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Autor Thema: Modding edain mod  (Gelesen 3038 mal)

Emanuele Fiori

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Modding edain mod
« am: 22. Feb 2022, 09:07 »
Hello guys,
I’m trying to mod Edain with the mod command. I created a new folder in desktop, extracted edain_data files from FinalBIG and then I made a copy of the original RotWK shortcut to use the mod command but when I double click on the new shortcut an error appears. I tried to do the exact same thing using the original RotWK INI file, instead of edain_data, to modify the original game and it works. It seems the problem is edain_data… Can somebody help me please?
Thank you


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Re: Modding edain mod
« Antwort #1 am: 22. Feb 2022, 12:01 »
Hello guys,
I’m trying to mod Edain with the mod command. I created a new folder in desktop, extracted edain_data files from FinalBIG and then I made a copy of the original RotWK shortcut to use the mod command but when I double click on the new shortcut an error appears. I tried to do the exact same thing using the original RotWK INI file, instead of edain_data, to modify the original game and it works. It seems the problem is edain_data… Can somebody help me please?
Thank you

Can you show us a screenshot of the error message? Without that it's diffcult to help you.  ;)
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Re: Modding edain mod
« Antwort #2 am: 22. Feb 2022, 12:15 »
As far as I know the global definitions (which are in the _gamedata.inc) in Edain have to be in a different place when using Mod Command, because Mod Command starts reading the files in a different order. I've heard, having those definitions in the water.ini might help.

If that is not the reason, we need the error message, as CMG said.