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Autor Thema: Annals of Aman  (Gelesen 146129 mal)


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Annals of Aman
« am: 20. Mai 2015, 18:23 »
Behind the walls of the Pelóri the Valar established their domain in that region which is called Valinor, and there were their houses, their gardens, and their towers. In that guarded land the Valar gathered great store of light and the fairest things that were saved from the ruin; and many others yet fairer they made anew, and Valinor became more beautiful even than Middle-earth in the Spring of Arda; and it was blessed, for the Deathless dwelt there, and there naught faded nor withered, neither was there any stain upon flower or leaf in that land, nor any corruption or sickness in anything that lived; for the very stones and waters were hallowed.
J.R.R. Tolkien – The Silmarillion

Everybody knows and, rightly, loves Middle Earth, its lands, its events and its characters; but, maybe, not everyone knows completely the history, the regions and the inhabitants of Middle Earth's 'rival'/opposite and hidden continent.
The 'Lands that never wither' are the realm of the Valar and their people, the Maiar, and house of the most ancient realms of the Eldar.
The First Elves, that decided to reach the Splendour of Valinor, faced a long and perilous journey, guided by the Vala Oromë, through Middle Earth in forgotten times, years in which all the World was dark and dangerous, enlightened only by the Stars, and Valinor was the only place blessed with the eternal and legendary Light of the Two Trees.
The history of the Two Trees of Valinor was deeply interwoven with the future events of Arda, from the First Age to the Third Age.


I created this blog to talk about my favourite continent and region of Eä, the Undying Lands.
Blessed, holy, hidden, protected and mysterious lands beyond the Sea, of which Tolkien didn't give us many details, because, I think, he didn't want to 'ruin' the Magic and the unspeakable wonder that permeate them.
Lands where I would surely desire to live, if I could choose among the various places of the Tolkien's Legendarium :)

I find them spectacular and fascinating also for the fact that they are inhabited by immortal beings, and that they are the 'true' homeland of the Elves and their only truly safe place; where the Elves can fulfill fully their nature of immortals and live beside the Light.
Not to mention that the Undying Lands are the motherland of my favourite character and other mighty Elves.


Tol Eressëa, the Lonely Island, is the easternmost land of the Undying Lands, and it is situated in front of the Bay of Eldamar. It was originally a mobile Island, and it was used by the Vala Ulmo as a ferry, to carry the Three Kindreds of the Elves across the Belegaer, to make them reach Aman and establish in the Realm of the Valar.

The largest settlement of this green and beautiful Island is Avallónë, the easternmost port, founded and established by many of the Eldar (mostly Noldor and some Sindar) that sailed back to the West after the War of Wrath, at the end of the First Age; this port thus became the first landfall for the Elves that lingered still in the World in the Second and Third Age, and wanted to return to Aman. The white Towers and Palaces of Avallónë were even visible from Númenor, during the merry days of the Edain, and were often and wrongly considered, by ordinary Men, as Towers and Palaces of Valinor itself.

The Teleri, guided by Elwë's brother, Olwë, were the last ones to cross the Belegaer, and, the Vala Ulmo, being them enchanted and overwhelmed by the beauty of Eressëa, and desiring not to suddenly leave the Sea under the Starry Sky for the Light of Valinor, anchored the Island to the waters in front of Eldamar, and the Teleri established there for many years. When the longing for Aman of the Falmari (the Teleri that had crossed the Sea) was too strong, Olwë led his people to Eldamar upon White Ships guided by flying Swans, that they had been taught to build by the marine Maia Ossë, and founded Alqualondë on the Immortal Shores.


Aman was the westernmost continent and Land of Arda, that emerged from the sea in the last period of the Years of the Lamps, after the destruction of the Two lamps, Illuin and Ormal, and the disruption of the original symmetry of the World (that then would have become the Middle Earth), and thus after the end of the Spring of Arda.
Situated in the Far West of the World, this Land was chosen by the Valar (the 'Archangels') as their new home and realm, after the destruction of their previous residence, the Isle of Almaren.
The Valar were followed by most of the Maiar (the Angels that serve them) and established their dominion and authority in Aman, to find a safe shelter from the terrible dark power of Melkor.

The Valar and the Maiar with their powers made Aman a holy, incorruptible, immortal, bright and blessed Land, and fortified it with the creation of the Pelóri.
In the central region of Aman, the wide green plain protected by this Indestructible Walls, the Archangels concentrated their might and established Valinor, the Blessed Realm; and they gave it the Light with the creation of the glorious and legendary Two Trees of Valinor, the silver Telperion and the golden Laurelin, making Valinor the only enlightened Land in the ancient dark World (apart from the eternal light of the Stars in the sky).

Apart from the Halls of the respective Valar, the main parts and regions of Aman are Eldamar, the Calacirya (the only accessible pass to Valinor, a breach in the Pelóri), Valinor and their cities.


Eldamar, or 'Elvenhome', is the bay and the coastal green region situated between the Walls of Valinor and the Sea.
This region was not inhabited by the Ainur and remained 'solitary' until the arrival of the Eldar, after their great Journey along Middle Earth.

Since the Elves were the first and the only ones that settled there and established their cities, this region can be truly considered as their own glorious land, even though it can't be compared to the Bliss of Valinor.
Eldamar is mainly inhabited by the Noldor and the Teleri, and its main cities are Tirion on the Calacirya and Alqualondë on the coast.


Alqualondë, or 'Swanhaven', is the city and the port of the Teleri; it was the last city to be established in Eldamar and was founded by the Falmari, the Teleri that eventually managed to reach Aman and moved from Tol Eressëa, the Lonely Island.

There, with the help of the Noldor, they built their Halls and palaces, made of the pearls that they used to find in the sea or of the jewels that they received from the Noldor.
Thus it is said that this haven shines beautifully at night, and more splendidly used to do it in the Ancient Times, when Eldamar was only enlightened by the light of the Stars, like the other regions of Middle Earth.

This port was also the place in which the Teleri were taught by the marine Maiar Ossë and Uinen to build their legendary Swan-Ships, becoming the most skilled mariners in the World.

Alqualondë is also sadly remembered in the general lore for the cruel and tragic first Kinslaying, one of the most shocking events happened in the history of Arda, when Fëanor and his people attacked the Falmari,after the Mariners refused to give them their ships.

The King of the Falmari and the Lord of 'Swanhaven' is Olwë, brother of the more famous Elwë, High King of the Teleri and King of Doriath.


Tirion is the main city of the Noldor in Aman and the biggest one in Eldamar, this fortified settlement is situated in the valley of Calacirya, upon the green hill of Túna, guarding this pass as a fortress.

 This fair city is famous for its white walls and terraces, and the sand in the streets is said to be of grains of diamond, and white crystal stairs climb from the fertile land beneath to the great gates.
The center of the city is dominated by the High King of all Elves Ingwë's tower Mindon Eldaliéva, whose silver lantern shines far out to the Sea, as a magnificent lighthouse.
Beneath the tower stands the palace that once belonged to Finwë, first High King of the Noldor.
Here there is also the Great Square, where it was planted the sacred White Tree Galathilion, and later the place of the infamous and disastrous Oath of Fëanor.

Tirion was the birthplace of various extremely mighty  Noldor Elves that would have had in the future a pivotal role in the lore of Middle Earth, such as Galadriel, Fëanor himself, Fingolfin, Finrod and many others.

The city was established by the Vanyar and the Noldor as their realm at the entrance of Valinor, because the Eldar still didn't fully trust the Valar and were both amazed and intimidated by their might; they then decided to linger at the Calacirya, where they were partially able to contemplate the gleam of the Holy Light of the Two Trees of Valinor that managed to penetrate the Pelóri, remaining at the same time under the 'dark' starry Sky (Calacirya means in fact 'Cleft of Light').
After the Vanyar eventually decided to settle in Valinor, Finwë became the king of the city and then his three sons Fëanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin established their respective Houses.

After the exile of the majority of the Noldor, Finarfin remained in Tirion and became its ruler and the king of the Noldor in Aman.


Avathar is the shadowed and mysterious region situated in the far south of Aman, beyond the Pelóri Mountains, and thus directly connected to Eldamar; a narrow land, characterised  by long and dark shores on the coast and a lot of dreary clefts and caverns.

During the Years of the Trees, this region was only enlightened by the light of the Stars in the sky, as all the other regions of Aman beyond the Walls of Valinor and as the entire Middle Earth; but Avathar was subdued to a terrible and greater obscurity, caused by the evil presence that used to dwell there.


Ungoliant was a dark, terrible and very powerful Maia, that was corrupted by Melkor since the Beginning of the World, she then chose to disown him to be independent and fled and hid herself in Avathar, after the destruction of the Two Lamps.
Convinced by Melkor to attack Valinor, she destroyed the Two Trees, poisoning and making them wither with her darkness, marring forever the splendour of the realm of the Valar in the Ancient Times.

She used to take the form of an enormous and horrible dark spider, and, moved by her endless hunger, feed on any source of light (especially the gleams of the holy light of the Two Trees that emanated from Valinor); not only was she able to capture and absorb the light, but also she was able to annihilate it completely, being herself not just the absence of Light, but its ultimate nemesis.
With these terrible dark powers, she managed to repulse the attacks of the guards of the Valar and block temporarily the Vala Tulkas.


Araman is the cold and deserted land situated in the the far north of Aman, outside the Pelóri Mountains and along the northern coast of the same continent.
This desolate desert ends with the extremely dangerous and frozen pass of Helcaraxë, that connects Aman with Middle Earth.

It was here that the Noldor, who were willing to leave Aman and chose the exile, were cursed by the Vala Mandos and heard from him their Doom.



The Blessed Realm was established by the Valar in the green plain in the centre of Aman, that was since then called 'Valinor' and eternally consecrated to their holy and blessed powers.

No word or tale could fully describe the wonders present in this realm, we 'only' know that this land is eternally full of joy and life, and nothing withers or is subjected to the ineluctable destiny of corruption of the World, as for the other lands of Aman; but Valinor is obviously superior, because the power of the Archangels intrinsically and deeply permeates it and makes it a Holy and Immortal Land.

In this miraculous region dwell the Valar with the Maiar and have their Halls, like the legendary Gardens of Lórien of Irmo and Estë, the Pastures of Yavanna with their Wheat of the Gods, the Evergreen Fields in which runs fast Nessa, the Woods of Oromë full of life, the ethereal and mystic Halls of Mandos and Vairë, the mysterious Halls of Nienna on the grey shores of the Western Ocean Ekkaia or the Halls of Manwë and Varda on the magnificent Holy Mountain Taniquetil.

Valinor reached the peak of its Splendour and Grandeur when it used to be filled with Light by the Two Trees in the 'Day before days'; after their destruction its splendour diminished a bit, still remaining a Holy and Immortal Land.

Apart from the Ainur, the main inhabitants of Valinor are the Vanyar, the Fair Elves live eternally in the Bliss of this Land.
The Capital of Valinor is the Supreme City of Valimar, where dwells the majority of the Maiar and the Vanyar.

The Vanyar

The Vanyar, the Fair Elves, were the first Elves to awaken in Cuiviénen and to reach the shores of Aman after a long and difficult journey; they, then, decided to leave Tirion and eventually enter Valinor and dwell in the eternal joy of Valimar or at the slopes of the Mount Taniquetil.
They are the Elves most loved by Manwë and Varda, and their High King Ingwë dwells with the two Valar on the Holy Mountain and he is recognised as the High King of all Elves.
After their arrival in Valinor, the Vanyar were never seen again in Middle Earth, apart from their return to Beleriand as the Host of Valinor to fight Morgoth in the War of Wrath.

The Maiar

The Maiar, the Angels, are the servants of the Valar and their own people; many of them serve a specific Archangel and have thus powers related to their King or Queen.
They also are the guards of the Valar and the lieutenants of the mighty Host of Valinor.
Eönwë is the most powerful and the chief of the Maiar of Aman, he is also the herald of the Lord of the Air and the representative of his authority in Arda.

The Valar

The Valar are the Kings and Queens of Valinor and the most powerful of all the Ainur.
The Archangels created and shaped the World with their immense powers and gave life to almost all the fundamental elements of the Reality, like Light, Air, Water, Matter, Plants and Animals; they were also the creators of Universal Feelings and Idealistic Things, as Hope, Sadness, Dreams, Rest and Joy.
They established the Blessed Realm in Aman and are the source of its bliss, eternal joy and 'immortality'.

Manwë, Varda, Ulmo, Aulë, Yavanna, Oromë, Mandos and Nienna are the Aratar, the High Ones of Arda, the supreme Valar and the most powerful among them.
These Eight Valar are held in equal reverence, they represent the most fundamental elements of the physical and spiritual existence and are said to possess a majesty that surpasses even the other Archangels.
Manwë is the High King of the Valar and the most powerful of them in authority, being him the dearest Ainu to Eru Ilúvatar.


Valimar or Valmar is the capital of Valinor and the Supreme City of Arda and Eä, situated in the centre of the Evergreen Plain of Valinor.
This Holy City was established in the Ancient Times, long before the Awakening of the Elves, by the Valar, and here they built with the Maiar their Palaces and Halls; and it's really difficult to even only imagine how magnificently Fair and Majestic this Holy City is.

The 'City of many Bells' is eternally Joyful and Radiant, and its inhabitants can hear the holy sound of its bells, that resembles the Ancestral Music of the Ainur.
The Vanyar moved here, after they decided to follow the Light of the Two Trees, and built their Houses.
It is said that the majestic Dwellings in Valimar are made precious with Gold, Silver and Polished Bronze, and that they were lifted with spells and their stones are bound with Magic.

The Valar often visit Valimar and its inhabitants, filling its atmosphere with Eternal Bliss.
Notable places near Valimar are the Ring of Doom Máhanaxar and the Green Mound Ezellohar, where the Two Trees of Valinor were created by Yavanna, watered by Nienna and hallowed with Light by Varda.

Mount Taniquetil

Taniquetil or Oiolossë, 'Ever-Snow-White', is the Holy and White Mountain of Valinor, the highest mountain of Arda, in which Manwë and Varda established their Halls and their Thrones; from this Mountain they contemplate and rule the World and its inhabitants.

The Supreme Palace of the two Valar is also the dwelling of Ingwë, the High King of the Vanyar and High King of All Elves, of many Vanyar and Maiar, and the Great Eagles of Manwë, the Lord of the Air.


The Ring of Doom Máhanaxar is the supreme and majestic Assembly and Council of the Valar, situated outside the Golden Western Gates of Valimar.
Here the Valar sit on their Thrones and discuss about the events that happen in the World and its Destiny.

The Archangels took in the Máhanaxar fundamental decisions for the Destiny of Arda; the Valar decided here to move war to Melkor to preserve the Elves from his evil, to imprison Melkor in the Halls of Mandos, to free him after his Three-Era Captivity and to declare war again to Morgoth in aid to the Noldor in Beleriand, starting the War of Wrath.

Though they are not their Motherland, The Undying Lands are the only Lands in which the Elves can live fully according to their nature of Immortals; they strongly desire to go there because they are attracted to everything that is Eternal, Blessed and Holy, so the Journey through the Sea is felt like a natural path of their life by many of them.

At the end of the Third Age, many mighty High Elves chose eventually to leave Middle Earth for Aman, because they felt tired to live in a 'grey' and disenchanted World, and desired to reach (or return, speaking about Galadriel) the Eternal Bliss of the Undying Lands.

« Letzte Änderung: 7. Jul 2017, 16:17 von DieWalküre »

Ealendril der Dunkle

  • Gast
Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #1 am: 26. Mai 2015, 18:25 »
Such a great post around here. *Thumbs up*


  • Verteidiger Morias
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Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #2 am: 26. Mai 2015, 19:01 »
Many of these pictures are nit from the lord of the rings, but seen us, like a "real-life"-fil, when this is so, witch film is it?
Fire and Blood!


  • Verteidiger Morias
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Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #3 am: 26. Mai 2015, 19:31 »
I think a couple are from THOR ;)


  • Gast
Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #4 am: 26. Mai 2015, 19:38 »
witch film is it?

Thor and Thor: The Dark World.
Clash of the Titans as well.


  • Verteidiger Morias
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Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #5 am: 26. Mai 2015, 22:06 »
Okay, thank you :D

By the way, is the film good?
Fire and Blood!


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Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #6 am: 27. Mai 2015, 02:03 »
Depending on your definition of "good."

For me, an avid fan of the Norse tradition, the Thor movies were hard to watch, especially what they did to Loki.

As far as the remake Clash of the Titans go, if you like God of War-style deicide with Liam McIntyre [uglybunti], I mean Andy Whitfield [uglybunti], no, actually Sam Worthington (who looks exactly like the three mentioned above, and even acts in the same Jason Statham-style of over-used anti-hero) playing a low-brow, hard-nosed anti-hero who hates everyone and everything, especially the gods (because that's "in" nowadays: I've even seen Tolkien fans state that the Ban of the Valar was wrong and the Kings Men were justified in trying to take the Undying Lands by force), where CG graphics are emphasized over story, then maybe it is "good"
"He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."

Ealendril der Dunkle

  • Gast
Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #7 am: 27. Mai 2015, 10:40 »
Back to topic please. Thanks.


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Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #8 am: 28. Mai 2015, 09:43 »
Such a great post around here. *Thumbs up*

Thank you  :)

Many of these pictures are nit from the lord of the rings, but seen us, like a "real-life"-fil, when this is so, witch film is it?
I think a couple are from THOR ;)
witch film is it?

Thor and Thor: The Dark World.
Clash of the Titans as well.

Exactly :) Some of them were taken from the two films of Thor, some from LOTR, some were picked here and there from DeviantArt and the other ones are from Clash of the Titans; the latter was the only film I knew in which there were scenes of god-like creatures sat together in council, and the characters of the Valar were actually inspired by the Olympic Gods about their powers, but definitely not about their psychological behaviour  :P


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Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #9 am: 24. Jul 2015, 00:49 »
Indeed there are a lot of great Silmarillion pieces on DeviantArt. I think miy favourit one is this:

(It plays in Aman, so it basically is on topic... :P)


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Re: Annals of Aman: The Undying Lands
« Antwort #10 am: 24. Jul 2015, 00:59 »
Indeed there are a lot of great Silmarillion pieces on DeviantArt. I think miy favourit one is this:

(It plays in Aman, so it basically is on topic... :P)

Yes, this is totally part of the Annals of Aman  :)

And it's interesting, since Fingolfin had to carry on the 'Fëanor's business' in Beleriand for more than 300 years, fighting Dragons, Orcs and a titanic malicious Vala just for his hated/beloved brother  :)


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The War for Sake of the Elves
« Antwort #11 am: 30. Jul 2015, 17:11 »


Maiar vs Corrupted Maiar (Balrogs, Sauron,...)

The Valar were probably helped even by the sentient and non sentient magical and mysterious Creatures of Aman, unknown in Middle Earth; while Melkor could certainly count on all the evil Creatures and Spirits he had previously corrupted, and on the newly-created race of the Orcs, by torturing and deforming the Elves in captivity with Evil Arts and Black Magic.

The War for Sake of the Elves was a titanic and destructive War started by the Valar in the second part of the Years of the Trees, meant to contest the absolute dominion of Melkor upon Middle Earth and, mainly, to prevent him from harming even more the recently-awakened Elves in Cuiviénen, or even marring irreparably their essence; this War was started for the Love of the Valar towards the Elves, the Firstborn Children of Ilúvatar, and this purpose was never forgotten by Melkor.
The War lasted for almost 9-10 Years of the Trees (almost 100 Years of the Sun) and damaged and marred forever many lands of Middle Earth, modifying again its general appearance.

Previous Events

The Valar and the Maiar of their People had already established in Aman for millennia after the destruction of the Two Lamps and the End of the original Perfection of the World and founded Valinor, the Blessed Realm; the Archangels had then fortified their Holy Land with the indestructible Wall of the Pelóri Mountains and finally gave life to the legendary Two Trees of Valinor, which used to make this Land the only enlightened one of the World.

But the Valar still worried often about the sad fate of the dark and dangerous Middle Earth, forsaken to the terrible and malicious power of Melkor, who, however, never dared to get out from his fortress of Utumno in the far North East, always fearing a sudden assault of his enemies from the West; his powers, though, had been constantly and gradually poisoning the East of the World and corrupting all the surrounding living things, while his vicious Servants often terrified these same territories.
In these perilous times, the Elves awakened at the shores of Cuiviénen (in the Far East), under the Stars created by Varda.
Melkor, due to his numerous spies, was the first one to notice them, and subsequently sent them many evil creatures and spirits; he also captured many of them who had decided to leave their birthplace to explore the surrounding areas, and started to turn them into deformed and evil creatures, the Orcs.

But, even the Vala Oromë discovered the presence of the Elves, during one of his multiple journeys through Middle Earth, and informed later the other Valar.
Upon their thrones in Máhanaxar, the Archangels took council and eventually decided to move war to their great Enemy for the safety of the First Children of Ilúvatar, and to make his plans for the World useless.

It is not clearly stated if all the Valar were present during the entire time of the War, then many speculations are possible; but it's logical to infer that Tulkas and the Aratar (the mightiest of the Valar) were present during the most difficult moments of the War.
The Elves were never involved in any fight or part of the War, but managed only to witness distant and very far Lights and Fires caused by the violent confrontations between the two Powers.


The Battle of the Powers was the initial phase of the War and it mainly involved the Lands in the North West of Middle Earth (the future Beleriand), connected to Aman via the frozen and dangerous pass of Helcaraxë.
Melkor didn't probably expect such a violent and sudden assault, but he had previously built the fortress of Angband in the northern icy wastes of these territories, to guard the borders with Aman, deeply excavated in the Iron Mountains as it was Utumno, but on the opposite side of Middle Earth; Sauron was probably the chief and guardian of Angband, along with some Balrogs and many evil and foul creatures.

The strike of the Valar was very fast and violent, and caught the enemies unexpectedly.
The Host of Valinor, mainly formed by Maiar, passed the cold desert of Araman and the Helcaraxë, and arrived in Middle Earth, suddenly attacking Angband and all the evil forces there present; the enemy dark ranks were utterly defeated and exterminated, and the gate and walls of Angband were completely torn down by the fury of the Army of the West.

If Sauron was ever present in this Battle, he probably managed to escape and hide himself in the deep Darkness of Middle Earth, waiting for the proper time to be active again and prepare the return of his terrible Master; furthermore, the Host of the Valar didn't unfortunately manage to discover the deepest dungeons and pits of Angband, in which many Balrogs, foul creatures and Orcs found refuge, for this was the first attack, and were mostly concerned of securing the Elves in the East from the direct threat of Melkor.

The Guard on Cuiviénen

The Host of Valinor, then, moved to the East and put the Guard on Cuiviénen to secure the recently-awakened Elves.
The Elves never took part in any phase of the War, but witnessed from afar the consequences and violent effects of the furious fights, and saw the Archangels and their Angels in their majestic, but still dreadful, forms of terrible and extremely powerful Warriors.


The final phase of the War was inevitably the apocalyptic Siege of Utumno, centre of Melkor's Power in the World, and source of all the sorrows and wounds of Arda in the previous millennia.
This titanic Battle lasted for many years, and was definitely the longest and most difficult moment of the War; all the possible strongest forces of both the Good and the Evil were brought there to challenge each other, as an ultimate Battle between the Light and the Darkness.
The Elves could feel from afar the ground trembling and see distant and enormous Fires and Lights in the dark and starry Sky of Middle Earth in the ancient and legendary Years of the Trees.

Before the final attack on the fortress, there were numerous violent battles at the doors of Utumno, involving not only Orcs or other corrupted and foul Monsters, but mainly the terrible Valaraukar (Balrogs), the great Demons of Fire, the Dark Maiar who served Melkor; and there were many of them in Utumno at that time.
The whole power of Melkor was reversed in Battle, but it's not clear, though, if the Dark Vala himself was ever involved in direct fights, or remained safe in his Fortress; on the other hand, it's possible and logical to infer that all the Valar (or at least the Aratar) were present to lead their Holy Host.

Utumno, then, was finally assaulted.
Its Gate, Walls and Halls were completely destroyed and unroofed, and the Power of the Valar descended in the darkest depths of Utumno.
Melkor retreated and hid himself in the deepest and darkest hall of the fortress, but then the Vala Tulkas, the Champion of the Valar, stepped forward and directly challenged Melkor.
Tulkas defeated Melkor and chained him with Angainor, the indestructible Chain created by Aulë.

Utumno was completely torn down and cleansed forever, and all the other Lands in the North East were laid waste by the terrible power and energy originated from the War; Mountains were levelled, new Rivers and Seas were excavated, and the shape of the World was violently changed again.
But the War and all its consequent destruction were inevitable and necessary to defeat Melkor, even though some of his Servants managed to escape and hide themselves.

Following Events

Angband and Utumno were destroyed, the evil forces were defeated and Melkor was brought in chains to Valinor, where he begged forgiveness at the feet of the Holy Throne of Manwë; Forgiveness that the King of Arda didn't grant him.
Melkor was thus brought to the Prison of Mandos in the Halls of Mandos, of which no Vala, Maia, Elf or Human could have never broken out, and was left there for more than 300 Years of the Trees (more than 3000 years of the Sun).

The Elves were finally safe and free from the threat of Melkor, but the Valar still feared that they could have been negatively influenced by the still-remaining Shadows of the Enemy in the World, and also desired their company, being amazed by the Beauty of the Firstborn.
Then, the Valar decided to invite the Elves in their Blessed Realm, hallowed by the Light of the Two Trees, and chose three ambassadors among the Eldar to be brought to Valinor to convince their people; they were Ingwë, Finwë and Elwë, who later became High Kings of their respective kin.
The three Ambassadors were completely amazed by the Splendour of Valinor, and were thus accompanied back to Cuiviénen, to convince their people to accept the invitation of the Valar.
Then the Great Journey, or March, of the Eldar through Middle Earth began.
« Letzte Änderung: 7. Jul 2017, 16:30 von DieWalküre »


  • Gast
Re: Annals of Aman
« Antwort #12 am: 31. Jul 2015, 00:53 »
Nice  DieWalküre!   :)
Are you planning like this through whole First Age?  :)


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Re: Annals of Aman
« Antwort #13 am: 31. Jul 2015, 15:38 »
Nice  DieWalküre!   :)
Are you planning like this through whole First Age?  :)

Thank you  :)

Probably, but now I am mainly focusing on the Years of the Trees and on the events happened in Aman or on the actions of the Valar in Middle Earth; while the First Age mostly involves the Eldar in Beleriand (Middle Earth).

But, as you may know, the Valar did take directly part in a specific moment of the War of the Jewels, so...  :P


  • Gast
Re: Annals of Aman
« Antwort #14 am: 31. Jul 2015, 16:07 »
Maybe you can add some maps which shows difference between Utumno and Angaband. :) Think that would be nice. :)  Was Udun other name for Utumno? Think I read that on some map with Lamps in time before all of this. :) 
« Letzte Änderung: 3. Aug 2015, 17:03 von CragLord »