[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Lothlorien Suggestions



Dear Edain team and fans, last week I was watching TTT and came to realize that the actual entmoot no longer fits the actual Lothlórien concept, why? because it's a flat Green field with a couple of rock vs that in the movie, which is surrounded by trees.

Here are a couple of questions:

1. Can this particular building (and if the engine lets) has a passive ability to create a tiny forest around it?
2. If thats not possible, could it be via upgrades?

-Dwelling of  Derndingle: Several trees grow in the surroundings of the entmoot; non heavy armored soldiers will take damage bit by bit; also it unlocks "Deliberation chamber" 

--Deliberation chamber (active ability): Four ents will appear, but will take several minutes to use them, unless some enemy attacks them. (as in BFME 1)
The longer they council, the stronger they get.

-Pools of Fangorn: A small pool of ent water appears, thus the ents could be healed and if its posible, burning ents could go to stop the fire.

By this time 4.5 is around the corner, but who knows, xmas is comming!!


--- Zitat von: AmosVogel am 23. Nov 2019, 23:38 ---Dear Edain team and fans, last week I was watching TTT and came to realize that the actual entmoot no longer fits the actual Lothlórien concept, why? because it's a flat Green field with a couple of rock vs that in the movie, which is surrounded by trees.

Here are a couple of questions:

1. Can this particular building (and if the engine lets) has a passive ability to create a tiny forest around it?
2. If thats not possible, could it be via upgrades?

-Dwelling of  Derndingle: Several trees grow in the surroundings of the entmoot; non heavy armored soldiers will take damage bit by bit; also it unlocks "Deliberation chamber" 

--Deliberation chamber (active ability): Four ents will appear, but will take several minutes to use them, unless some enemy attacks them. (as in BFME 1)
The longer they council, the stronger they get.

-Pools of Fangorn: A small pool of ent water appears, thus the ents could be healed and if its posible, burning ents could go to stop the fire.

By this time 4.5 is around the corner, but who knows, xmas is comming!!

--- Ende Zitat ---
You have my back. It would be a really nice feature!

Yes it would, dear Gandalfv.7000 ^^

Hope more great voices, like yours, join the music :)


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