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[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am Gestern um 17:12 »
You have to put the spell in a precise location and wait for the ennemy to come precisely in that spot, often, it works bad and get poor quantity of damage.

But with the new Orthanc Guards, having more interactions and more situational choices such as "should I keep him in Orthanc, should I send him in the battlefield just to do a small Wizard Blast" is what I think about when I make this suggestion.

Don't mistaken me, the gameplay is already nice with the update with the Orthanc Guards, but by making separate cooldown for Wizard Blast, maybe by changing the name of the spell in the Wizard Tower "Blast of sorcery" or something like that,
it would make it even better. I don't remember but Saruman the Cursed or the Blessed (The Cursed I think) has an ability he can have only in the Wizard Tower, and not in the field, that would be the same principle, just changing the ability name for when he is in his Wizard Tower.

That way, it is not a good idea in my opinion to make spells overpowered in the Wizard Tower (his level 7 Wormtongue conversion appears better in the field than in the tower so I'm not sure Wizard Tower really amplify his abilities as you said except of course his level 10). Rather, it seems interesting to make it appealing for Saruman even in defense to get out of his tower for short times, this is what he did when the Ents attacked, where he could have been captured by Quickbeam.
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von The_Necromancer0 am Gestern um 15:15 »
Without getting into the gameplay perspective, this change doesn't make sense from the conceptual point of view to me. The concept of being able to put Saruman in the tower is that the tower amplifies his abilities.

If Wizard Blast is hard to cast from the tower then let's make it easier first, then consider other avenues. What do you find hard to use about the current ability? Could we not create an interesting choice with Wizard Blast in the same way there's an interesting choice with Power of Speech without changing the concept?
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am Gestern um 14:54 »
The comparison with his speech ability doesn't really work because for speech, there is an interesting choice in terms of gameplay : experience or recruitment speed, this choice make it relevant to wait for an entire cooldown before getting it again.

His level 7 in the tower is a reward for getting Wizard Tower soon and does not need really a separate cooldown, otherwise Saruman might be too powerful.

Whereas with Wizard blast it is pure technical damage ability which is hard to cast wall from his wizard tower, and I then guess, not that often used.

Also, it would improve the interaction with Orthanc Guards, which means that Saruman would be more incited even in defensive gameplay to come out of his citadel, even if Orthanc Guards are already recruited, because he could use double wizard blast, one less strong, the other more intuitive and powerful.

That would incite a good technical gameplay and adaptation to the situation according to what Orthanc Guards are doing, do they need the extra leadership ? and where a Wizard blast would be needed, are the Orthanc guards can do without leadership for a time ?

This scene in the Two Towers where Quickbeam go after Saruman who succeed very shortly in getting back to his citadel before being caught, such scenes would happen more with this mechanic.

For his level 10, it just a reward for getting Saruman level 10 when you do not need to for using his last ability on the wizard tower, a double shoot also make some sense in it.

For the complexity, I don't agree though I don't pretend to know how hard is it to implement all this, but if you say complexity for the player to understand it, there are a lot of mechanics in Edain that are not completely explained and however work well.

I don't think you would lose everybody in making such a gameplay, it would not even be need an explanation, in the Wizard tower description, it could be read simply "Saruman can use his abilities when he is placed on his Citadel, he can use all his ability without constraint of level when the Wizard tower is built" at that would be enough in my opinion.

Also, The Defiler has a mechanic that works that way, if he is mounted or dismounted, his rank 2 ability is different and has a separate cooldown though it is not clearly explained in his description.
I don't really agree here, for two simple reasons:
  • Does his speech ability not also work very differently from the citadel? Where do you draw the line between "different enough" and "too similar"?
  • Wizard Blast being the only ability that does not share cooldowns is extremely un-intuitive, which shouldn't be the case in this already rather complex hero mechanic.

Could your hit-and-run idea work? Yes, certainly. But it's not worth the downside of breaking up his interaction with the citadel for Saruman's first and least special ability.
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am 12. Jan 2025, 21:02 »
What about also making Saruman's first ability, his wizard blast have a separate cooldown for when he is in his wizard tower and when he is in the battlefield ?

I feel like this not really the same ability, they work in a quite different manner, and it would make interaction with the tower more valuable, using it in the tower, then in the battlefield quickly after it.

It is not in question for his others abilities, except maybe is level 10, but I feel like that would even more improve Saruman's gameplay.
Vorschläge zu den Nebelbergen / Re: Kurzvorschläge zu den Nebelbergen
« Letzter Beitrag von Halbarad am 11. Jan 2025, 21:46 »
Wie in Discord diskutiert würde ich mir eine Designänderung von Bolg wünschen. Sein derzeitiges Design orientiert sich lose an dem alten Filmkonzept, sieht aber aus, als wäre der Bolg von da nochmal rasiert worden und die Haare gewaschen und gekämmt:

Daher wären meine Hauptvorschläge, wenn man so beim aktuellen Design grundsätzlich bleiben möchte:
1. Haarfarbe zu einem dunkleren Rot ändern, damit es nicht mehr ganz so nach einem gewaschenen blond aussieht, dass sich total von dem Bart abhebt.
2. Das Haar wilder und weniger gekämmt designen, das Haar wie auf den Bildern mit dem Bart verbinden. Gerne zusätzliche Haare auf den Nacken.
3. Den Nacken und die Schultern weiter auschmücken mit zusätzlicher Kleidung/ Kettenhemd/ weiterer Panzerung/ Bart/ Haaren
Mapping / Re: Game Crush
« Letzter Beitrag von GIUSHi am 11. Jan 2025, 20:29 »
Hi, I solved the problem, the thing was that I made a mod on the 2.02 patch.
1. I like the idea of modifying the spell although I have a potential easy solution. If the spell affects fewer units than it could be relatively strengthened to offset that. Although it becomes less fitting as a central spell if it becomes a niche spell.

2. I'm sort of like that idea, although I'm not sure which fief would be a good match.

3. I like the idea of putting some ship upgrades in there

4. I didn't realize you meant permanent like that, I thought you meant it would become recruitable. I'm still not a fan of the idea because this makes Gondor and Belfalas more of the same when we're trying to subtly differentiate them.

The question is does Belfalas need a permanent hero hero-killer? I think potentially this could be one of their limitations. Additionally, there are other ways to provide hero killing. For example, Mordor makes good use of Shelob as their early game hero killer. Belfalas has the Faramir summon for the late game. What other stages of the game does Belfalas need a hero kill and how could we address that with powers, summons and units?
mir fielen immer wieder einige mehr oder weniger große Ideen zu Belfalas ein, sodass ich diese lieber gesammelt darstellen möchte. Möglicherweise gibt es ja auch von anderen Leuten weitere Vorschläge, die man zusätzlich aufnehmen möchte oder allgemeines Feedback. Zum Teil bedingen sich diese Vorschläge auch gegenseitig, daher schien mir diese Form sehr passend.

1. Zentraler Spell
Belfalas hat im Gegensatz zu Gondors Wächtern der Veste und Garde des Brunnenhofes weder elitäre, noch heroische Infanterie, die eine Formation einnehmen kann. Zusätzlich stehen die formationslosen Knappen von Amrothos viel zentraler als die Einheiten von Denethor, ihre Rekrutierung blockiert dem Spieler nicht die Kaserne und sie eignen sich aufgrund des zusätzlichen bauplatzfreien Rekrutierungsgebäudes sehr gut als Ergänzung der normalen Armee.
All dies bewirkt, dass Formationen bei Belfalas eine sehr viel geringere Rolle spielen als bei Gondor. Aus meiner Sicht wäre daher ein neuer oder abgeänderter zentraler Spell angemessen.
Ein solcher Spell könnte seinen Fokus auf Kavallerie geben, der Elite Dol Amroths eine neue Formation geben oder der Elite eine Art von Führerschaft geben, wie sie die jetzt schon hat, während sie standardmäßig nur eine Formation hätte.
Alternativ könnte der Spell auch in Richtung Kavallerie gehen und berittenen Einheiten und Helden zusätzliche Lebenspunkte verleihen. 

2. Kavallerie im Leuchtfeuer
Das würde meiner Meinung nach sehr gut zur Fraktion passen. Anstelle von Bogenschützen könnte das Leuchtfeuer bei Belfalas eine leichte Kavallerieeinheit freischalten

3. Schießstand
Der Schießstand ist meiner Meinung nach derzeit nicht beeindruckend. Er stellt eine leichte Einheit zu Verfügung, die durch die Einheit aus dem Knappenlager oder (bislang) aus dem Leuchtfeuer ersetzt werden kann.
Ich hatte mal den Vorschlag gebracht, hier noch ein Upgrade für Schiffe unterzubringen, ggf. fällt ja jemandem noch was ein. Der Vorschlag, die Seefahrer hier unterzubringen, sobald Erchirion einen Leuchtturm mit seiner Fähigkeit ausgerüstet hat, kam nicht so gut an. In seiner derzeitigen Form erscheint mir der Schießstand aber reichlich sinnlos und könnte theoretisch mit der Kaserne zusammengelegt werden, sodass diese zu Belfalas Variante der Halle des Königs (nur mit weniger Einheiten  [uglybunti]) wird. Feuerpfeile würden in dem Fall jedoch in der Schmiede landen.

4. Aragorn/ Heldenkiller für Belfalas
Belfalas hat für jeden Helden Gondors einen Ersatz gekriegt, mit Ausnahme von Aragorn. Ich könnte mir einen dauerhaften Aragorn bei Belfalas gut vorstellen. Dazu hatte ich auch schonmal was gepostet:

[Edain] Support / Re: Support Edain Demo 4.0
« Letzter Beitrag von The_Necromancer0 am 9. Jan 2025, 23:27 »
Folgendes als Hinweis: Mit dem neuen Windows 11 Update 24H2 funktioniert Aufstieg des Hexenkönigs nicht mehr, solange man nicht für die .exe den Kompatibilitätsmodus von Windows Vista (7 und 8 funktionieren nicht) bzw. Windows XP auswählt.

Have you tried this?
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