[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Dwarven Suggestions

Hilda Bianca

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Tiberius Ogden:
Dwarves subfactions have the least number of heroes in game, so I think that time has come to add some new and fresh hero ... or rather heroine! :P

Hilda Bianca from the Lake-town! xD

Arguments for Hilda implementation:

1. Dwarves lack hero with hero-unit interferer/disruptor abilities and Hilda according to movies is the best candidate for such roles.
2. She thematically fits to Ered Luin, geographically to Erebor, and concerning Iron Hills - she could go to sell herbs there.
3. About Lake-town were two Hobbit movies, but in the game Lake town represents only Bard.
4. Unknown actress who played Hilda had more screen time than others.

I tried to capture most of the aspects from the movies.

Primary weapon: spear

Level 1) Scandalmonger of the Lake town. Hilda Bianca knows everything about everyone. Near enemy heroes and units have -10% armor.

Level 3) The herbalist from the Lake town. Hilda poisons near enemy units.

Level 5) Quarrelsome woman. Hilda argues to enemy hero her opinions. Enemy hero is trapped in the one place and can't move for 30 seconds until speech ends. When Hilda finishes, enemy hero runs in fear from her.

Level 7) Flowerpot. Hilda throws flowerpot against enemy hero. Deals heavy damage.

Level 10) Brave dame from the Lake-town. Hilda leads old men, women and cripples into the battle. Summons weak units in her location that deal minimum damage, but disrupt enemy forces.


Only True Witchking:
I think you're more than two months early... It's not even February the first, much less April the first.

Sorry, that's basically all I have to say to that.

If this is indeed not a joke [ :o :o :o :o :o ], then here's some actual critisism:
Alfrid is much more important from the movies, and he would already have more Basis to work on (spy, treacherous, servant of the master - basically Wormtongue 2.0, but that's how he is in the movie).

Her abilities seem really unrealistic, you won't stop fighting because a random woman talks to you, much less would Orcs, Sauron, Saruman, Dragons or, for Melkor's sake, NAZGUL!

Overall she seems not only very unfitting in any sense of the word, but also pretty pointless, Thorin III. kills all heroes in 2 hits anyway. And while she is for a different sub-faction, Thorin II. is also a hero-slaying beast, so I do not see the point.

I am strictly against this suggestion.

And anyway, why add new heroes when Imladris' hero set is still a mess, and Ringsauron straight up loses against Haldir?
The first servant of Melkor the great.

Tiberius Ogden:

--- Zitat von: TheOnlyTrueWitchking am 26. Jan 2019, 00:37 ---Alfrid is much more important from the movies, and he would already have more Basis to work on (spy, treacherous, servant of the master - basically Wormtongue 2.0, but that's how he is in the movie).

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As you said - Womtongue 2.0 wouldn't be unique. ;)
And we need more heroines in the game. Currently we have only Galadriel, Eowyn, Arwen, Helegwen and temporal Tauriel. 

--- Zitat von: TheOnlyTrueWitchking am 26. Jan 2019, 00:37 ---Her abilities seem really unrealistic, you won't stop fighting because a random woman talks to you, much less would Orcs, Sauron, Saruman, Dragons or, for Melkor's sake, NAZGUL!

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Hialda Bianca from the Lake-town would pretty well argument even against Sauron. She is tough lady. :P

--- Zitat von: TheOnlyTrueWitchking am 26. Jan 2019, 00:37 ---Overall she seems not only very unfitting in any sense of the word, but also pretty pointless, Thorin III. kills all heroes in 2 hits anyway. And while she is for a different sub-faction, Thorin II. is also a hero-slaying beast, so I do not see the point.

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You should read my suggestion again. I propose hero-unit interferer-disruptor for her, similar to Mouth of Sauron, and not hero killer role. ;)

--- Zitat von: TheOnlyTrueWitchking am 26. Jan 2019, 00:37 ---I am strictly against this suggestion.

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Sorry to disappoint you, but Hilda Bianca is already implemented in the mod, as deputy team leader FG15 stated on Moddb.
This thread is about how to make her presence more solid.
So doesn't matter if you disagree. Hilda Bianca has already found a way into the mod. (**)

--- Zitat von: TheOnlyTrueWitchking am 26. Jan 2019, 00:37 --- And anyway, why add new heroes when Imladris' hero set is still a mess, and Ringsauron straight up loses against Haldir?
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I think that roles in the Imladris are pretty clear, we're currently polishing Elrond, but overall it's fine. Concerning Sauron's weakness - yes, he is extremely weak against archers, but his weakness should be only in his slowness. It's nice that is vulnerable to arrows, but how to deal with archers firing on him when he even can't reach them? But it's debate for another thread.

I see only one way how implement Hilda or another Lake-Town's hero.
Lake-Town can have some Last defence summon spell from main Lake-Town building.
This spell will temporarily summon Hilda(or Percy or Braga or Master of Lake-town) and two units of Lake-Town swordmen and spearmen. This unit can by mix of guards of Lake-Town and militia from third hobbit film.

If I remember correctly, the main reason against Bianca is easy:
We can't add more heroes for dwarves. That's technically not possible. (Dwarves are already the faction with the most heroes^^)


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