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Wow, this destroy button would have indeed been a mistake indeed !

I posted the bug in the appropriate section for leftovers.

What would be great in my opinion if possible would be a clear out button on the Goblin Town tunnel that would destroy all the Goblin Town buildings and scaffoldings in a medium range except other Goblin Town tunnel. The fall of scaffoldings could therefore scatters but maybe also damage units under them.

That would allow to come back to zero if there are too much leftovers

That would also be a very fun structural defense because for now, it does very few, with only very bad archers on the top of them compared to Gundabad which is now better in almost every aspects if it were not for the bug that rise its price while rebuilding itself (see the bug section)
[Edain] Bug Reports / Re: Misty Mountains Bugs
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am Gestern um 16:11 »
When ennemy units destroy part of scaffoldings, especially while it's building up, it deters from building in the same place when all the segments of scaffoldings are not destroyed.

See when this Goblin Town barrack is building up :

See when one segment of scaffoldings remain which prevent from rebuilding a buidling. (that is the case even when ennemies are not near) :

There are also cases when a Goblin Town building is destroyed and where some scaffoldings linked to the tunnel don't fall, and the case where we decide to reorganize adn destroy a Goblin Town building and with the same issue.
[Edain] Bug Reports / Re: Misty Mountains Bugs
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am Gestern um 14:13 »
Smaug turns out to be invisible after being targeted by Lurtz cripple shot. this invisibility is not temporary.

Vorschläge zu den Nebelbergen / Re: Kurzvorschläge zu den Nebelbergen
« Letzter Beitrag von SamonZwerg am Gestern um 06:40 »
Das fände ich auch gut, da ich den Trommler aus genau dem Grund erst gar nicht Baue.
[Edain] Bug-Meldungen / Re: Allgemeine Fehler und Bugs
« Letzter Beitrag von Rsge am Gestern um 01:47 »
Thema: Hotkeys
Bei meiner deutschen QWERTZ-Tastatur (und Tastatureinstellung) und auf Deutsch installiertem Spiel und Mod (aber sonst auf Englisch eingestellten PC) werden alle Aktionen, die eigentlich laut UI-Text mit Y ausgelöst werden sollten (also erste Aktionen im Palantir) durch Z ausgelöst und umgekehrt durch Y der eigentlich durch Z zu öffnende Planungsmodus.

Ich vermute nicht, dass dieses Problem, so es denn tatsächlich eines reproduzierbarer Art ist, behebar sein wird, aber wollte dieses Problem zumindest einmal suchbar ansprechen.

Zudem sollte die Hotkey-Liste hier im Forum möglicherweise beizeiten aktualisiert werden, da sie z.T. veraltete Hotkeys wie X für Verteilen (heute R) oder ~ für Fähigkeiten-Menü ein-/ausblenden (zumindest bei mir ^) enthält.
Allgemeine Modding-Fragen / Re: Hotkeys
« Letzter Beitrag von Rsge am Gestern um 01:33 »
Können auch Hotkeys geändert werden, welche keinen zugehörigen Text haben, wie z.B. "R" für Verteilen oder "Q" für "Alle Einheiten auf der Karte auswählen" und falls ja, wo?

Tut mir Leid für den Nekro, aber es passt gut zu diesem Thema.
[Edain] Bug Reports / Re: Angmar Bugs
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am 25. Jul 2024, 23:07 »
When the Witch King get the ring with the Favor of the Witch king on the men of Carn Dûm, we can build Ore mines that reduce the cost of Men of Carn Dûm.

The concept is great, however, the tribute of the Iron Crown which makes builder apppear to be send to an internal building doesn't work on these Ore mines, so that the money we save when recruiting men of Carn Dûm, we will lose it by the absence of the revenues linked with those builders.

It would by the way, while I'm talking about it, make sense for these Ore mines to produce the same builders as the outpost builders which are twice as strong.
The faster construction time could be interesting.

The destroy button won't happen, in the early phases of 4.6's betas there was such a thing however this led to a lot of cheesing where you could selectively destroy scaffoldings in order to be able to place more buildings

If you notice many instances of these leftovers please take screenshots and submit them as bug, we can try to improve the reliability of the destruction.
[Edain] Misty Mountains Suggestions / Re: Misty Mountains Balance Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am 25. Jul 2024, 21:14 »
In Edain 4.7.2, the economy was nerfed especially for Goblin Town and I assume those changes are very good.

However, Goblin Town now suffer maybe a problem of attractivity compared to Gundabad which gives 40 every 12 seconds and slightly better units (still not good enough in my opinion) while Goblin Town tunnel gives 10 every 12 seconds and is less effective in the very early game even economically.

I have two little suggestions to make Goblin Town more attractive and also maybe I hope even more fun that it already is.

-the first would be a lot faster construction time, maybe like 3 times more rapidly to build it which in early game would make it more attractive.

-inserting a destroy button in all the segments of scaffoldings. That would allow to put trap on the ennemies who are just below (though it does almost no damage when they get the scaffoldings right on their head, it scatters them, rendering them less dangerous for a while).

By doing that, we would risk for a lot of the structure to fall out, even if it is not always the case.

But it would also allow new construction for the tunnel in the place where a building has been destroyed.
Indeed, sometimes there is a segment of scaffoldings which stays from a previous construction but which has not fallen with the other segments. This segment prevents Goblin Town tunnel from rebuilding the building in the same place as it was before.

Allowing the player to destroy the remnants of the previous construction would allow to build once more in that place.
[Edain] Bug Reports / Re: Misty Mountains Bugs
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am 25. Jul 2024, 20:55 »
When Gundabad is repairing itself after some damage taken, the action of repairing count as if a new Gundabad tunnel was erected.

Therefore it is possible to have only one citadel of Gundabad and Goblin Town tunnel and having the price for Goblin Town and Gundabad of 7750 if the one Gundabad tunnel we possess has been constantly under attack without falling.

It has to fall for the price to come back to 250.
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