[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Gondor Suggestions

Assistance in Times of Need

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I'd like to add my concept to the ideas here as well. I think there are a lot of features in the Gondor faction which are currently totally unused in multiplayer, since the only strat seems to be rushing rangers atm. Especially the fiefdom mechanic, which has now been reworked multiple times, and the border fortress, which was buffed recently but is still not very useful.

How about a rework of the fiefdoms as well as Dol Amroth into one.

In short, units both from the Fiefdoms and Dol Amroth should just be recruited normally in the Border Fortress, and signal Fires should become Resource buildings that lower the cost of fiefdom units. Fiefdom units should naturally cost a little more than normal Gondor soldiers (say, 100 more for each respective unit type), be somewhat stronger, and be changed slightly so that they can also all benefit from the Formations of Gondor.

The Border Fortress should be an upgradeable outpost similar to the Dunedain Outpost or Mirkwood. It should cost 1200 base. Afterwards multiple expansions can be build, though each expansion could only be built once, like in the Dunedain Outpost.
-Fiefdom Garrison(500) unlocks the recruitment of Fiefdom units.
-Dol Amroth Garrison(500) unlocks Imrahil, Dol Amroth Knights and Swan Knights
-Man the Battlements (600)essentially a defensive tower upgrade
-Houses of Healing(400) works like Dunedain healing tent
-Beacon(400) the same Resource building you can also get on settlements, costing 400 here except of 200 because its in-base eco.

Changes to units: not much probably. The spears of Pelargir and the Morthond-Archers already benefit from Formations of Gondor (they at least get the effect when they use their active formation). The Lamedon warriors should have their current passive (more damage against units without heavy armor, less against units with) just reworked into active formations and also get the "Formations of Gondor" - Bonus. The axemen of Lossarnach should probably have a different ability from their current one. Currently they lower the armor of buildings they attack. This does not make much sense as a formation, so i would give them simply the opposite of the Lamedon warriors, i.e. bonus damage against heavy armor.

The normal Beacon building should be really simple, just a 200 Resource building that lowers the cost of fiefdom units, nothing more. IMO it should have the way cooler old beacon model but that's just taste. It should NOT lower the cost of Dol Amroth troops as that would probably make it far too powerful.

The ability rework.
Since Fiefdom units would just be recruitable now, the spell would have to be reworked. An idea: first, the spell should have the name "Light the Beacons". It should be an active spell. To activate it, target a Beacon. The targeted Beacon starts burning first, shortly thereafter, all Beacons on the map start burning.  For 1 minute after activation, Fiefdom units can be recruited for half the current price and are trained with twice the normal speed. The Beacon that was targeted also gets a permanent 50% Resource production boost.  So the spell would be a strong economy buff that synthesizes with a fiefdom strategy.

The position of the ability should also be switched with Gandalf the White to be accessible from the central spell.

Finally, what about Aragorn? :D Currently he is accessible only through the fiefdom building but i don't think he should be recruitable in a resource structure. I also don't think he would fit into the Border Fortress. It would probably be best to move him back into the Citadel.

Let me know what you think!

The fiefdom units won't become regular buildable units (except the Dol Amroth units, which already are that way). Gondor doesn't need more units.

Ohh, i understand the point of my suggestion can not answer the problems of spell. Dol Amroth units should not have a discount and troop summon is not the right mechanic for fiefdom units.


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