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Autor Thema: funny, clever, unique stuff  (Gelesen 99956 mal)

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #15 am: 10. Aug 2015, 22:19 »
One of the best alternative endings. :D

xD sauron said jesus xD XD


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #16 am: 15. Aug 2015, 02:42 »
I have found some clever and unique stuff from Silmarilion, if you haven't already seen this:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #17 am: 15. Aug 2015, 04:39 »
found some cool stuff xD xD xD


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #18 am: 15. Aug 2015, 06:40 »
I have found some clever and unique stuff from Silmarilion, if you haven't already seen this:

Link 1

The first one is definitely very familiar to me  :D

It is inferred, in the Silmarillion, that Varda is arguably the most powerful among the Valar, after the original Melkor (the first Vala, originally mightier that all the others combined together  [ugly]).
Varda is certainly not the most powerful Vala in authority, given that Manwë is the dearest to Ilúvatar and he was indicated by the Almighty God as the King of the World; but Varda is definitely the mightiest among the Archangels, since she represents Light, and all the Light in the Universe came originally from her, of which she is the only source  8-)
Light, as an element, is obviously superior to the other fundamental elements: superior to Air (Manwë), Water (Ulmo), Matter (Aulë) and Plants (Yavanna)  :)
But she obviously has to obey to Manwë, as all the other Valar, since his authority is unquestionable.

Thus, it was Varda who gave Life and Light to the Stars, to the Lamps and to the Two Trees of Valinor (and consequently to the Sun and the Moon), the greatest Creations of Arda  8-)
That's why she is, as it is clearly stated in the Silmarillion, the most feared and hated by Melkor among the Valar, the first one to realise, already in the Timeless Halls, that Melkor was the Evil; she then immediately 'refused' him.
Yes, he tried to approach her, but she refused  :P

And the first link represents perfectly how the Valar often mourned due to the constant destruction of their Creations, of Which the Two Trees of Valinor were the greatest in Splendour.
And also, after the Darkening of Valinor, Fëanor definitely didn't contribute to make the situation better...  8-|
How in the World could you hate or accuse someone like Varda, the most beautiful and powerful being in the Universe?  :)

« Letzte Änderung: 15. Aug 2015, 08:49 von DieWalküre »


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #19 am: 15. Aug 2015, 11:59 »
Melkor was cunning by all means of that word, he knew about her powers and limits.
Yes, Varda indeed was second in power and creator of most powerful&beautiful things (powerful in means of good). And about that Manwë, I presonally NEVER liked him. During reading Silmarilion, I often went to rage, while riding some of situations in which  Manwë acted like disoriented child. That guy wasn't worthy of the main position, and always gave the impression of unconfident character.

P.S. Btw, nice analysis Walk. :)


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #20 am: 15. Aug 2015, 13:40 »

Melkor was cunning by all means of that word, he knew about her powers and limits.
Yes, Varda indeed was second in power and creator of most powerful&beautiful things (powerful in means of good). And about that Manwë, I presonally NEVER liked him. During reading Silmarilion, I often went to rage, while riding some of situations in which  Manwë acted like disoriented child. That guy wasn't worthy of the main position, and always gave the impression of unconfident character.

P.S. Btw, nice analysis Walk. :)

Yes, Manwë often shows enigmatic traits of his behaviour, and can be misinterpreted as a 'powerless' King in its own Kingdom (Arda); Tolkien himself writes that he is a very good and merciful being, almost a stranger in the ruling dynamics of the World, who initially believed in the possibility of a second chance for his elder brother Melkor.
This merciful trait of him led, then, Manwë to make great mistakes and suffer the consequences of his good intentions.
But Tolkien also states that he is the dearest Ainu to Ilúvatar, and that Eru 'chose' him because he had understood deeply its Plan, more than any other Ainur, granting him an almost Universal Knowledge of the Destiny of the Universe (not complete though, since he is not omniscient).
We can thus say that, although his choices were initially really suffered and indirectly caused a lot of terrible consequences, he was right in the 'long term' of the events.

For example, after the Darkening of Valinor, while the Vanyar (and secondarily the Teleri) chose to remain 'loyal' to the Will of the Valar, Fëanor (also deceived by the lies of Melkor) accused Manwë of 'cowardice' for not immediately waging war to Morgoth in Middle Earth, disobeying to the Valar and starting, then, the Exile of the Noldor from the Blessed Realm.

But Manwë eventually was, at the display of the events, right and wise; he didn't move war to Morgoth in Beleriand to not wound another time the World and endanger the recently-awakened and vulnerable Humans.
Fëanor, instead, ended up being completely wrong in his own deep reasons and purposes, since, although the Splendour of the Noldorin Kingdoms of Beleriand, the Noldor never managed anymore to create an eternal and stable realm in Middle Earth, and recreate completely the Splendour of Valinor outside the Pelóri, suffering unspeakable sorrows due to Morgoth first, and then Sauron in the Second and Third Age  :)

Anyway, I definitely like Varda more; she is my favourite Vala along with Nienna.
The Elves immediately fell in love with her, when they reached Valinor  (**)

« Letzte Änderung: 16. Aug 2015, 11:37 von DieWalküre »


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #21 am: 16. Aug 2015, 03:18 »
Walk, my friend, I really think you deserve some place in edain team as theoretic consultant or something like that. :)
There is no doubt you understand this matter better then me in general.
I just said Manwë was like he was in my opinion, simply I didn't like him in general, maybe he had some good choices and you explained consequences of his behaviour and thinking, but I simply don't like him in general, don't like that kind of behaviour which I describe like passive, in my opinion too passive. You was right all about him, this is simply my opinion, nothing more.
About Fëanor, it is better to not start here, he deserves new topic. I will just say he is in my opinion the most complex character in Tolkien world. There is no other person which could compare with complexity of his character! He was unique, I don't say he was right or wrong, simply in general he is very complex for analysis. :)
« Letzte Änderung: 16. Aug 2015, 03:24 von CragLord »


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #22 am: 16. Aug 2015, 12:24 »
Yes! Brunhild should join ET.  xD


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #23 am: 16. Aug 2015, 13:47 »

Walk, my friend, I really think you deserve some place in edain team as theoretic consultant or something like that. :)
There is no doubt you understand this matter better then me in general.

There is no other person which could compare with complexity of his character! He was unique, I don't say he was right or wrong, simply in general he is very complex for analysis. :)

Yes! Brunhild should join ET.  xD

Thank you all, I'm honoured, but I think you are exaggerating a bit now  :D

Crag, I too like very much the character of Fëanor and recognise its fundamental importance, even though I don't agree with him and his actions  :)
If you want, you are more than free to start a topic/discussion about Fëanor and his deep purposes on the 'Annals of Aman' thread, since he spent the majority of his life in Aman and conceived his thoughts there.
And, apparently, searching through the Internet, Fëanor's opposition to the Valar is a very 'heated' topic  :)
It would be a more appropriate thread  ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 16. Aug 2015, 14:17 von DieWalküre »


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #24 am: 16. Aug 2015, 20:35 »
You are welcome. :) ;)
I also like Fëanor, I will start maybe some day. I really don't remember too much right now, I read book few years ago, and I believe if I read Simrilion again, experience will not be the same, so I say maybe one day I will start discussion at your Annals of Aman thread.  :)
I will also say it was unadvisedly act from Fëanor!
But his self-confidence, determination, his fire-spirit, his acts in general (more bad than good!) are something worthy of very long and precise discussion. :)
He was born for big acts! Sadly there was a lot of bad but big acts after all.
More complex character don't exist in Tolkien world. That is my opinion for now. :)
« Letzte Änderung: 16. Aug 2015, 21:06 von CragLord »


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #25 am: 16. Aug 2015, 21:04 »

You are welcome. :) ;)
I also like Fëanor, I will start maybe some day. I really don't remember too much right now, I read book few years ago, and I believe if I read Simrilion again, experience will not be the same, so I say maybe one day I will start discussion at your Annals of Aman thread.  :)

And I will wait for you  ;)


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #26 am: 24. Aug 2015, 11:35 »
found a nice little song adaption

It was at the Survivor Series that the dark path of the Undertaker was born. It seems like an eternity ago that the demons of hell passed judgement on the mortal world and unleashed a creature of the night so powerful that the mention of it's very name sends shivers down to the spines of who oppose him
You look into the eyes of the Reaper and you'll see that your fate is sealed!

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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #27 am: 13. Sep 2015, 22:51 »
This one should be a must for all #LOTR #funny #Trolling threads  [uglybunti]
The voice is just irresistible  :D


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #28 am: 13. Sep 2015, 23:10 »

It will always remain as a Testament for all the trolling forces operating in the Dark and treacherous depths of the Internet  :D


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Re: funny, clever, unique stuff
« Antwort #29 am: 19. Sep 2015, 16:00 »
Ain't this the best Fellowship anime picture or what!

This picture is drone by Kark-Jocke
« Letzte Änderung: 19. Sep 2015, 16:19 von hoho96 »