[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Map Suggestions

Weather Hills

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This is mostly a regular 2v2 map (but with a few special features) that tries to represent the region of Weather Hills; if both the Edain Team and the community likes the map, it may be implemented officially!


"Weather Hills was the name among Men for the north-south range of hills that lay in central Eriador, specifically between Bree-land and Hoarwell. The most significant peak was Weathertop/Amon Sûl, lay at the southern end of the range adjacent to the Great East Road."

The Map

"These hills spans over the east of Bree and the north-west of the Lone-lands and are inhabited by various creatures.

Starting Points: Camps
Expansion Points: 1 Outpost and 17 Settlements
Lairs: Troll, Wargs and Goblins"


This map is much more similar to a standard skirmish map; however, some different features (such as the presence of a few Goblin forces on the map) make it a bit more interesting.

The map consists of lawn areas, the start position of the teams, and hilly areas, the center of the map, where lairs and creatures inhabit and some initial battles will take place. The map was made so a player can use the ground differences, map features, settlements positions to work out on various strategies, which allows the dinamicity of matches.

Concerning textures, it is a very well detailed map, that shows many aspects of this lands environment with few human influences in its composition.

Here are some pictures of the map:


As there isn't complex scripting in this map or other special features, the maps works just fine both against the AI or against other players. Also, the scenario of the map seems very satisfying to me; being it very well textured makes up for pleasuring matches. Lastly, having references to the Goblins is also great for keeping MM hype up.


Hopefully the community will like this map as I liked making it; I've made several tests on it and it still amuses me everytime I play. If this is the wish of the Edain Team and Community, Weather Hills will find it's official place on the Mod.

Here is the link to download

Please, try the map and support it here if you like it!

In Favour
matheusantos98 (Mod DB)
Wurm Morgoths
GDSG (GameRanger)


Good map! I'm in favor!  :)

Wurm Morgoths:
I like maps of 2v2 like that.
Very good work.

Thanks, H4lbarad and Wurm!  :)

Wurm, I'm supposing that you are supporting me in this suggestion and I will put your name as "in favour"; correct me if I am mistaken  :D

Great work! I really like and support it.


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