[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Discussion and Feedback

Carlos Cyrillo


Hello my name is Carlos. First of all I would like to thank you for the project of yours and of the whole Edain team, you are very good. I really like this game and it is getting better and better.
Secondly, when will we have the two factions, the Goblins of the Mystic Mountains and the Orcs of Gundabad to match the teams 5x5 ?. And finally, these horde maps, you can win or win, because they are extremely difficult. Do you have a tutorial on how to win and complete? Appreciate. (carloscyrillovieira@gmail.com)

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades:
Misty Mountains are coming with 4.6.

It is possible to beat the horde maps, although it is not easy. Make sure you don't have ringheroes enabled, as that will enabled the hardcore mode that is even more difficult to beat.

If you want a tutorial for the horde map, just search on Youtube for "Edain Horde Map", you got some videos there where people are trying and also winning these horde maps.
Although there are probably none for Helms Deep, since that one came new with Edain 4.5, but in the German thread were already some suggestions for that one because, you may translate them with google translate or something. The last 3 posts are about it.



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