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Autor Thema: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour  (Gelesen 9225 mal)


  • Edain Betatesting
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Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« am: 11. Feb 2019, 21:11 »
Glorfindel, the Elf in Silver Armour

Today I come to ModdingUnion with a proposal to change one of Middle-Earth's most powerful elves, and one that in my opinion quite needs a rework. Glorfindel is currently the Tank hero for Imladris, and in my opinion he is currently a bit underwhelming and unfitting for the character that he is on the lore. He was such a great warrior he slew a Balrog and was brought back from the Halls of Mandos due to his noble actions in life. I don't think that his current version in Edain reflects the true nature of this character, limiting him to the role of a tank. As such, my suggestion is focused on opening his usefulness to more than a simple tank, while also keeping and improving this aspect of him and finding suitable abilities for him that help the representation of this character to be more faithful to the source in the mod.

First: Glorfindel's armour

I'll focus at first on Glorfindel's aspect. This was discussed on the “Glorfindel rework” topic, started by Calsash, which is over two years old now: https://modding-union.com/index.php/topic,33877.0.html. It also includes a proposal to make Glorfindel improve on his tank abilities, and while I found it to be good, I want to take my proposal in a different direction. However, the proposals made about his armour in that very topic would fit the nature of this one, and so I believe the images included there are quite a good fit for a change on Glorfindel's armour. His current looks (the golden armour, I find the other one to be fine)) are underwhelming at the moment, and silver armour like the ones shown in the thread could be a great fit for him.

Second: Glorfindel's role in the faction and his skillset:

Glorfindel currently has the following abilities:

Level 1: Mount/Dismount - Left click to switch between mounted and on foot.

Level 3: Blade of Purity (on foot only) - Glorfindel calls upon his inner strength and purity, causing a brilliant light to emanate from him which gives him a small area of effect attack. It also causes him to receive only half damage from enemy abilities. Only available on foot. Not available during Collect Starlight.
Level 3: Wind Rider (mounted only) - Glorfindel's courage and strength inspire his mount to a great effort, giving Glorfindel +40% speed and +50% armor for a short time. He is unable to trample enemy units for the duration of the ability.

Level 5: Collect Starlight - Glorfindel, as a High Elf Lord, is able to enter the Shadow World and surround himself with pure light. For 60 seconds Glorfindel is filled with pure light which slowly restores his hit points and partially repulses melee damage dealt by enemies. The collected starlight can be released. If the Starlight is not released within 60 seconds it will have no effect. Not available during Blade of Purity.

Level 7: Brilliant Illumination - Glorfindel is the only Elf who has seen the Halls of Mandos and returned to Middle-earth, bringing the blessing of the Valar with him. Every 30 seconds he will be completely protected from an enemy attack or ability. (Passive ability)

Level 10: Light of Hope - Glorfindel becomes illuminated in his wrath, blazing brilliantly and terrifying all nearby enemies who dare raise arms against him. For 60 seconds enemy units near Glorfindel become continuously paralyzed.

While this set of abilities is quite interesting, I think Glorfindel could use more versatility to better reflect his character and his prowess as a warrior. As such, here's my proposed skillset for Glorfindel:

Level 1 – Lord of the House of the Golden Flower – Glorfindel is one of the finest warriors in Middle-Earth, and his past deeds inspire fear in the enemies of the Free Peoples. Nearby enemies will suffer a slight debuff in attack and armour. Activate to make Glorfindel mount his horse.

Glorfindel is no ordinary warrior. In the First Age, he killed a Balrog, one of Morgoth's most powerful servants. This is no mere feat, and I believe it justifies this ability. Glorfindel's mere presence would make the enemies of the Free Peoples tremble in fear, in a similar way to how orcs from the Third Age knew and feared Orcrist and Glamdring.

Level 3 - Wind Rider (mounted only) - Glorfindel's courage and strength inspire his mount to a great effort, giving Glorfindel +40% speed and +50% armor against pikes and cavalry for a short time. He is unable to trample enemy units for the duration of the ability.

I don't think this ability really needs a substantial change. It does its work quite well and can reflect Glorfindel's prowess. However, its armour effect will only work against Pikes and Cavalry now. Since Blade of Purity provides an armour bonus too, I wanted to differentiate the two of them, even if they won't overlap.

Level 3 - Blade of Purity – Glorfindel calls upon his inner strength and purity. His blade shines with  pure light. Glorfindel receives less damage from infantry and hero attacks and his attack speed improves slightly for the duration of the ability, while gaining a small area of effect.

This ability would change slightly, retaining its tank capabilities in a different way and its area of effect bonus (which radius would be a bit bigger than the current one), but also improving Glorfindel's attack speed to make him more of a threat to the enemy lines. The current effect (half damage from enemy abilities) is nice in principle, but Glorfindel suddenly turning into his silver armour can give it away for the enemy player, who can just avoid using abilities on Glorfindel until it is over. Also, a similar but better effect is on his level 7 ability, which will also change on this rework, so it gets replaced by taking less damage from infantry and hero attacks, since avoiding damage from regular attacks will no longer be part of his level 7 ability. Moreover, this ability will no longer either change Glorfindel into his “light” looks, or be disabled when Collect Starlight is enabled.

Level 5 – Collect Starlight – Glorfindel, as a High Elf lord, is able to enter the Shadow World and surround himself with pure light. For 60 seconds, Glorfindel slowly restores his hit points, partially repulses melee damage dealt by enemies and it will cause fear on nearby enemies at the sight of the sudden burst of light. The collected starlight can be released. If the Starlight is not released within 60 seconds it will have a weaker effect.

This ability would be the only one to change Glorfindel to his “light” armour. His repulsing of damage to enemies and his regeneration of hitpoints would be kept, as they are quite nice currently. The fear effect would be in the vein of the level 1 ability. While Glorfindel was already feared by his enemies, reducing their ability to fight properly, him suddenly getting surrounded by pure light would strike with fear on the enemies of Imladris, causing them to flee. The effect of releasing starlight stays as is, but after 60 seconds it will no longer have no effect, but automatically apply its effect, albeit in a weaker way and end the Starlight phase.

Level 7 – Brilliant Illumination – Glorfindel is the only elf who has seen the Halls of Mandos and returned to Middle-Earth, bringing the blessing of the Valar with him. Every 30 seconds he will be completely protected from a enemy ability. (Passive ability)

While this ability was quite nice in principle, the fact that even a Mordor Orc's attack could trigger it rendered it less useful than it should be. With the retooling of it to just have an effect on enemy abilities (something that was suggested on the aforementioned Glorfindel rework thread), the ability will certainly regain usefulness and become worthy of Glorfindel and the level 7 spot.

Level 10 – Light of Hope – Glorfindel becomes illuminated in his wrath, blazing brilliantly and terrifying all nearby enemies who dare raise arms against him. For 60 seconds enemies near Glorfindel become constantly paralyzed and Glorfindel's level 1 debuffs cause double their effect.

Glorfindel's level 10 ability will be the defining feature of this terrifying warrior. This was already a quite good ability, but I believe adding the effect to synergize with his level 1 passive is a nice way to further reflect the character of Glorfindel: the elf sent back as a light of hope, that while we don't get to see much of his actions in the Third Age, would most certainly be the driving force of the elves of Imladris if they got into battle.


This ability concludes the Glorfindel rework. While keeping his tank capabilities to still reflect the role he has been given in Edain, I've tried to change their effects to better reflect the amazing warrior he is, something that wasn't really reflected through his current tank role alone. Some other issues like the low health he had for a tank could be “avoided” through these changes. He'd no longer be just a pure Tank, but a driving force that can take hits (albeit maybe not so much as pure tanks like Karsh or Boromir are), and also turn the tides in the battle. I'm not sure if this would warrant a cost increase, but I believe that's an angle worth considering too.

I hope to see your opinions!


Also, I'd like to give special thanks to Oakenshield224, Necro, Walküre and SilverElf for their feedback and some ideas that helped the proposal reach its final iteration!


  • Elbischer Pilger
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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #1 am: 11. Feb 2019, 21:20 »
Well this is definitely something that I'm happy to see. Glorfindel is definitely one of the things in Edain that needs the most attention and it is nice to see that he is now getting some.
I am in in favour of the proposal as it is (although I'm sure that any future versions would still be good).

One potential idea (that I'm not even sure if it is possible or not) would be for the release effect of Collect Starlight to increase the more hits that Glorfindel takes in that time. This could add a bit of extra thinking into the ability (do you wait for a bigger effect but take more damage and maybe reach the 60 seconds, or do you use the ability early on?).


  • Edain Betatesting
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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #2 am: 11. Feb 2019, 21:23 »
Well this is definitely something that I'm happy to see. Glorfindel is definitely one of the things in Edain that needs the most attention and it is nice to see that he is now getting some.
I am in in favour of the proposal as it is (although I'm sure that any future versions would still be good).

One potential idea (that I'm not even sure if it is possible or not) would be for the release effect of Collect Starlight to increase the more hits that Glorfindel takes in that time. This could add a bit of extra thinking into the ability (do you wait for a bigger effect but take more damage and maybe reach the 60 seconds, or do you use the ability early on?).

Thanks for the support!

That Collect Starlight idea is definitely quite interesting, and if it is doable in the engine, it certainly would be a nice addition  :)

Only True Witchking

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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #3 am: 12. Feb 2019, 09:32 »
Do I have anything else to say? I was always of the opinion that Glorfindel is underwhelming, and while I would've given him a different role, no-one in the german forum seemed to share my opinion.
So, if Glorfindel stays a tank, this is definitely a great way to improve him.
I especially like the differentiation between both lvl 3 abilities; though I have to ask: Which new FX would you propose for blade of purity?

I would add that his lvl 7 ability might be a little bit too weak, but I'm not sure about that.
If I haven't stated that already: I'm in favour of this proposal.

BUT: In his lvl 1 ability, it should say "...make Glorfindel mount his horse Asfaloth" (he is the only elf in the Third Age with a named horse after all); and "Windrider" should be renamed to "Noro lim", it's after all a very important and well-known quote from him.

The Only True Witchking

Level 1 – Lord of the House of the Golden Flower – Glorfindel is one of the finest warriors in Middle-Earth, and his past deeds inspire fear in the enemies of the Free Peoples. Nearby enemies will suffer a slight debuff in attack and armour. Activate to make Glorfindel mount his horse.
Hero Submod? :)
“In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl. A great black shape against the fires beyond he loomed up, grown to a vast menace of despair. In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl, under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed, and all fled before his face."


  • Edain Betatesting
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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #4 am: 12. Feb 2019, 14:41 »

Hi, and thanks for the support!

I was not entirely sure about his tank role either, that's why I wanted to give him more options like the debuff, since I didn't feel he was exactly well represented as a full tank. While he ended up being more focused on the tank aspect than I intended at first, I certainly hope he got the versatility that he deserves to have out of it, while actually improving on his tank role :)

For the FX for Blade of Purity, I'd just suggest something like his sword shining with a silver light, in a similar vein to the full armour version but limited to his sword.

I think the level 7 ability is fine (much improved from the one currently in Edain), but maybe it could be too few of an effect for a level 7 ability. Of course, that can always be discussed!

The Asfaloth thing makes sense and is a cool detail that maybe could be included, but I guess that it would overlap with Arwen, who currently has "Asfaloth" and "Noro lim" on her abilities. Still, Glorfindel obviously has a case to get those instead of Arwen, so that can always be changed  :)

And yeah, that ability is kind of based or inspired on the Hero Submod one that had a similar effect :P I had the idea for the proposal precisely when I last played Hero Submod, a few days ago, so it had its share of influence on me starting this proposal!


  • Elronds Berater
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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #5 am: 13. Feb 2019, 19:54 »
I have to say i'm in Favour of this concept Julio. To be honest is one of the Heroes i currently use the less globally in entire Edain mod. I'd like to see him improved and with more characterisation. Could i suggest something more? Since Light is for sure the central theme when we are talking about Glorfindel, i'd make him effective against monsters too. I see the light as tool to shield and scary even the darkest of creatures ( it is actually what dark creatures fear the most). Also, he defeat a Balrog in his past life, so he has for sure some monsters slayer feature in his CV  [ugly] have you considered also this option?


  • Edain Betatesting
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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #6 am: 13. Feb 2019, 20:02 »

Thanks for the support, Aulë! :)

I actually hadn't thought about that, that could be a good idea! Not sure where I'd include it, though, so if you have any ideas, feel free to share!


  • Elbischer Pilger
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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #7 am: 13. Feb 2019, 20:08 »
Hmm a couple of basic ideas off the top of my head could include Blade of Purity or Starlight dealing extra damage to monsters, Wind Rider giving knockback resistance to monsters (I don't know if that's possible to just limit it to just monsters), Lord of the House of Golden Flower having a larger effect on monsters and Light of Hope actually dealing minor amounts of damage to monsters in its radius.

I'm sure that some more sophisticated ideas can be made but hopefully there are some starting points in that list.


  • Edain Betatesting
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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #8 am: 13. Feb 2019, 20:14 »

Those are quite good ideas, I kind of like the Light of Hope one, though Starlight or Blade of Purity could work too. I'm not too sure about Blade of Purity since it's a level 3 ability, but the other two could work! The Lord of the House of the Golden Flower one too, maybe as an upgrade to his passive after reaching a certain level? (or even as part of the base one)

Tiberius Ogden

  • Gast
Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #9 am: 27. Feb 2019, 18:16 »
Although I think that Glorfindel is maybe the last hero, who needs the rework, I really like proposed concept.
For me is the most interesting tank in the entire game (and not forced like Thranduil). ET really crafted him well, because what I really appreciate is how Glorfindel works with the light. Light (or fire) is for Tolkien what is for us magic, and only believable elf warrior who can use the pure light for his defense is definitely Glorfindel.
But it doesn't mean that we can't little polish his skillset, and even armour. Any other than gold armour was proposed many times on Moddb, what I remember, so I support more suitable armour for him as well.
You still keep his tank role, which suits him and is needed in Imladris, so I can fully give dafür to your proposed Glorfindel's rework. ;)


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Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #10 am: 27. Feb 2019, 18:39 »

Thanks for the support! :)

While I do like Glorfindel's current concept (every ability in this concept except for Lord of the House of the Golden Flower is an altered version of the one that's in Edain), I do think he is ineffective currently, or at least, underwhelming for how a character like Glorfindel should be. So I wanted to rework him because of that, and I think that with this concept he'll be more effective and fitting, while keeping the base of Edain Glorfindel and opening him to more uses than just a tank :P


  • Gast
Re: Glorfindel, the Elf in silver armour
« Antwort #11 am: 24. Dez 2020, 20:13 »
I support this. He is an silver elf and he deserves silver armour.
Also proposed skillset looks like nice improvement while keeping his role same.