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Autor Thema: Original soundtracks  (Gelesen 11303 mal)


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Original soundtracks
« am: 4. Sep 2019, 22:41 »
Hello everybody! I decided to open this topic to create a better access to the music tracks of our submod. Good listening! I hope you will like our compositions.

Khand tracks :
The Khand music tracks are currently creating by eluukkanen. You can follow him here https://www.eluukkanen.com/

Lands of Khand:
For this first track we wanted a peaceful music, something to illustrate a village in is quotidian.

Khand Prepare for War:
For this second track we wanted something to illustrate preparations for war, or an army marching towards victory.

Khand Warhorse:
Here is the Khand battle song!

More to come (Harad, Rhun, Dunland and others...)
« Letzte Änderung: 7. Sep 2019, 20:41 von Glorfindel23 »


  • Edain Team
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Re: Original soundtracks
« Antwort #1 am: 18. Apr 2021, 23:24 »
Hello everybody!

As you know, I put my work on An Edain Submod on hold until I finish to work with the edain team. For now the main Edain Mod is my priority.
However, keep in mind that my team members are still working on the submod

Today, I would like to show you the last music tracks released for Khand. It's a little different from the other times. The other tracks were created for the skirmishes. This track is only for a really special and specific content. We still didn't reaveal it but I can tell you that this music will be a part of a mission map whee you play Khand.

Link of the music track : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcxlq0x54cI

This track was created by Hamdi Aslan : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTfcpDHXSFZlWhJbhzZu_Uw

Let him a small comment if you like his work, I think he will really appreciate it  :)


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Re: Original soundtracks
« Antwort #2 am: 19. Apr 2021, 12:10 »
Great to hear that your teammembers are still on it :)
The song sounds epic and natural. I couldn't tell if it was created by computer, so if it was, thats a good thing :D I am really looking forward to hear it while playing. :)