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Rohan's Ring Hero Mechanics

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I understand there are a few topics in regards to mechanic changes for certain aspects of the Rohan Ring Heroes, however on this occasion I opted to create a new topic as none of the previous seem to focus on both aspects but more specifically on Grima's own.

The intent of this is to make both of Rohan's Ring hero options feel more worthwhile in attaining, as in their current format both of Rohan's Ring heroes generally harm the user more than help in the long term without having anything expressly unique to make them feel worthwhile.

I'll speak on Grima's mechanic first.

Grima's current form thematically applies sacrifice in the name of quicker power spikes later on however, other than having slightly increased abilities from Theoden the Corrupt's form it has nothing truly new to warrant it's use as it disables Rohan from attaining King Theoden until he has died which can in certain regards turn the tables even worse as thanks to the banishment mechanic it can lock out Rohan's heroes, which are a core to their strength and can only be released by willingly allowing Grima to die to enemies thus putting the ring into enemy hands.

Here are the proposed changes I would add to Grima's functions:

Grima's Taxes
At Grima's behest, Theoden raises unacceptable taxes from the people, ruining their lives and driving them out. The targeted external building produces triple the usual resources from 3 minutes, has half armor, but can produce the traitors of Rohan in permanent battalions at a higher cost until Theoden is freed from Grima's corruption. If Draft Order is active on the building, the peasant defenders are instead replaced with the traitors of Rohan while Grima is in control.

This in essences is fundamentally the same, however by allowing the recruitment of the traitors of Rohan it further shows that the taxes have forced the commoners out of their homes and gives them a slightly stronger infantry option in the early game, but as the traitors are unable to be upgraded, means that the units are unable to meet the same apex in the late game. It also means that the traitors (which until this point had just been an indirect summon) are more prominent within the faction showing that Grima is the one in true control and not Theoden at this point.

Theoden orders a full retreat on Grima's advice. All allied units in a large radius gain a 30% increase to their speed and are invulnerable, but are unable to attack for 30 seconds. Grima also commands a band of traitors to cover his escape, summoning four battalions (two swordsmen and two pikemen battalions) of traitors around him to stave off enemies for the duration.

This also has minor changes, that being the summoning of defending batallions around Grima but also decreasing the range from global. Most of the time using this ability doesn't change much in terms of progression unless one is fighting close to their bases. The additional summoning of batallions around Grima also means players are rewarded in a better semblance for having Grima near to the armies of Rohan instead of leaving him in their base to apply his global leadership, as he can no longer apply the effect from anywhere, but also is a symbol that Grima would prefer to defend himself than the people of Rohan calling a small army to cover his retreat. The batallions themselves would last for 30 seconds (the duration of the ability) and would not be affected by the invulnerability.

On to King Theoden:

The issues I have with Theoden is that unlike the other factions his ring hero function while interesting doesn't give the player a true reward unlike the other factions as at the cost of power Theoden has to give up something in return. Something not seen in the other factions and that deters most from willingly choosing to accept them without turning Theoden into a unit that just sits away from enemy lines applying bonuses to his troops. Theoden himself is the King of Rohan and a proud warrior, who always leads at the front of his troops, something his current mechanic takes away from him by accepting the whisperings of the ring.

In this regard I suggest the effects be tied to Theoden's level and be passive without the normal drawbacks, showing his progressing power as a thanks to the benefits of the ruling ring, though some minor alterations should be made, and so I propose the following:

Level 1: Eorl's Wisdom
The One Ring whispers to Theoden, promising him the knowledge and experience to go down in history as a wise king of Rohan. Theoden will gain experience at double his usual rate. At level 10, Theoden will pass this widsom on to future generations, applying the effect to allied heroes of Rohan.

This first effect solves two issues. With how Theoden begins the game as a non-combat unit and becomes one as the central spell is attained he tends to fall behind other heroes in level. While at the same time, he also seems to have a slow experience gain rate when compared to other heroes, thus falling behind as his progressive leadership becomes slow to come into fruition. With this, he himself is able to become the leader he is meant to be, before allowing his allies to learn from him and also reach their apex.

Level 4: Helm's Strength
The One Ring grants Theoden the ancient strength of his ancestors to fight glorious battles. Theoden's attack will gain a minor area of effect and knockback. At level 10, Theoden will gain strength similar to that of Helm Hammerhand, increasing the area of effect of his attacks.

This in essence remains the same, though having a much smaller area of effect upon being attained. Though at level 10, Theoden's might will reach the apex of Rohan's kings, the strength of Helm Hammerhand, maximising the power of the effect.

Level 7: Thengel's Legacy
The One Ring makes Theoden fear for his family, and promises to protect them. Theodred, Eowyn, and Eomer will be invulnerable within a small radius near Theoden. At level 10, Theoden's reach over his lands extends, doubling the radius.

This one is in essence the same, though the radius is halved until Theoden reaches level 10.

Level 10: Brego's Glory:
Through the power of One Ring, and his own strength, Theoden gains power equal to the mightiest of Rohan's Kings. Theoden's leadership (Glorious King) will now affect all allies on the map, and the strength of his ancestors is amplified within him, increasing their effects.

This then forms the apex of Theoden's power, proving his might as a legendary King of Rohan, that has inherited all the strengths of his ancestors to the point that his subjects, no matter how far from their King, will fight valiantly to defend him and their lands.

For the idea:
Bowshot 999
NoldorSithLordsShipwrigh t

Against the idea:

If anyone disagrees with any of these changes please feel free to explain and make suggestions below.

I really like these changes. This should make the ring much more viable for Rohan since there is much more of a positive impact to it. I also like the lore reasoning for the some of the abilities. I'm for this idea.

I absolutely adore the Glorious King changes, heavily support those. The Corrupted King changes are pretty good, although I would suggest that Retreat be changed to "in a large radius" cause map wide is just going to either annoy teammates or stop you from using the ability.

Some minor improvements stolen from my old post on Grima:
I'd suggest that the farms gain some traitors units that patrol and defend while the ability's effect lasts.
Maybe traitors should be permanent? Like in the old 3.8.1 days.


--- Zitat von: The_Necromancer0 am 18. Nov 2017, 18:47 ---I absolutely adore the Glorious King changes, heavily support those. The Corrupted King changes are pretty good, although I would suggest that Retreat be changed to "in a large radius" cause map wide is just going to either annoy teammates or stop you from using the ability.

Some minor improvements stolen from my old post on Grima:
I'd suggest that the farms gain some traitors units that patrol and defend while the ability's effect lasts.
Maybe traitors should be permanent? Like in the old 3.8.1 days.

--- Ende Zitat ---
I adjusted the Retreat option as stated, as I agree that it can be irritating to teammates and not to mention is annoying even in a 1 v 1 setting. I actually just had a thought that could be used in that regard. With the changes to Rohan's Spellbook in 4.5 perhaps a farm under this effect (that has been given the Draft Order) spell effect could instead be defended with traitors. Then in conjunction to that upon activating the taxes, the effect is expanded to the following:

The selected building will now instead produce the Traitors of Rohan in permanent batallions at a higher cost until Theoden is freed from Grima's corruption.

As I said on Discord, I support this suggestion!


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