[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Rohan Suggestions

New implementation and visuals that concern the cavalry force of Rohan

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In the upcoming version of 4.5, Theoden is bound as central figure of Rohan as their true King. So, as an act of reviving the glory of the Land of the Horselords, why wont  the player also gains the ability to recruit the "Royal Guards" as their ultimate cavalry ? Alongside they should get small cosmetic change in terms of gaining better visual models for horses that have armor similar to the horse that Theodred rides.


 The point is to give them true value as guards that answer the call only by their King. During his illness and presence of Grima, they had passive role of defending the Golden Hall but, after Théoden was cured, they were seen many times fighting alongside him. At the theatrical charge from Hornburg, at Pelennor Fields they were also present in the first lines.
As a result of my suggestion from moving them as unlock option from the central spell, they wont need to further require the designated upgrades in forms of "Forged Blades", "Heavy Armor" and "Horse Shields" since they resemble the highest military rank in Rohan's society and thus are by default provided with the best equipment available.

Or  this matter can be solved in completely different way that won't involve the statues in the first place nor Hama:

First option: at the start of the game, our Rohan fortress or camp that resemble the architecture of Edoras and the Citadel that should act like Meduseld, will have 2 Royal Guards defending the entrance of the Citadel and will be static. If troops invade your base and will get near to the main building they will attack. As passive aura, they will provide in defensive strategy experience and armor boost to nearby heroes. After Théoden is cured, they will disappear and that ability will pas to the statues. Royal Guards as horsemen stay with the same passive and active abilities.


Second option: when Théoden is bought before the player has purchased the central spell, the Royal Guards will automatically appear to defend the main building and will stay there until Théoden is restored. After that their abilities will pass to the Royal Guards that are horsemen and to the statues for defensive strategy

And in the end as I stated before, Royal Guards come alongside Theoden as an unlock option after the central spell is purchased.

As for the visuals of other cavalry that gain white horses after the spell "Highborn Warhorses" is bought, I will propose a small visual update that instead of giving entirely white horses for whole battalion that is honestly odd, the horses could receive small cosmetic change in terms of giving them shields that are attached either in the back of the horse or in the front similar to how they were shown in the movies. In this way the ability of protection can be visible that the spell grants and there will be way more clear distinction between royal horses ridden by the King, Marshals and Royal Guards and those of the lower military classes.



Another concern is about the "Royal Vanguard" unit that is available after from the Exile Camp after it is upgraded. They now look identical to the standard Rohirrim recruited from the stables even though they should resemble higher status since they bear "Royal" in their name. So, here instead of making a whole visual concept for that unit, it could be simply okay if their green cloak is replaced with crimson/darker red one.

I really like this whole suggestion, and both options for Royal Guards seem good to me, though maybe I prefer the second one :P You can count me for this suggestion!

Thank you for the reply and your expression about the concept :D

Or another option: they could be recruited in Stables after all upgrades are bought, similarly to the Guardians of the White City in Gondor.

That can work also, if we take into consideration about their cost at first place without discounts, it will make the work easier. :D So far I think that visuals and small changes such as this one will make Rohan more attractive for play and also will give a good touch to the lore


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