Modding Union

Modderecke => Vorstellungsbereich => Thema gestartet von: M!ke am 8. Aug 2011, 17:43

Titel: The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: M!ke am 8. Aug 2011, 17:43
Disclaimer:  I'm very sorry about this, but I do not speak German and so have to type this up in English.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hello, my name is Mike and I'm here as a representative of The Peloponnesian Wars, a modification of EA Games' Battle for Middle-earth Two video game.  This is a total-conversion project that replaces the game's normal content with two new, fully-fledged factions:  Sparta and Athens circa 500 BCE.  Nearly everything found in the mod is new or reworked - ranging from gameplay, visuals, audio and even the game's "Create a Hero" feature.

Here's some various media showcasing various aspects of the mod; I'd normally opt to use thumbnails, but too many boards use different coding methods so simple URLs will have to suffice.

Image One (
Image Two (
Image Three (
Image Four (
Image Five (
Image Six (

You can find more information at our forums ( or Moddb profile (, and feel free to ask me about anything you'd like to know concerning the mod in this topic.

Lastly, I'm proud to announce that our first public release has gone live recently, and can be downloaded here ( or here (!  However, keep in mind that this is an early alpha build, so many features and details are still up in the air, and only the Sparta faction is included with this release.  That said we're hoping to have a rapid release schedule with more content, but that really depends on the support that we can get from the community as much as it does the rate that the staff can work on the mod.

I hope that you all enjoy playing the mod; your feedback is appreciated.
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: EvilDet am 8. Aug 2011, 17:51
I really like your mod, it's one of the most interesting and promising mods on T3A and And I really wanted to play your mod, but when I began to install it, it told me that patch 1.06 wasn't installed. But it is installed. So I downloaded the patch once again, installed it but your installer told me the same thing again :(
I'm using Windows 7 32-Bit and the german version of BfME 2. Please help me :)

But it really looks awesome!
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: Buffo Boffin am 8. Aug 2011, 18:23
Ich hatte das Problem auch. Das hier sollte es beheben:
Currently there are issues when installing the mod on some versions of Windows (possibly everyone except my 64bit windows 7). I have yet to find out which ones, but I have a solution for everyone (hopefully) that can't install it right away!
Note: This applies if you have BFME2 installed with patch 1.06 applied, but are told that you don't have it!

Simply download THIS FILE (, and run it. After it's complete you should have no troubles with the main installer of the mod! It's an exe that quickly writes the Registry paths that the main Installer looks for, but can't find on any other system than Windows 7 64bit. So sorry for the inconvenience.

Then go on and see if you can't install the mod.. It should work now, and with me going away for 16 days I sure hope so :p

Even if you use the above method, you need to have the original 1.06 patch for BFME2. This can be found HERE (;70601).
You should also make sure that you don't have any mods installed directly in your BFME2 installation folder, or any leftovers from said mods.
Any modding you may have done yourself in there can also make the game crash.

and by the way, all of your links don't work. You have to write them like this:[]your text[ /url]. Without any ".

And I have to agree with EvilDet that your mod really looks great^^
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: Durin, Vater der Zwerge am 8. Aug 2011, 18:37
I really like your mod, it's one of the most interesting and promising mods on T3A and And I really wanted to play your mod, but when I began to install it, it told me that patch 1.06 wasn't installed. But it is installed. So I downloaded the patch once again, installed it but your installer told me the same thing again :(
I'm using Windows 7 32-Bit and the german version of BfME 2. Please help me :)

But it really looks awesome!

I´ve got the same problem. I also installed the english patch additionally to the german one, but it still doesn´t work. Btw, i´ve got Windows XP.
I hope there is a solution for this problem, because youre mod looks really great.
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: EvilDet am 8. Aug 2011, 18:40
Still doesn't work :(
Buffo, du kannst mir ja mal in Skype erklären, was du gemacht hast^^
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: Dralo am 8. Aug 2011, 19:48
Wow, great pictures!
this mod reminds me of "Age of Mythology", a great game I used to play a long time ago.
The models are really well done, i like the texture of the "Spartan Gerousia", seems to be high resolution, isn't it?
I think it will be worth it downloading but unfortunately i wont have enough time though...
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: (Palland)Raschi am 8. Aug 2011, 20:02
impressive,...most impressive I have to admit. The pictures taken from the Mod give  very professionell impression. I probably got to test this mod  ;)
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: Andúril am 11. Aug 2011, 19:56
I tested this mod and really liked it. You even changed the background music (with is a bit monotone but gives a nice flair). Unfortunately you only have one faction (Sparta) yet and not that much differences in the different unit types, but ok. The graphic is awesome, the models look really nice and the textures, too. Also that the normal footmen walk slow but in a cool way (don't know how to explain^^) is very nice.

All in all it is a mod that you must have tested once, but unfortunately not more. This is because it doesn't have much things. But the stuff that is there is very cool, I hope you go on with this :)

Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: Vexor am 11. Aug 2011, 20:31 really look amazing. I'm going to download und install it today and hopefully I'm able to give you some feedback tomorrow  :)
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: Buffo Boffin am 13. Aug 2011, 18:05
Ich habe eigentlich gar nichts besonderes gemacht, nur runtergeladen und installiert^^
Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass ich SumII schon auf Englisch installiert habe.
(evtl gehts, wenn ihr die .exe mit dem Universal Extractor ( öffnet und die .big manuell ins Hauptverzeichnis tut...)

Finally I found the time to check the mod out in detail:
Graphically it's really impressive, great models and skins.
The map Corinth also looks very good. Good object placement, nice map props, good texturing.
The background music is also very nice.
Unfortunately, I've to agree with Anduril that the gameplay could be better.
However, I'm pretty sure that this will also improve in the future (as soon as there are more units, unique systems, and maybe a second faction).
Will you implent temples, greek philosophers or similar things? Such things would create a lot of feeling^^
But regarding that the mod is in its alpha stage, everything looks amazing
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: M!ke am 15. Aug 2011, 15:57
Thanks for all of the feedback guys!  As I understand it, you can find a solution to the installation issues by downloading this small file ( and running it before starting the installer.  Very sorry for the inconvenience!

For those of you with gameplay concerns - we're going for a very different direction of gameplay than standard BFME2 or even what most mods adhere to.  This is a very realism-minded mod; units march from place to place, taking longer than you're used to, so you have to be very crafty in your distribution and use of them, as any mistakes made in deployment could end your battle before it starts ;)

There are plans to further differentiate the units, but that will wait for a later BETA build.  And yes, there are plans for the second faction - Athens, which will rely more on foreign mercenaries and the safety of its walls than homegrown hoplite units.

I'm glad to see the warm reception here, and thanks for checking out the mod!
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: Buffo Boffin am 9. Sep 2011, 15:17
Zitat von:
Hey all!

So I finally got around fixing the installer, and it should now work like it was meant to!

The link is the same as before, you can download it here: Link (

NOTE: If you already got in working with the first release, you do NOT have to download it again.
It's the same file as last time, so if you already have the mod installed, you are fine!
This is only for those who's installer told them they didn't have patch 1.06 installed, even though they had!

If there are any problems with this as well, or if the mod won't play, let me know HERE (
Any bugs you may encounter in-game, you may report HERE (
Thanks, that is all!

Evlt. könnte das eure Probleme lösen^^
Titel: Re:The Peloponnesian Wars Mod.
Beitrag von: Olmgrond am 28. Mai 2012, 21:31
Seems really cool, i'm gonna download it' course, very good screens ;) Are there powers like in normal bfme2? maybe you could use the inventures of Archimedes, he's ot in that time but i think that would be cool too