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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 185124 mal)


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #780 am: 28. Feb 2018, 11:16 »
Born among mere roots

Indeed, folks speak of swift rangers,
Abroad, so distant and far,
Further and further, where the Sun rises,
Unto the East, deep and so much strange,
Which sort of beasts might wander there, I ask?
Creatures of tales, we assume,
Which we dread and want not,
Within the wooden fence of a Hobbit-home,
So, those are lands of the dawn,
Blessed by the first rays of the morning.

Sleep-less nights they must suffer,
Over there, I think and wonder,
For of perils such murmurs are full,
But also of gallant courage,
Spirit of old, so rare,
Ideals that fight foes and the bad keep at bay,
Having defences of hard stone,
And marble, magnificent and resilient as those who had raised the stronghold,
Bloodline of note, surely,
What would one of our people have to do with kings and lords?

Akin kind to the dwellers of the old North,
Now wasted and bare,
From which salvation is to come anew,
In the words of prophecies,
That we may sometimes hear,
Told perhaps by queer travellers who visit the earldom,
The merry Shire of ours,
Envy and pride for us,
Apart from grief and woe,
And very little would we make good usage of bows and swords.

Despite the hatred of some lots,
We still dwell in peace,
Safe and sound,
Buoyant and happy,
Being our ways clear from threats,
Nay, very few dare bring havoc or worries here,
Some have seen silent guards patrol the entrance to our land,
Invisible help, not requested nor known,
Rangers of the forest, used to adversity and vigilant nights,
Among whom a leader must have born, in the midst of hurry and roots.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #781 am: 28. Feb 2018, 15:49 »
Sayings of Stars (IV)

Antique eras, when the ways of space you made lit,
Fountains of radiance, that nourish hope and in the firmament fit,
Your Majesty, clear from sin, pure will of goodness and infinite wit,
To our pleas you hearken, preserving justice, for the King and Queen atop the heavens together sit.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #782 am: 28. Feb 2018, 16:48 »
Crimson jewel

Ring of ardent valour,
Crimson jewel, of fiery colour,
One of the Three that avoided the touch of the cursed hand,
It kindles the heart of captives, to undo snares and bold stand.

Kept by the guardian of the Havens, watching over the route of the sea,
Which immortal beings take, as twilight approaches, to live free,
You shall serve well, on the finger of the Grey Pilgrim, bound to wander,
He was bidden to wake the asleep conscience and throughout the world meander.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #783 am: 28. Feb 2018, 18:56 »
Ocean of tears

Let the Angels weep,
Let them pity the fate of things,
One they had foreseen,
Prior to time and matter,
Holy choir of forever,
The Plan was not to be all joy and jubilation,
Primeval hatred followed the divine kind unto the remote vastness of Eä,
Much they had to battle,
For evil deities sought to mar the ancient symmetry,
Mighty Powers, your enchanted isle in the lake was set on fire, and the Two Lamps fell, bringing havoc and ruin.

Let the Firstborns despair,
Mourning demise and loss,
Ever-present desire of bliss,
Within solid walls and sound doors,
In which the flower of their splendour may blossom and grow,
Many had marched to reach the lost light,
Of the Two Trees of Valinor, splendid memory of tales,
Yet, doom dwelt within the lit kingdom of the Lords,
Discord was born, blood stained the paths of Aman and a fine court elected exile,
Finding cold shelter on the shores of Beleriand, country of sorrow and legend.

Let Men grieve their wounds,
Unjust malice inflicted had been,
Upon the feeble, vulnerable race,
Suffering illness, harshness and death,
Unknown destiny, which is in truth a gift,
Often misunderstood, alas, viewed as punishment and bane,
It is freedom, however,
Leading mortal souls beyond the gate of the universe,
Freeing them from the burden of an immortal life,
Which all drains and renders weary, be it noble Eldar or immaculate Ainur.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #784 am: 2. Mär 2018, 00:20 »
Lost keep

How has the kingdom lost his keep?
Of its broad shires, not governed by fist nor whip,
Hazard festers soon and swift, endangering the throne,
Of monarchs of old, leaving the tower solitary and lone.

The finest kind of Men had sworn,
To bar the coming of darkness, which all makes dim and forlorn,
Raising stone and impeccable marble,
For everyone to recall such power, in tale and fable.


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  • Hoher König von Gondor
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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #785 am: 2. Mär 2018, 16:11 »
Sayings of Stars (V)

Upon the undying peak, high above,
Above the other heights of Arda, seat of unceasing love,
There, among solemn chanting and songs, have the Valar a grand feast,
Inside the halls of the Two Monarchs, amidst pure mist.

So close to the firmament, testimony of joy,
And of immense power, contrasting the void,
Elves, kings, lords and Angels of the holy People, the finest guest,
To share vision of their Queen, whom most they revere and deem best.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #786 am: 4. Mär 2018, 01:07 »
How long shall the fortress hold?

How long shall the fortress hold?
How long will we keep the passage barred?
Hard marble fears not blade and spear,
Though, soul is a stronghold too,
One which may decide our fate,
One that shelters and harbours the ardent spirits of valour,
Often, to our profound dismay, defence might be breached,
Honour may fail, crushed by terror and relentless hatred,
Whose real nature we cannot seem to grasp,
For evil schemes are ill product of akin minds, lost and hopeless.

How long shall we keep the gate secure?
The city must not fall,
Temple of towers and pompous mansions,
A brave shield, wielded at wit's end, might not be enough,
Swift darts might not avail,
Should devils come upon fell wings,
The door might be undone, should monsters seek to tear it down,
Our leadership might flinch before the ultimate doom,
Pushed to the maze of madness,
Incapable of discerning friends from foes.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #787 am: 4. Mär 2018, 01:32 »
Thank you, strange amicable chap

I thank you, strange amicable chap,
You, who walk the paths of the world and your words in riddles wrap,
Very fond you've grown of our green Shire,
All rejoice at your coming, as though you bore the warmest fire.

Old traveller, your grey robes are ever welcome to see,
As we're all content with joyful living, quiet and free,
Old friend, folks speak great praises, dabbling you in magic,
Thank you for having brought me in one of your adventures, coloured by hues merry and tragic.


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  • Hoher König von Gondor
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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #788 am: 8. Mär 2018, 17:17 »
Fallen, yet saved

Fallen, thou wast,
Overcome by fire and bitter frost,
Battling against evilness beyond measure,
Once the City of Legends had been raided and deprived from treasure.

The Dark Lord was not to prevail,
For some fled through hidden paths, in future times the Good's fate to avail,
The Child of Hope by thee hath been rescued, as the way was safely paved,
If not for a flaming demon, dragging thy ruin to the void, fallen, yet by the mercy of Valinor saved.


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  • Hoher König von Gondor
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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #789 am: 8. Mär 2018, 17:55 »
What about the great South, my friend?

Ill-fated story you told, my lad,
About that northern mansion,
Near ice and shadow,
Built before our modern days,
Splendour of a past we cannot grasp, I fear,
Well, the merry Hobbit need not despair,
For Men are difficult to vanish and renounce their legacy,
Behind the mighty walls they have raised,
Still, they cope with time as we do too,
Trying to find meanings and pursue joy.

Only, very little is it known,
Of how well they fare,
Down under, next to the unknown,
Abroad, I say, whither no sane Hobbit should go,
Adventure it is not, methinks,
Where peril dwells, along with strange folks,
Rumour has it that Gondor all rules in its government,
Guardians of towers and mariners across the vast bay,
Gallantly they always fight, I presume,
And such sires must surely have tales for lesser people, the likes of which we rejoice at, whilst tasting our salted meat.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #790 am: 8. Mär 2018, 20:38 »
What lies beneath silence

We had not foreseen our realm crumbling,
Dim light and eerie mood, death came as the furious thunder rumbling,
Our grievous bell tolled, buried in the deep, in the guise of a fell drum,
Harbinger of mayhem, ruinous beacon for vicious scum,
Hell, drawn to the mines by endless greed,
Made worse, alas, for the gift of treason was accepted and to ill it was to lead,
Wanderer, you ought not to test hazard, be wary!
Do not gaze at the dreary void, terrible and scary,
Were you to pay homage to a tomb, don't linger or place a wreath,
Desperation and grievous silence are what verily lies beneath.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #791 am: 9. Mär 2018, 14:25 »
Sayings of Stars (VI)

Eternal white,
Just and right,
Atop the Holy Mountain,
Of light the sacred fountain.

Here, amidst perennial joy,
Splendour for each Elven maiden and boy,
We sing and chant,
Pure will, never bent.

Your majesty, forever,
Bond which we shall not sever,
No woe for going hither,
Where Angels are merry and naught is to wither.

In Aman, blessed by moon and sun,
Across which fine deers run,
And your Stars shine in the Void and such distance roam,
Reflecting on the broad sea, journeyed by the Riders of Foam.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #792 am: 9. Mär 2018, 19:20 »
That kind, immortal

Oh, love, what I would do for such a sight!
Silent pilgrims, pious and bright,
Incessant is their pace,
Composure of a king, noble face,
Weary they have grown of our world,
Their kind, immortal, which fate has contributed to mould,
They're leaving, now, towards white towers,
At the ends of all mortal routes, paths and green roads with flowers,
There shall they take a ship, away from who, where, when and what,
Rejoining their kindred souls, sailing to lands which die not.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #793 am: 9. Mär 2018, 20:54 »
Remote cults

Where are they, I wonder?
The two wizards, gone yonder,
At the edge of light,
Where sunrise glares in might.

Blue as the impetuous tide,
Of the sea, far and wide,
A mission they had to fulfil,
In honour and utmost goodwill.

To the East, in mystery wrapped,
They headed, bewildered and trapped,
By the customs of such lesser folk,
That common ones often dread or mock.

A mission they were entrusted,
Along those hazardous ways and iron rusted,
Too used to those remote cults, their duty they forsook,
Forgotten by men's tale, murmur and look.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #794 am: 10. Mär 2018, 22:19 »
Hither and thither (alternative version)

Hither and thither he goes,
The Grey Wizard, ever-lively as a crimson rose,
No menace he's to pose,
For he just aids the needing, as time rages and endlessly flows.

A crimson rose. A vivid hue of red...

A Ring of Power, borne in secrecy, which one's spirit kindles and hope spreads.