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Autor Thema: English lines and voices for our original characters :  (Gelesen 7069 mal)


  • Edain Team
  • Grenzwächter Loriens
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 660
Hello everyone !
I open this topic for the members of the community which would like to help our submod concerning the audio part.

I explain :
Like you probably know, we create new characters in our submod. Characters which need voices and lines.
I so offer you the possibility to help us with that. Two possibilities.

I) In a first time we need people to write the future lines of our heroes and units (we'll begin with Khand).

How to proceed :
You just need to choose one or many characters of the following list (not the crossed out), and after, to imagine and write their quotes in a text file that you will send me to allow me to read it.

Make attention, you must respect certain rules so that your proposals are accepted :
1) The character you chosen must be in close to his description and personal history that you can read in our articles : https://www.moddb.com/mods/glorfindel23-submod/news/khand-faction-plans
Be sure to make attention to his abilities (don't forget that the character speak when we click on their ability, we so also need lines for that), and his goal in the faction.
2) When I will have enough lines for one characters, I will cross out his name in the list, you must then check the list before begin to work on text.
3) The quote must be presented by this way with five propositions (you can make less but five is good if you don't want to hear always the same quotes in-game) for each actions which regroup :
→ the character is recruited from the castle keep
→ the character is selected
→ the character is attacking
→ the character is under attack
→ the character is going back (retreat)
→ the character is going back in the castle
→ the character's moving
→ the character loose the half of his health
→ the character loose the biggest part of his health
→ the character is dying
→ the character is using abilities (look the plans to know his abilities), → the character is seeing enemies

Here is the characters list :


Units :

- Khand Fighters
- Khand Spearmen
- Khand Archers
- Khan's Guardsmen
- Scout Riders
- Heavy Riders
- Horsemen saboteurs
- Siege Ballista
- Battering-Ram
- Siege shelters

Heroes :

- Ûbesêsh, the great Khan of Khand
- Ûtanvâh
- Enkhsaïkhân
- Batsaïkhân
- Tûvshinbât
- Sükh, the Black Shaman

Don't forget to check the faction plans : https://www.moddb.com/mods/glorfindel23-submod/news/khand-faction-plans

II) In a second time and after received all the text files that we need to complete all the lines of one characters, we will send them to the member who want to record his voice files.

The list is the same :


Units :

- Khand Fighters
- Khand Spearmen
- Khand Archers
- Khan's Guardsmen
- Scout Riders
- Heavy Riders
- Horsemen saboteurs
- Siege Ballista
- Battering-Ram
- Siege shelters

Heroes :

- Ûbesêsh, the great Khan of Khand
- Ûtanvâh
- Enkhsaïkhân
- Batsaïkhân
- Tûvshinbât
- Sükh, the Black Shaman

Don't forget to check the faction plans to be able to make voices in accordance with his character : https://www.moddb.com/mods/glorfindel23-submod/news/khand-faction-plans

Note that we also need to find people for our german and french version. If you know how to speak those languages I so invite you to help us ^^

I will notice you if I update the list with new things.
Thanks to all!
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Mai 2019, 17:26 von Glorfindel23 »

Only True Witchking

  • Elbischer Pilger
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  • Beiträge: 192
  • Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!
Re: English lines and voices for our original characters :
« Antwort #1 am: 5. Mai 2019, 22:26 »
So, I'd like to write lines for Ûtanvâh, however I'm not entirely sure how to send them to you. Is there an E-Mail adress for that? Or via PM?
“In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl. A great black shape against the fires beyond he loomed up, grown to a vast menace of despair. In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl, under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed, and all fled before his face."


  • Edain Team
  • Grenzwächter Loriens
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 660
Re: English lines and voices for our original characters :
« Antwort #2 am: 6. Mai 2019, 00:57 »
Great thanks!
I can give you my address mail in private message or, you can send me that by private message here  ;)

Only True Witchking

  • Elbischer Pilger
  • **
  • Beiträge: 192
  • Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!
Re: English lines and voices for our original characters :
« Antwort #3 am: 6. Mai 2019, 20:19 »
Then I'll send you a PM when I'm done (probably in 2 or 3 days).
“In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl. A great black shape against the fires beyond he loomed up, grown to a vast menace of despair. In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl, under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed, and all fled before his face."


  • Edain Team
  • Grenzwächter Loriens
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 660
Re: English lines and voices for our original characters :
« Antwort #4 am: 6. Mai 2019, 21:39 »
Then I'll send you a PM when I'm done (probably in 2 or 3 days).

Thank you! No worry, take all the time you need to make that ;)


  • Edain Team
  • Grenzwächter Loriens
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 660
Re: English lines and voices for our original characters :
« Antwort #5 am: 21. Feb 2020, 05:50 »
Voice Acting: First look

Hello everyone! We recently make a good progress on the voice acting and we decided to show you a small preview of our work advancement.


Hello everyone!
Today, we come to you to speak about the voice acting.
As you know, we previously tried to find vocal actors who would like to help us in our work.
We recently obtained voice files from "TheBeastHimself" a member of the community who recorded voice for a big part of our units of Khand. He made a great work. Moreover, he specified it was the first time that he tried for dubbing of characters.

Now that we get voices, we want to show you those ones in-game. This is so a video of our Khand Units wearing their new voices :


Keep in mind that it's a simple preview. We will of course fix all the voices volume in the future. You also have to think about the fact that there will always be a difference between our vocal actors and the professional vocal actors who have a much better material.


Now let's talk more specifically about voice actors. We decided to write a new PDF as clean and detailed as possible in order to explain it better (it will be linked at the end of this article).

To make it easier to read, we organized and will organize all future factions words/line like this :

Heroes words :
- Hero n°...
- Hero n°...
RegularInfantry words :
- Unit n°...
- Unit n°...
EliteInfantry words :
- Unit n°...
- Unit n°...
RegularCavalry words :
- Unit n°...
- Unit n°...
Elite cavalry words :
- Unit n°...
- Unit n°...
Specific units words :
- Unit n°...
- Unit n°...
SiegeWeapon, Machines & Ships words :
- Unit n°...
- Unit n°...
SpellBook power words :
- Spell n°...
- Spell n°…

And all the units line will be ordonned like this :

Voice, Created/Recruited/Revived :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Selected :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Selected During Battle :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°…

Voice, Attack :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Attack Charge :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Attack Machine :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Attack Structure :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°…

Voice, Guard An Area :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Move :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Move To Camp :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Move While Attacking :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Retreat To Castle :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°…

Voice, Enter In A Building :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Enter In Ship :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Initiate Capture Building :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Dying :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°…

Voice, Execute Formation n°... :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...
Voice, Use Special Ability n°... :
- sentence n°… ; sentence n°...

Will will also of course give all the information needed for each specific factions and units (accent, names pronunciation, and other needed language skills).

A last precision : like you will read in the pdf which will be linked below, we have precise plans of what will say each of our units. Nevertheless, that don't mean that you can't suggest/give us your own proposition.
Of course you must in a first time to record the lines we give you. But you will be totally free to record what you want after that if you have any new idea for the character you will have chosed.

Well, If you are interested to help us with that, the following link will allow you to download a PDF file which contains all the Khand lines that must pronounce our units in-game : https://www.mediafire.com/file/y6omdvyg3dues4l/Khand_Submod_Lines.pdf/file

Our Khand heroes need your voices!
List of the voices already made :
- Regular Infantry of Khand,
- Elite Units, « Keshik » & « Khêvtuul »,
- Cavalry units, « Scout of Ûmkhân » & «Heavy Rider »
- Specific faction's units, «Khentïyh »
« Letzte Änderung: 21. Feb 2020, 15:03 von Glorfindel23 »