[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Bug Reports

Gondor Bugs

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Discord [BOT]:
Gondor bug:
Hello, I have a bug with Gondorian melee infantry. As soon as I load a save from a skirmish, the Gondorian spearmen and swordsmen lose their visual armor upgrade and look like they don't have the upgrade.
mightydawg. (<@1109508719106072656>)

Discord [BOT]:
Here goes, Malbeth will sometimes be stuck in level 7 and require the player to use his Palantir ability 2 - 3 times before finally unlocking his level 10 passive, this is not always happening but may happen in Epic Battle setting (mostly happened in 2 v 2 maps on my end)
sirpottsiii (<@1045594629623533630>)


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