Submods > Hero Submod Projekt [Edain]

Edain 4.5

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Seit sicherlich 3 Jahren habe ich die HS nicht mehr verfolgt - gerade schaue ich mal wieder zufällig vorbei - man weiß ja nie  :D

Absoluter Wahnsinn! Es freut mich sehr, dass es hier wieder Aktivitäten gibt! Riesen Lob meinerseits  ;)

Früher war es ganz klar meine Lieblings-Submod. Mal sehen, was es zu entdecken gibt!!

Mich freut es auch sehr, dass es eine neue Version gibt.

Ich hatte schon bedenken das es hier nicht mehr weiter geht.

Vielleicht, findest du ja in der Community unterstützung und hilfe beim modden. Wenn dir das helfen würde.

2022 is off to a very strong start it seems. Did not expect to cross "4.X release of the Hero Submod" off my wishlist this week. Glad to have you back!

To help with the workload I've taken the liberty of using DeepL to get a rough English translation going. My hope is to then have the international community help polish up this translation.

In this Drive folder you will find the .big file with the translated lotr.str, a .csv file containing the rough translations and a .xlsx file with the same content but imported into Excel. The latter two are included for ease of translation in future works. I'm just making these available so you are aware of them, not as a very subtle way of asking you to get working on a translation  :P

Keep up the amazing work, I look forward to seeing more!


--- Zitat von: The_Necromancer0 am 10. Feb 2022, 10:53 ---2022 is off to a very strong start it seems. Did not expect to cross "4.X release of the Hero Submod" off my wishlist this week. Glad to have you back!

To help with the workload I've taken the liberty of using DeepL to get a rough English translation going. My hope is to then have the international community help polish up this translation.

In this Drive folder you will find the .big file with the translated lotr.str, a .csv file containing the rough translations and a .xlsx file with the same content but imported into Excel. The latter two are included for ease of translation in future works. I'm just making these available so you are aware of them, not as a very subtle way of asking you to get working on a translation  :P

Keep up the amazing work, I look forward to seeing more!

--- Ende Zitat ---
Wow, thanks for the effort, Necromancer0.
I hope, I have the time to look over the translations myself a some point and include them into upcoming versions  :)


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