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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 183818 mal)


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #525 am: 14. Nov 2017, 16:27 »
Thou spokest firm

The Foe shall pay and exemplary the burden of his felony is to be,
Villain, vile and horrid, rarely doth his deed not affect one, thee, us and me,
Divergence was in the assembly of the Powers, whither they head to for the decreeing of our fate,
Queen, thou spokest firm and just, that the Enemy three eras of the Trees bound by chains should have spent, which is the gravest torture and an eternity to await.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #526 am: 14. Nov 2017, 23:37 »
A song for thee

A song for thee I sing,
In hopes that my tune findeth its way amidst such misery in this grievous War of the Ring,
My love by means of lyrics is to be carried, across a world to which darkness siege laid,
May it reach thee in the hour of unbearable toil, my love, to whom sad farewell I bade.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #527 am: 15. Nov 2017, 22:58 »
Tales of strange folks

Abroad, of which we're often told tales of strange folks,
Nay, it is not out of laughter or petty talks,
Concern grows and meanders across the common way,
And naught of reassuring my worried mind might sway.

Aye, strange folks and obscure skills of which I speak not fain,
Wicked spirits tread our path and seldom when there's not ill weather or rain,
Demons and ghouls in the dark of the world, creeping out and with unmeasured magnitude,
Why is the merry man, lone, who all day labours in toil, to face the peril of solitude?


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #528 am: 15. Nov 2017, 23:36 »
A foul watcher in nameless ponds

Ponds which bear no name or joyful title of some sort, come from nice hours of freedom, spent at its shores and ever-lively in good company,
No, it is not water one should touch, disturb or awake,
Silent, a horror there is said to reside, fast and rapid, hungry and bidden to halt the passage of whom tries to make to such hazardous trip,
Neither is it known its identity and very purpose, nor is it manifest to us how whither that nightmare could have gone, vicious hunter and fell guardian of hideous ilk.

The true identity of the Watcher in the Water is well left to the reader's imagination and guessing. It's nonetheless possible to make a few viable speculations on the matter: he's likely to be counted among the mysterious Nameless Creatures of Arda. Uncanny creatures of unknown origin; they are accounted to dwell in the deep places of the earth and murmurs say that they have trodden the ways of the world long before the awakening of the Children of Ilúvatar. It may thus infer that they are bound to none and to none they have to respond, refusing to partake in conflicts or side with one of the opponents in a general war. However, despite their neutrality in the businesses of Arda, they are widely considered as one of the deadliest kind of beasts, and their completely wild nature may aggravate their extremely feral essence.

It is necessary that a just difference be noted, though. These ancient creatures are sometimes mistaken for Maiar, when this is not the case at all. The Ainur constitute their own blessed race, born prior to the very universe, whose might is absolutely incomparable with whatsoever creatures, be they ancient or more recent.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #529 am: 16. Nov 2017, 00:56 »
Behold, the White Towers of hope

Great fatigues shall never deprive us of such relieving of a spectacle, which is signal of rekindled hope, before the last step of our journey is eventually made,
White Towers, gazing afar, yonder, beyond clouds and mists, and even past the very winds and air that follow the round fashion of this modern world,
We are to take our vessel and journey through the sea, upon the Straight Road that by the Eldar only is sailed across,
Towers of hope, they are indeed, well-wishing image and sign for all the Immortals that the endless bliss yearn, on the other shore of the sundering blue.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #530 am: 16. Nov 2017, 01:24 »
You are a good lad, don't you ever forget

You are a good lad, don't you ever forget. In times of cold winters and much toil for harsh weather or daunting endeavour, you ought to know that you will make it through and find the just way. Because you are buoyant and confident, profoundly in yourself, yet humble and merciful towards those who are granted this merit. Aye, being capable of mercy is really the most magnificent gift of all. Of this I am sure. And I know that piety is to push the limits of your heart very far, embracing good souls and the true spirit of a decent existence. While resilient you will definitely grow, for strength and endurance always are the welcome fruit of valour and honour of your kindred sort. Hearken to me, then, for never will the Evil have you in its malicious hands. Adamant temper is not to be broken so lightly and the will of a pure heart shall make the most terrible of the adversaries. Aye, this I think and rest with. No other words I need tell, for the listener will make wise use of this talk of mine. Never vain, I hope in faithful confidence.

You're good, Frodo, don't you ever forget!


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #531 am: 16. Nov 2017, 02:19 »
Tomb in the chasm

Eerie as naught in the shires under the Sun and gleaming Moon,
Galleries of antique glory and broad halls carved into the stone, fine dwelling and grand room,
Alas, they are infested by evil residents and thick malice, while the erstwhile dwellers lie now lifeless in their forsaken tomb, in which grand contest is to befall soon,
Abyss of void, hopeless and still, this is how the mines of Moria appear, grievous graves of desolation and sombre in their gloom.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #532 am: 18. Nov 2017, 00:39 »
Time for renown and honour

Myself I shall prove worthy and just,
At the gates of peril which all makes chill, resist we only must,
Unto the end of tales and the ending of this earth, burdened by grief and turned into dust,
Our memory, the memory of our splendid deeds, is to last against all odds and never to rust.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #533 am: 18. Nov 2017, 23:55 »
Lady of Peaks

Over peaks which mists cloud and veil,
Above, one gazes at the broad skies, your wide reign,
We behold the splendour of your ancient labouring in times not known or seen,
Labours that gave endurance to whom dwelt below, in the lands of sorrow and despair.

The pleading one invokes you and praises anytime your wonderful Stars,
Aid he wishes for and resilience to face a foreboding fate which no pause or rest seems to grant,
It is in the moment of fear that we must turn your blessing into ardent passion and just will to fight back,
You, who sits beside the Ancient King of these halls under the sidereal ways of Eä, in your crystalline palace atop the Prime Peak, where all is heard and seen, be it heart-striking laments or the most secretive murmurs and sighs.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #534 am: 19. Nov 2017, 00:14 »
Who art thou, maiden of brightness?

''Who art thou, maiden of brightness? Never have I beheld such prodigy in the shires of this dark world, made lit by the Stars of the firmament, dearest to us and eternal fountain of hope.''

''I am Melyanna of Valinórë, of the People of Estë, mighty lady and joyful queen of mine. And thou knowest well my kind, lord of the Eldar, whose splendour thou hast admired once, as ambassador of goodwill at the behest of thy blessed race.''


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #535 am: 20. Nov 2017, 14:55 »
My way I shall find

My way I shall find,
Ingenious wit and solid mind,
One which does not falter nor quake,
Through the mist of doubt, I am not my duty to forsake.

Hail goodwill and fortitude of mine,
We shall make it and valour will shine,
To enlighten the routes of a world that grows weary,
Away with snares, fell deeds and anything eerie.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #536 am: 20. Nov 2017, 15:37 »
Sublime queen of light

Thee we recall as magnificent lady of splendour,
Whom no artist might mock well or loyally render,
Ye, who hearken fain to this tale, ought to know what befell when on her was our bewildered gaze,
Eyes of forever and infinite sight, long millennia of being, lances of starlight and a very miraculous of a maze.

The very appearance of the Valar is undoubtedly a quite tricky topic to tackle. One of those aspects that are left in a certain amount of obscurity by the Professor. We only know, thanks to the pure canons, that, after the violent clashes between Melkor and the Powers, the primordial world was shattered and utterly devastated, although its fashion was still indefinite and still in need of the intervention of the Archangels, in order to make for a proper dwelling in which the Children of Ilúvatar would live in peace and solace, as the Plan exactly encompassed. So, once the Good had triumphed and made his enemies flee in the deep places of the dark Void, the Valar elected to clothe themselves with human-like shapes; appearances that were an exact reflection of their intrinsic being, in accordance to each one's gender or inner might. However, albeit having bound themselves to a physical form (with all the relative consequences), it is not clear whether this ancestral fashion was akin to the one they would later took after the coming of the Eldar to their sacred continent. They may have initially opted for colossal resemblances, as that was an evident representation of their true potency.

As the Eldar accepted the solemn invitation of the Lords of the West, the Powers chose fashions that were more similar to the ones of their immortal guests, even though they certainly retained their own aura of authority and holy rule. Yet, in spite of the usual norm, Varda constituted an exception in herself, given that all of hers was clothed with pure radiance of unspeakable beauty. Clearest kind of light and sole testimony of the true nature of the halls in which Ilúvatar reigns, prior to all, beyond time and space.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #537 am: 20. Nov 2017, 16:15 »
The path is shut

Living flesh, this I sense with clear wisdom,
Sure is my certainty, whenever intruders dare set foot in our forbidden domain,
Aye, you who entered here, give up your false hope, lest your noble composure be laid down in ill manner,
The dead suffer none and the vain claiming of yours reject.

The path is shut for the living,
Which kind of folly has convinced you to commence this very hopeless of a quest?
For there is no chance that we are ever to take side in one's war,
The troubles of the living warlords do not worry us nor our kingdom within the stone.

Only to the royal lineage of old shall we respond, in that a curse has trapped us and to the toil of life we are thus obliged to cling, unless the Heir of Númenor himself frees us from the agony of these chains, because oaths should not be sworn lightly or broken in the very hour of need.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #538 am: 22. Nov 2017, 02:08 »
To cowardice he clung

Raging his temper must have been, as soon as the Tyrant beheld his foul realm falling asunder,
Once his demons were swept away by the wind of justness, and so the decent one again along the shires of the Hither-Lands was to meander,
The Dark Lord was no valiant leader and to cowardice clung,
In the hour in which the bell of his demise was tolling and finally rung.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #539 am: 23. Nov 2017, 16:08 »
Your love I harbour in me, ever-ardent and alive

Your love I harbour in me, ever-ardent and alive, not proven by passing time,
Made to bear the wounds of hard life, and to endure and to be honoured in rhyme,
Fly and travel much, thought of mine, unto the reaching of whom battles in strife,
Grey is this era and darker it might even get, for Men are summoned to ride towards their deciding fate, once the armies of good are prepared and cast has been the dice.