Modding Union

[en] - Modding Corner => General Modding Questions => Thema gestartet von: KingThranduil am 9. Apr 2013, 11:58

Titel: Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 9. Apr 2013, 11:58
Wie die Mode zu übersetzen? im Sinne von welchem ​​Programm ich brauche und die zu bearbeitende Datei. (Verwenden von Final Big englishpatch201.Big bearbeiten?)

Sorry für die schlechte deutsche.
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: Turin Turumbar am 9. Apr 2013, 15:31
Just use English instead of this very bad germany (probably google translator?). Almost every German speaks English so it is not to hard for us to understand it. ;) To you want to translate the text or the audio? For the text: You are right: extract the lotr.str from the englishpatch201.big and open it with any kind of editor, windows editor should do it, and edit it.
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 9. Apr 2013, 16:30
I want translate the text . I have Edain 3.8.1. Translate englishpatch201.big which is in The Lord of the Rings, The Rise of the Witch-king\EP1\lang ?

Can you give me a direction how to do it?
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: Gnomi am 9. Apr 2013, 16:59
As said you can use nearly every program which can edit text files. Then save it afterwards and everything will be fine.
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 9. Apr 2013, 18:12
Doesn't work :(
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: Gnomi am 9. Apr 2013, 19:27
Then you're doing something wrong. What exactly have you done? (and you're not allowed to run the game/the worldbuilder while editing those files)
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 9. Apr 2013, 20:18

changed to


But in the game does not changed.
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: Turin Turumbar am 9. Apr 2013, 23:07
Did you reimport the file?
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 9. Apr 2013, 23:15
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: Fíli am 9. Apr 2013, 23:31
You have to reimport the file, otherwise it won't work. ;)
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 10. Apr 2013, 00:19
No results.  8-|

Maybe because I have "edain mod 3.8.1 in english"?
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 10. Apr 2013, 11:47
Place of Rohan is MISSING INI: FactionRohan
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: kolibri8 am 10. Apr 2013, 13:28
I think the problem is the Cyrillic script.
It seems the CSF-editor can't read it. To test it I tried to copypaste cyrillic script into the Csf-Editor I got a bunch of questionmarks. And my text editor said that I have to save the file in Unicode format rather than in ANSI format, which seems to be the standart formatting for Microsoft Windows® Texteditor.

And the georgian script doesn't work either.

So thou mayest translate the text to russian or georgian, or whatever comes to thy mind, but it seems that thou canst not transliterate it to an other script than the latin one.

It may work if thou savest the str-file in Unicode format.


Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 10. Apr 2013, 13:56
What do I do?
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: kolibri8 am 10. Apr 2013, 15:18
Is the "thou" too confusing, shall I use "you" instead?

So you may translate the text to russian or georgian, or whatever comes to your mind, but it seems that you can't transliterate it to an other script than the latin one.

It may work if you save the str-file in Unicode format.

Either try it with using latin script (Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg ...) and not cyrillic script (Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд Ее Жж ...). My guess is it that it won't work with the latter.

Or try it with the cyrillic script, and then click at save as and chose Unicode, instead of ANSI:
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: Turin Turumbar am 10. Apr 2013, 15:36
Well, Edains language file is a str file, so you dont need the csf editor and so that should not be the problem. So you did export the lotr.str out of the englishpatch201.big, edited it with any kind of editor and then reimported to the englishpatch201.big? In which language is your base game installed? It could be, that you need to change the name of the big file like this "nameofyourlaguagepatch20 1.big", so for example "rusianpatch201.big".

@kolibri: dafuq?!? was soll dieses merkwürdige Englisch denn? Machst einen auf Pirat? :D
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: kolibri8 am 10. Apr 2013, 17:10
@kolibri: dafuq?!? was soll dieses merkwürdige Englisch denn? Machst einen auf Pirat? :D
Wo ist das merkwürdig? soweit ich das sehen kann ist alles grammatikalisch richtig. Noch nie Shakespeare gelesen, oder die englische Übersetzung von Grimms Märchen, oder das englische Original des HdR.
In einem deutschen Forum wird doch jeder geduzt, egal welches Alter, er oder sie hat. Warum sollte ich das im englischen Bereichs eines deutschen Forums anders machen? Und ob das jetzt im Oxford Englisch noch verwendet wird oder nicht ist mMn egal, im Yorkshire Dialekt wird es in der Form tha/thy/thee verwendet. Es wurde meines Wissens nirgendwo spezifiziert welches Englisch ich verwenden soll. xD

Und wieso Pirat? Wegen der Augenbinde? [uglybunti] Allerdings hatte ich tatsächlich überlegt noch ein savvy einzubringen.

Ist es eigendlich nicht unhöflich in Gegenwart Dritter in einer Sprache zu sprechen, die dieser nicht versteht? Dieser/diese Dritte könnte das Gefühl bekommen wir würden über ihn reden.

Well, Edains language file is a str file, so you dont need the csf editor and so that should not be the problem.
The only reason I mentioned the csf editor is simply that i wanted to try it, to find out what King Thranduil possibly made wrong and I just found no str-file (Cause I don't have the Edain Mod on my PC).

But when the str-file is edited with the texteditor and it's saved in the ANSI format the cyrillc will not appear. Cyrillic is not included in ANSI so it will be replaced by boxes or question marks. However it could probably be that Russian or Georgian Windows works different so that Unicode is the Standart configuration. So it could simply be a "forgotten-to-import-problem".
Savvy? :D
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 10. Apr 2013, 21:42
I'm sorry, but I did not understand what do I do.

Thank you all!
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 11. Apr 2013, 16:44
I went into the The Lord of the Rings, The Rise of the Witch-king\EP1\lang and opened englishpatch201

I found FactionImladris

and changed the name in Russian,

saved, went into the game and ... Look at the picture

Gondor changed to Men, Rohan and Imladris not displayed. else, modified inscriptions in the main menu
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: Turin Turumbar am 11. Apr 2013, 17:11
As said before, rename the "englishpatch201.big" to "russianpatch201.big".
And what kind of file is the one you opened? It should be an .big file, but you cant open them with the editor. You need to open the .big file with FinalBig, extract the lotr.str and edit THAT file with the editor. Then save and reimport it.
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 11. Apr 2013, 17:25
Then save and reimport it.

This I don't understand how to do. That you keep referring to?
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: Turin Turumbar am 11. Apr 2013, 18:29
Well, open the big in FinalBig, select the lotr.str and click "Edit/Extract...". Now change the file, save after that. Now open the big file again und click "Edit/Add File..." and save the lotr.str under "data\lotr.str". Save the big file then.
Titel: Re:Übersetzung
Beitrag von: KingThranduil am 16. Apr 2013, 22:37
Russian translation is obtained, but not on the Georgian. When I save the Georgian translation FinalBig asks:

"This file contains Unicode text, which will be lost if you save this file as a file in ANSI. To store data in Unicode format, click "Cancel" and select one of the options saved in Unicode format. Continue?"

I save in the format Unicode, but then the file is not .big format.