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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 183777 mal)


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #570 am: 13. Dez 2017, 16:51 »
Long shall you wander alone, but not in eternity

Ring-bearer, hearken to me,
A whole world is yet to manifest itself for you to see,
Wonders and tests, of which one might fail to fathom the kind,
Be strong, cunning and with the sharpest mind!

Fate is to lead you in hostile lands, where one despairs and chokes under the ashes,
At the turn of the tide, in which the heir reclaims the throne and to the White City a black host marches,
Long shall you wander alone, but not in eternity,
The task must be done, in courage and resolution to succeed, with no tricks, snares or subtlety.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #571 am: 14. Dez 2017, 15:49 »
Order we crave, in this world of storms

Order we crave, in this world of utter storms,
Here, where maidens wail and the pious one mourns,
Foretold it was, that hope shall come aboard white vessels, carried by waves,
It shall contest the gathering shadow and the fell fire that is to blaze.

Those white vessels might either be the Host of Valinórë, journeying through the sea with its grand fleet and ready to battle against Morgoth and his many minions, or they might be the ships of the Istari arriving in Middle-earth, carrying the ones who would guard peace and seek to confront the awakening fire of Mount Doom.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #572 am: 14. Dez 2017, 16:01 »
Queen of our hearts

Aye, our hearts you have conquered indeed,
Your deeds have enlightened the dim ways of this sad world,
Hope was born anew and stronger and livelier than before,
Those who were left back you never have forgotten at all.

Our pleas you always hearken to,
At the top of this globe of matter, beside the throne of our king,
You two rule and unto the end you shall govern the fate of all,
Until the time comes, which is time of weariness and ultimate clash.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #573 am: 14. Dez 2017, 16:40 »
They began to ask questions to the stars

The old knowledge of the western lords was lost and never could it have been retrieved by mere minds of common science. One-time ancient kings grew weary and worried by death, which is the natural epilogue of human life within the circles of Arda. What had been deemed a gift, thitherto, turned into a tormenting nightmare for any who would sit on the throne of Men. A gift was no more; rather, they would see it as the ultimate obstacle to complete happiness and glory. A grievous conclusion of one's fate. And then obsession was given an entrance to their proud hearts, so that they commenced grand plans of construction and solemn tombs were therefore built to honour those who had passed away from this earth. Alas, those mighty monuments were made fairer than the actual houses of the living ones; kings began to ask questions to the stars, hoping that solace and wisdom would descend from heavens, and so the matters of their domain were ignored for some time and chaos paved its way to the world again, as confidence got lesser and as hard walls slowly decayed and knelt before the ruthless course of time.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #574 am: 14. Dez 2017, 16:53 »
Gaze of forever and infinite things

We may barely speak words, as we behold thee,
Thou partakest in the parties of the Immaculate Reign, next to thy ruler, the Ancient King of the world,
Every time joy filleth us and memory will always bear of thy grace the sight,
The supreme halls of the City of Bells, ever-lit thou wilt and shalt render.

May we see again thy visage, we pray, which is gaze of forever and infinite things.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #575 am: 14. Dez 2017, 21:08 »
Beside your king you have always stood

Good or bad luck, radiant harmony or tragedy, victory or grim defeat,
Naught could ever make you falter or your resolve wane,
You were the first to have acknowledged what was true and doomed to be,
Piercing the initial thoughts of whom was once the greatest of the highest order, and you had seen evil and many woes.

His friendship you have forsworn and always battled him in the wars that had later been waged to safeguard the Plan of old, always being beside your king, ruler of clouds and commander of the ether encircling all.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #576 am: 14. Dez 2017, 22:40 »
Daydreaming and hoping

Hoping for something better than ash and sorrow,
A brighter tomorrow on the horizon of our grey age,
Men wander still in doubt and wary of their inner might they are,
Elves leave these mortal shires of ours, bequeathing a marred earth and of ruins too, for the sea calls them yonder, beyond the air and circles of Arda, where lie dwellings of diamond and a realm which the immortal eye beholds and the mortal dreams.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #577 am: 14. Dez 2017, 23:02 »
Fame across wood, river and stone

The Dark Tower has fallen in utter ruin, bent by the very pride of whom was its keeper,
The evil artefact of our tale is undone and it is for the good,
Thanks to the quest of unpredictable beings,
Legends, I say, for the story will pass on to the world that is to be, becoming fame that goes across wood, water, marble and stone.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #578 am: 14. Dez 2017, 23:36 »
Friends who sail and go

Some sailed and went away,
Part of the fellowship of our tales, for they took the routes of the blue that waver and sway,
Two friends, of unusual nature indeed, left the past behind their back and on the immortal shores set foot,
Their parting was the true end of the legendary quest, collective memory of all and of the newly-found peace the deep root.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #579 am: 15. Dez 2017, 00:40 »
The Heir shall rise among huts and dishevelled ways

The fortunes of Gondor will be soon at stake,
The tide is turning and moving in rage,
Men are not guided by wise rule and pure spirit,
Captains fight well and bravely, although naught is to avail whom we deem valiant and proud.

Pride is not enough to bar the passage and contain the flood,
A prophecy goes round and wide, in these days of plight,
That the Heir of the kingdom shall rise again amidst shadows and his just throne shall reclaim,
But it is not luxurious halls that are to generate this new flame, for he shall live through strife and dwell in huts among dishevelled ways.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #580 am: 15. Dez 2017, 02:02 »
We shall win through this

Shields may be shattered,
Walls may crumble apart,
Blades may rust and decay,
The tricks of the Enemy may cloud the judgement of our leaders and spread discord.

We shall win through this nonetheless, for there is no better shelter of courage than each one's resolution and will to withstand the worst which might befall, as we are honourable subjects of a glorious kingdom and not meaningless pawns.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #581 am: 15. Dez 2017, 04:13 »
Swift and lethal

Less wise they are and more dangerous,
May you be aware of the peril, should you tread that path,
Hidden they rest and on the alert remain,
One should not blame such secretive attitude and fierce defence, having them been used to harshness from the dawn of their age.

Long, wide and broad have they been patrolling those untrodden forests which are for most forgotten,
Their king moved his seat to the northernmost woods, at the coming of new wicked shadows in the world,
Now, they reside in halls carved and shaped into the stone,
Strangers they like not, and hostile acts or threats will be met by volleys of their darts, swift and lethal, of which they are renowned masters for sure.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #582 am: 15. Dez 2017, 15:12 »
The ending foretold

Voices had spoken of ominous signs, unbeknownst to the most, according to which ill our story was to turn,
At the end of the mighty alliance that closed the chapter of an age, in times buried and entombed deeply in the conscience of this continent,
The Enemy had been fended off from our merry lives of joy and honourable deeds, and content was everyone with the epilogue of such strenuous fight,
Solace was again and sunny days ahead of all were, if not for the calamitous choice of the human king, for the Evil was granted the disgraceful chance to linger still, and the silent menace crept out in truth from gloomy woods, by ghosts haunted, after much had been passed since the Tyrant's demise, to set wicked schemes in motion and prepare the ground for that ending, foretold by the wisest and feared as harbinger of cruel killing.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #583 am: 15. Dez 2017, 15:39 »
Raised to defend

The exile, worst wound of such parting was,
The Smith longed to seek retribution and went after the Foe, unto the sad shores of the mortal world,
Thy blessed domain just had to be preserved and guarded for good, not only from the enemy gaze, but also from whom the order of Valinórë had elected to disobey,
Thus, thou raisedst a girdle of magical isles in the midst of waves, covered by spells of concealment and sheer oblivion, for the door had to be shut for any labouring or suffering beyond the sea, and those very islands were not means to harm, as they were raised to hide and defend.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #584 am: 15. Dez 2017, 15:59 »
Murder, solitude and insane torture

Piety one could feel, and even anger, fear and profound dismay,
Buoyant dweller along the river he once was, until trapped he was by horrible chains and always in darkness thereafter he lay,
It began with murder and solitary exile, as his life too long for nature's laws was spanning and his very doing from human composure slowly turned into the one of a beast,
There, in caverns hidden under mines and reigns, his foul treasure consumed the sane remnants of his being, deep in dungeons of stone surrounded by mist.