Modding Union

[en] Edain Mod => [Edain] Support => Thema gestartet von: aktyn87 am 27. Jul 2015, 18:08

Titel: Edain mod in english.
Beitrag von: aktyn87 am 27. Jul 2015, 18:08
Hey everyone.

I recently started playing this mod, and I am well impressed with the game. IT is so much better than the original one. However I have one question, Is there a way to have a game menu and text in game in English. I have game originally installed in English, but the mod is in German. Is there a way to change this without removing the game?

Titel: Re: Edain mod in english.
Beitrag von: aktyn87 am 27. Jul 2015, 18:16
Can I also add that when my game starts with mod disabled, it's in German now as well :(
Titel: Re: Edain mod in english.
Beitrag von: Gnomi am 27. Jul 2015, 18:18
Use our starter - go to options/tools and then switch language to english. :)
Titel: Re: Edain mod in english.
Beitrag von: aktyn87 am 27. Jul 2015, 18:29
Hey, Thanks for your reply. Option to change to English only seems to be working for launcher. Game stays the same.
Titel: Re: Edain mod in english.
Beitrag von: Turin Turumbar am 27. Jul 2015, 18:40
Are you playing 4.0 or later or 3.8.1? 3.8.1 does not have english text. Only 4.0 and later has.
Titel: Re: Edain mod in english.
Beitrag von: aktyn87 am 27. Jul 2015, 18:46
It is 4.0 but i think i have figured it out. I have removed "englishpatch201_de.big.b ak" and it's all good I hope. We will see after my next launch of the game.
Titel: Re: Edain mod in english.
Beitrag von: Gnomi am 27. Jul 2015, 19:02
Well, you shouldn't remove such files. :P
If it isn't working reinstall the mod and don't remove those files. The back files are really important and it can cause such problems when you remove them.^^
Titel: Re: Edain mod in english.
Beitrag von: aktyn87 am 27. Jul 2015, 22:23
Yeah, I know it can cause a bit of a problems, but so far so good. So hopefully it will work. I tried to remove mod, and my game was not working properly then, so I installed it again, disabled the mod and removed it again. Installed it and it was still all in German, so by removing file i got it to work. I have a copy of it in case something goes wrong, but let's hope it will be working good.