[en] - Modding Corner > Showcase

The Nine for 4.5.4


Hello everyone,

With permission from the Team I converted and translated the map Die Neun (The Nine) to work with 4.5.4. I tried to keep it as identical as it was but I did have to remove the AI because it was causing crashes. So now Gondor simply gets free troops as long as their recruitment buildings are intact.

Feel free to report bugs, I'll probably fix them.

All merits go to Ernesto the original creator of this map. I simply made it so it didn't crash when run in 4.5.4. Thanks also to Oak for the bug testing and Elendil for help with the translation.

The german strings for the map are still in there, you just have to rename map.str to map.en an map.de to map.str

Download: https://www.moddb.com/addons/the-nine-454


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