstand any possible menace. Honestly, I'm really sceptical about making all allies in the surroundings immune, for that would work against the subject of the topic, as FG pointed out, and you know well that we already dispose of an ability in the game which grants such an effective blessing to the affected targets, be it units or heroes... :P

Besides, let us go back to the conceptual kernel of the thread: it would be interesting indeed to explore that theme. You only need to know that the character involved was so willing to behold the Lady's majesty for the last time, so much that he was eventually given consent from the Valar to sail to the Undying Lands, just to be later welcomed in the royal court of Kôr by Galadriel herself. Hence, it's a good idea that might blossom in something positive. And as a personal contribution of mine, I think that Resilient Longing could be an appropriate name for the ability. It wasn't just hope, but a true ardent desire, with his yearning being characterised by a sacred connotation, in this case, because this wish was not outcome of spasmodic obsession. That name refers also to resilience, being this the main quality of such valiant hero.


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