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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 184436 mal)


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #480 am: 13. Okt 2017, 21:49 »
Shadow, hidden from within

Don't trust the routes that lead thee out of the indestructible chain, out of the order and rule of the Powers. Aman hath emerged from the sea, once the Two Lamps of the ancestral lore had eventually collapsed, defeated by malice which could not be won in war. A new surface of wild and vast shires, which served well the purpose of the bright Rulers. Those new lands they made theirs and sole dwelling of light, in which green pastures and nature could grow safe, inside the ring of the Pelóri, the mighty wall of the Blessed Domain.

Another entity, unseen, had followed the Powers unto their newly-found continent. She hid well and deep, in the southern caverns along the obscure long beach. There, she hath dug much and radiance consumed, for never was her hunger satisfied or placated. The reason why voyagers ought to head to other destinations for sure. Should thou the wonders of journey yearnest, there is much to find hither and thither among the plains of Valinórë. And if thou to come out of defence wantest, head north, I say, where chill and breezes thou art to meet.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #481 am: 14. Okt 2017, 03:48 »
Cold Wastes

To the North, whither cold winds meet,
One must bliss leave, the white desert in order to reach,
Much mist and desolation, such desperate portrait in the western continent, unusual sight,
Untrodden ways, which none may pass, as tales tell, if not the Angels or of the Valar the might.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #482 am: 14. Okt 2017, 16:12 »
A wall of shields

Who are you to undermine the power of Gondor, stranger? We live inside halls of stone and hard marble, legacy of our ancestry that Men have in pride bequeathed. This is to be the wall of our defence and dam for any impetuous river willing to flood the realm with filth. Noble soldiers will stay vigilant in equal manner; swords wielded and shields borne. It is another wall, of different kind, made of courage and honourable deeds. Any foul intelligence had better remain far and still. We have the bounden duty to oppose invaders of that horrid sort, lest the sentinel tower fall and be seen bend under the weight of such widespread peril. Men of Gondor, it is said that swords and shields can make an impenetrable stronghold. It's time to prove it and render those words true!


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #483 am: 15. Okt 2017, 00:45 »
Black Shores

Blue, there is blue within the gates of the Evil,
Surfaces of water in the lands of Mordor, of Sauron realm and seat primeval,
That dim sea is used for the sustainment of large hosts, what could be other reason?
Water, generally known as means of good and beneficial touch, there it serves the order of the Tyrant in his poisonous prison.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #484 am: 15. Okt 2017, 04:08 »
Iron Will

East of the Mountain which lies lone, there is another earldom of significant note, under the lordship of Dáin, skilled and fiery warlord. For long time he has kept those barriers secure, as menace could come even from the fathomless Far East. Fell Men inhabit those places of mystery, wrapped up in riddles and lost knowledge, at the last edges of the known world. Men of little braveness, they say. They prefer to take advantage of others' troubles; plain example of that is the eternal rivalry with the fine realm of Gondor in the South, which Dwarves trust and deem proper, resilient as their products of matter and iron. Who dwells in the Iron Hills has already made the acquaintance of harsh life and combat. Recurrent necessity and sadly real, in the confused thread of stories.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #485 am: 17. Okt 2017, 01:24 »
Of no common lineage

She is of no common lineage, not of this age which grows bored and numb with love,
The only great immortal maiden who considerable difference does make,
Born in shires of holiness, across the vast sea, and she's testimony of a radiance before the very Sun and Moon,
As the Elven Queen of this era, she is regarded with such title of prowess, for by the name of the fairest and mightiest immortal, in this manner scholars and singers recall the legendary Princess of Kôr.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #486 am: 18. Okt 2017, 23:54 »
Through these shires I roam and wander

Free I am, and ever-content I feel to breathe the breeze of the open air,
Malice and the ashes of war have forsaken our lands, for now our lives we conduct in peace and serenity,
Those of the Loyals who served and strived, by the western authority a fertile island of joy they were gifted,
The dwellers of this one-time somber continent may be relieved, because menace has parted from here and the immortal race, the ones whose love for the halls of mortality was too great to do without, tells that the entire earth they might heal once again through the arcane arts in their possession, and I thus roam and wander hither, merry and confident in a fate finer and better.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #487 am: 19. Okt 2017, 16:22 »
A new age and antiquarian longings

After massive chaos and deep shattering of this world's pillars, we gaze at a new era, promising as we deem it and, hopefully, free and loose from the deadly chains of fear,
Because dread is harbinger of captivity for all decent souls of the earth, which are harmless and feeble, unable to resist and stoutly stand,
The First Enemy is gone for the good, we have been told, exiled and trapped in the prison of void and non-being, which is terrible fate for whom law tries to battle and useless render,
The ones who first were born, the immortal kind of the kindred of the mighty characters of the elder tales; they are to bring about the course of a newer story, and to set up the foundations of a purified continent they are well resolute in equal manner, although their spirit grew, we may say, antiquarian and much they yearn what they had in past ages forsaken, for the sake of their pure art and noble means.

Once the glorious yet somber First Age of Arda had eventually come to an end, the Elven kind was confident that new possibilities for redemption and magnificence were at hand. Most of the Eldar had been gently and strongly suggested to sail back to the Undying Lands, as the Valar had pardoned the perpetrators of the infamous kin-slaying and those who had taken the suffered path of sedition. And another fundamental fact was known by the divine intelligence of the westernmost lands: with Morgoth gone, the world could breathe a sigh of relief, but all the snares of the Evil and the poison that had been thitherto spread could not be erased completely from the annals of history. New menaces would later torment the people of the mortal ways; this the Regents of the World knew very well.

The majority of the Elves followed the advices of the Powers and returned to Eressëa, and then they were finally reunited with their relatives and friends within the realm of the Archangels. Some decided to remain in Middle-earth, though. Not for arrogance or negligence towards the opinion of the Valar, but because their love for the wild mortal world had grown too profound and ardent. There were some of them that had never dwelt in Aman in the first place; too hard would have been the parting from their beloved land. Those were the noble Noldor who elected to stay, in a continent full of ever-new chances of greatness and splendour, yet made dim by the constant uncertainty derived from the fear of evil forces. And these Elves and their superb arts grew antiquarian, for they started to perceive that Arda would rapidly change (prelude of the future dominion of Men) and thus longed to embalm the present as it was, halting the inexorable passing of time and its ill consequences. Their art was all about conservation and preservation; they hope to maintain what was created by their hands ever-young and untouched by decay. This was the prime issue in the mind of most Elves and a very insistent of a theme.

Therefore, some began to imagine an improbable scenario: that the world could be repaired and healed via their labours, to the point of recreating the forbidden bliss of the shires that lay beyond the seas. An impossible eventuality, but it's necessary that this be mentioned: many of them did not like the prospect of coming back to the immortal lands, for the Elven survivors of Middle-earth, amidst lesser Elves and Men, shone of a bright light of majesty and grandness. While, should they have returned to the West, they would have been at the bottom of the hierarchy, below the Maiar and the Kings and Queens whom the very Angels served. A pivotal theme in Tolkien's narration. Longings that would later be cunningly exploited by Sauron to sway the Elves towards his plans, as he did equally in regards of Númenor (even though the centre of the dispute was the yearning of immortality, in that case).


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #488 am: 23. Okt 2017, 15:11 »
Whatever happened to the former one

A quite spirited composition, embellished by a humorous touch, telling the grievances of a few citizens of Gondor that weren't satisfied with the constant regime change after the arrival of the Stewards. It is also an occasion to reflect on the responsibility one has when power is given to him. There are people who abide to what they ought to do, whereas others flout their honourable task and betray the trust they had been generously given. A very relatable of a theme; not just for Middle-earth, probably...

Whatever happened to the past and former rule,
Whose tenure many crave and want to render secure,
The valour of old, much sung and throughout books told,
Ability to impose oneself and for each subject eventuality of gold,
This is how it should fare and fare well,
Aye, the diligent governs consensus and forever he shall,
Although prowess seldom comes without duties and the latter are surely of grand note,
Unless one is to be chastised for one's sins and to the bar of trial brought.

Former one, what is it that you do now? You had been given a mission plain and sure, yet you gave up your honour and stumbled upon the common contempt, of which you are much frightened, am I right? But fool is not who points at you in discrediting manner; you are, love, and to negative judgement you have to get used, for several in your hands their industry had entrusted, just to be laughed at and appallingly betrayed. And spare us your two-face wit, erstwhile ruler, because you are but a shame in a long lineage of glory. May you rejoice at your disgraceful confinement, for it is what befalls for your kind and the venom of your phoney advices we would fain hereafter do without. Thank you, former menace and mess, and be you well aware: you we remember and your sins despise as well.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #489 am: 24. Okt 2017, 12:07 »
Vastness of deadly kind

Scholars know where skies lie and in which oceans of ether stars were placed to make the world bright,
A vastness of air indeed, yet deadly for whom dares seek for adventure in those forbidden spaces,
Be it mortal or gifted with life that never ends, such infinity of desolation he is not to resist,
The Powers were the sole who in those obscure halls much laboured, and those very halls of night the Blessed Realm from Arda divide, because such was the command of the One and naught against its will may exist.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #490 am: 26. Okt 2017, 13:10 »
Thou mayest pass, but not thy deeds

Thou mayest pass, but not thy deeds,
Inscribed in stone, wood and by the very air brought,
Murmurs of antiquity or the noblest chants,
Remembered thou wilt be and all of thy grand labours the test of time shall eventually go through,
As grandiosity is to voyage through centuries of valour or war,
To be borne as testimony by the act of whom next cometh,
And it doth not matter if statues or sacred shrines of marble to crumble will be made,
For the gesture they mock is the gesture of might, which ye, descent of gold, to worship ought.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #491 am: 26. Okt 2017, 13:48 »
Unto the end of horizon

Those grey ships unto the end of horizon sail,
To head to a newer world which new in truth is not,
The immortal passengers of those vessel shall find joy and for them one should not wail,
Ships take the course that leads to western ways and with rapid knot,
That they are to reach forbidden shores it is likely to foretell,
At the conclusion of their age, burdensome twilight of splendour, of Men's dominion the dawn,
Those keepers of ancient lore abandon the circles and skies of Arda, along a Straight Way, landing on untainted soil, that they shall,
Dwelling in the eternity of Valinor, realm enchanted and in the vastness of Eä lone.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #492 am: 26. Okt 2017, 14:47 »
Indeed, they yearn the magnitude of old

They yearn the magnitude of old,
Which was not always wealth or other things of gold,
It entailed broad lands under the same lordship,
Bright and honourable past, memory we shall all times worship.

Grim days, they tell, seem to be ahead,
Far the years of glory, in which by firm hand we used to be led,
The new Regents are nonetheless confident and comforting future saw,
Let us pray that the hour is to be gallant and that Gondor shall remain a kingdom of law.

During the arrival of the Stewards and afterwards, Gondor experienced a troublesome period or rebellion, internal sedition and general unrest. The days of Númenor or of the foundation of those realms, much sung and held in utmost prominence, seemed to be slowly vanishing in the issues of the modern age; the Third Age of Arda. By the end of the first millennium, voices began to circulate, telling grim tales of revenant shadows awakening in the large yet wild Middle-earth. Taking advantage of the power vacuum that was tormenting the last mighty realm of Men, the one-time slaves and unstable tribes of the South decided that it was proper time to wreak havoc at the borders with Gondor, together with a renewed opposition in the Far East of the world, although it was more confined and less worrying. This spiral of uncertainty paved the way for the return of the Nazgûl, the fell Ring-wraiths. Nine powerful lords to whom Sauron gave his Nine Rings, knowing well how ambition could be turned in the most terrible bane. And that was cruel destiny, for the valiant Men of Gondor would suffer much and be vexed by those who were previously counted among their very same kind.

Gondor thus welcomed the third millennium of the era with a feeble embrace, doubtful about what was to be and fearful of the worst nightmare that could ever befall: the return of the Dark Lord and a new war. Because, if a new war had broken out, Men would have been the last barrier left to hinder the Evil's schemes, and for much sorrow they would have wept as well.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #493 am: 27. Okt 2017, 12:37 »
Old Wood

Old Wood, in the West of the earth, beside the amicable routes of the Halflings you are located, with many ignoring your proper spirit and distinctive specialty,
Under the branches of the ancient trees much has passed that is not known by common knowledge or songs,
Hobbits do not tread your paths willingly and joyfully, for wary of the uncanny they often are,
Elven pilgrims are seen among your ways, sometimes, slow yet incessant in their conscious pace, as they are ready to depart from the halls of this world, past the Elven Towers along the shore of the broad sea, and never shall they return again to the grey lands of modern Middle-earth.

The adjective 'modern' is obviously used to refer to the late Third Age of Arda, when Elves began their last voyage to the West, after having lingered in the mortal shires of Eä for many centuries; eventful centuries and full of the most multicoloured sort of happenings, bad and good. Somber or cause of jubilation. Still or very dynamic. Regardless of such a vibrant life, the Eldar of the noblest lineage sensed that time was up. Whether all would end with the triumph of the Good or with chained servitude under the ruthless rule of Sauron, the journey to Valinor could not have been delayed any further.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #494 am: 27. Okt 2017, 13:29 »
Lit Earldom, thou gracious and ever-sunny

Lit Earldom, thou gracious and ever-sunny,
Raised by the godly might, and in no manner uncanny,
By immortal souls only thou mayest be inhabited,
The ways of thy gold-wheat fields know not sadness and always are spirited.

Lit Earldom, thou splendid and pure,
The highest wall embraceth thee and maketh thy shires ever-secure,
Impregnable and sanctified, who thee could ever dare harm, if not a fool?
The fate of Arda is to be determined in the Ring of Doom, for all is to obey of the Powers the holy rule.

Lit Earldom is one of the many titles with which Valinor is named and known, appearing also in the Lay of Ingwë. It refers to the fact that, whether by the Two Trees or the later Sun and Moon, the realm of the Valar was never left in the darkness and in the absence of light. In the aftermath of the cataclysmic destruction of the Two Lamps, which ended the perfect symmetry of the ancestral world, the Blessed Realm was the sole domain enlightened by warm radiance, when all Middle-earth and some territories of the very Aman lay under the eternal starred sky of the Years of the Trees, whereas the dwellings of the Archangels enjoyed the Eternal Day of their sacred shires, ensured by the never-ending cycle of the legendary Two Trees of Valinórë.