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[Edain] Bug-Meldungen / Re: Bugs bei Lothlorien
« Letzter Beitrag von piet1976 am Gestern um 23:54 »
Hallo zusammen,

im freien Bauen Modus können meine Lothlorien Einheiten nicht auf die Mauern gehen, die Rampe habe ich davor gebaut, sie stellen sich immer vor oder hinter die Mauer aber stellen sich nicht darauf, übersehe ich etwas?
Wüsste nicht wofür die Rampe gut ist sonst.

Mehrere Rampen machten auch keinen Unterschied.
[Edain] Bug-Meldungen / Re: Bugs Launcher
« Letzter Beitrag von Elendils Cousin 3. Grades am Gestern um 13:26 »
Windows 11 verursacht bei vielen Leuten Probleme, da bist du nicht der einzige. Es hilft meistens, die lotrbfme2ep1.exe von AdH in den Kompatibilitätsmodus zum Windows XP Service Pack 3 zu versetzen (Rechtsklick-> Eigenschaften-> Kompatibilität).
[Edain] Bug-Meldungen / Re: Bugs Launcher
« Letzter Beitrag von Arvedui der I am 18. Jan 2025, 22:07 »
Hallo liebe Edain-Community,
ich hoffe, euch geht es gut.

Ich habe ein kleines Problem: Ich habe meinen Computer auf Windows 11 geupdatet und jetzt funktioniert der Edain Mod genauso wie AdH und Schlacht um Mittelerde 2 nicht mehr. Ich habe den Mod bereits neu installiert sowie den Startfehler-Beheben-Button benutzt.

1 Mal gingt das Spiel. Darüber hinaus wird mir aber nur das "Startbild" von AdH angezeigt und danach scheint das Spiel irgendwie abzustürzen. Eine Fehlermeldung erhalte ich nicht.

Ich freue mich auf eure Rückmeldung.
Vorschläge zu Gondor / Arnor / Re: Kurzvorschläge zu Gondor
« Letzter Beitrag von Cortes am 17. Jan 2025, 16:30 »
Hallo zusammen,

eher eine Kleinigkeit für hier fürs Forum.

"Vorschläge zu Gondor / Arnor" wird umbenannt zu "Vorschläge Gondor / Arnor / Belfalas"
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am 16. Jan 2025, 23:26 »
Sorry to double post,

I just realized that the cooldown reduction of spells by the Orthanc Guards for Saruman works only in the field and not in the Citadel which by default has also a longer cooldown, I didn't get it at first glance but that way coming in the field ou of the citadel in defense is appealing to get a far shorter cooldown for spells.

So maybe, this way, yes, maybe it's already perfect.
Sorry, I underestimated your power :)
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am 14. Jan 2025, 17:12 »
You have to put the spell in a precise location and wait for the ennemy to come precisely in that spot, often, it works bad and get poor quantity of damage.

But with the new Orthanc Guards, having more interactions and more situational choices such as "should I keep him in Orthanc, should I send him in the battlefield just to do a small Wizard Blast" is what I think about when I make this suggestion.

Don't mistaken me, the gameplay is already nice with the update with the Orthanc Guards, but by making separate cooldown for Wizard Blast, maybe by changing the name of the spell in the Wizard Tower "Blast of sorcery" or something like that,
it would make it even better. I don't remember but Saruman the Cursed or the Blessed (The Cursed I think) has an ability he can have only in the Wizard Tower, and not in the field, that would be the same principle, just changing the ability name for when he is in his Wizard Tower.

That way, it is not a good idea in my opinion to make spells overpowered in the Wizard Tower (his level 7 Wormtongue conversion appears better in the field than in the tower so I'm not sure Wizard Tower really amplify his abilities as you said except of course his level 10). Rather, it seems interesting to make it appealing for Saruman even in defense to get out of his tower for short times, this is what he did when the Ents attacked, where he could have been captured by Quickbeam.
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von The_Necromancer0 am 14. Jan 2025, 15:15 »
Without getting into the gameplay perspective, this change doesn't make sense from the conceptual point of view to me. The concept of being able to put Saruman in the tower is that the tower amplifies his abilities.

If Wizard Blast is hard to cast from the tower then let's make it easier first, then consider other avenues. What do you find hard to use about the current ability? Could we not create an interesting choice with Wizard Blast in the same way there's an interesting choice with Power of Speech without changing the concept?
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am 14. Jan 2025, 14:54 »
The comparison with his speech ability doesn't really work because for speech, there is an interesting choice in terms of gameplay : experience or recruitment speed, this choice make it relevant to wait for an entire cooldown before getting it again.

His level 7 in the tower is a reward for getting Wizard Tower soon and does not need really a separate cooldown, otherwise Saruman might be too powerful.

Whereas with Wizard blast it is pure technical damage ability which is hard to cast wall from his wizard tower, and I then guess, not that often used.

Also, it would improve the interaction with Orthanc Guards, which means that Saruman would be more incited even in defensive gameplay to come out of his citadel, even if Orthanc Guards are already recruited, because he could use double wizard blast, one less strong, the other more intuitive and powerful.

That would incite a good technical gameplay and adaptation to the situation according to what Orthanc Guards are doing, do they need the extra leadership ? and where a Wizard blast would be needed, are the Orthanc guards can do without leadership for a time ?

This scene in the Two Towers where Quickbeam go after Saruman who succeed very shortly in getting back to his citadel before being caught, such scenes would happen more with this mechanic.

For his level 10, it just a reward for getting Saruman level 10 when you do not need to for using his last ability on the wizard tower, a double shoot also make some sense in it.

For the complexity, I don't agree though I don't pretend to know how hard is it to implement all this, but if you say complexity for the player to understand it, there are a lot of mechanics in Edain that are not completely explained and however work well.

I don't think you would lose everybody in making such a gameplay, it would not even be need an explanation, in the Wizard tower description, it could be read simply "Saruman can use his abilities when he is placed on his Citadel, he can use all his ability without constraint of level when the Wizard tower is built" at that would be enough in my opinion.

Also, The Defiler has a mechanic that works that way, if he is mounted or dismounted, his rank 2 ability is different and has a separate cooldown though it is not clearly explained in his description.
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Elendils Cousin 3. Grades am 14. Jan 2025, 03:26 »
I don't really agree here, for two simple reasons:
  • Does his speech ability not also work very differently from the citadel? Where do you draw the line between "different enough" and "too similar"?
  • Wizard Blast being the only ability that does not share cooldowns is extremely un-intuitive, which shouldn't be the case in this already rather complex hero mechanic.

Could your hit-and-run idea work? Yes, certainly. But it's not worth the downside of breaking up his interaction with the citadel for Saruman's first and least special ability.
[Edain] Isengard Suggestions / Re: Brief Isengard Suggestions
« Letzter Beitrag von Le Sournois am 12. Jan 2025, 21:02 »
What about also making Saruman's first ability, his wizard blast have a separate cooldown for when he is in his wizard tower and when he is in the battlefield ?

I feel like this not really the same ability, they work in a quite different manner, and it would make interaction with the tower more valuable, using it in the tower, then in the battlefield quickly after it.

It is not in question for his others abilities, except maybe is level 10, but I feel like that would even more improve Saruman's gameplay.
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