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No-time limit Submod: Issues and Bugs

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A good news and a sad news

The good news is I managed to make selectable Haldir borderguards, Thranduil Palace guards, Beregond white company and Halbarad rangers)

The sad news is I have not been able to make selectable the guards spawned like ranged attack of Denethor and Malbeth. Then, Beregond white company die after some time despite I removed all the time codelines.
I have no ideas why this happens.

About the duplications of Ghan-buri-ghan and heroic hordes (Grimbold,Elfhelm) I have not found a solution at the moment.

denethor and malbeth creeps are now selectable.

I have not been able to prevent death of Beregond company after an amount of time (approximately 27 seconds)

Beregond's company is actually 6 individual units each with their own timer, did you remove the timers from:

GondorWächterderVesteCre ep1
GondorWächterderVesteCre ep2
GondorWächterderVesteCre ep3
GondorWächterderVesteCre ep4
GondorWächterderVesteCre ep5
GondorWächterderVesteCre ep6

In addition since it looks like they're attached to the BeregondKompanieObject object you might have to remove the timer from that to.

Thank you very much! <3
I never imagined there was a timer in "projectile" file.

Now I can proceed to remove the timers on portraits.

The only unresolved things are the summon duplications of Ghan-buri-ghan, Grimbold and Elfhelm

Before submitting the publication request I would like to list the timers I have not changed:

Boromir ring corruption timer;

Mordor bats;

turncoats of arnor;


Mordor white wights;

Ered luin secondary heroes (bombur for example);

What do you think about?


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