[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Imladris Suggestions

Elrond - Lord of Imladris

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Fond greetings to all, dear attendees of this long, ancient and glorious thread. You may be wondering which purpose this venerable topic can still serve, and I shall answer it immediately: to complete the design of our beloved Lord of Imladris ;)

It has been a long and eventful journey. A wonderful experience for everyone involved in such lively debate. Our proposals have already produced meaningful changes, but the portrait is still half-complete. Therefore, Tiberius and I are very glad to present a final comprehensive proposal for Elrond's skill set!

Before I showcase the whole ensemble, let us go through the main arguments that have informed our little 'quest':

1. We believe that Elrond should be given more attention, as the other major heroes of the game. That is, his price should be raised to 3000 resources and will so match his own stature as one of the wisest beings in Middle-earth; valiant commander of hosts, master of all manners of lore and arts, and descendant of the noblest bloodline in all tales of Arda.

His bending of natural elements corresponds nicely and very evocatively with the own magical connotation of lore-masters, who are endowed with the knowledge and ancient wisdom connected to elemental charms.

2. His mass-slayer characterisation ought to be highlighted even more, since the very hero is supposed to be portrayed as such. With the recent addition of Galadriel's Radiant Aid, we are of the opinion that his restoration powers ought to be represented in a more unique way. Hence, while seizing this more than favourable chance, we have opted to connect the whole revitalisation theme with the Ring of Air. So, this prominent aspect of the hero will have its rightful place in the game by working in conjunction with preserving effects. A more than satisfying solution, as most people in the community spoke fervently against removing rejuvenating features altogether. We have thus veered towards a compromise that would suit everyone's needs in the best of the manners.

We're aware of the fact that his story entails a number of other themes: wisdom (experience-lending), clairvoyance (vision) and healing. However, it's not possible to explore every single one of his sides; the major issue haunting his current design is exactly embodied by his unfocused characterisation. Too many elements resulting in a confused ensemble. That's why we no longer want him to be a 'mix man' (Tiberius Ogden™), but rather an excellent mass-slayer.

(Note that Elrond's Edain-type restoration is NOT the vanilla restoration. His current restoration refreshes abilities only, without replenishing health. Thus, the healing component is already out of sight.)

3. His mount has already been implemented and the past (outlandish) 3.8.1 mobile tornado had been fixed as well, at the time of the release of 4.4. However, on the eve of the oncoming 4.5 era, it is no longer enough. His last two abilities need to be corrected once and for all, in order to reach a very decent outcome.

4. Getting the lore of the Three Rings right, in the game, has been an enormous drive for us. Surely, an imperative goal. My antique concept regarding Nenya has eventually been accepted; I hope that my other proposals involving Narya and Vilya will flourish likewise. The fundamental pillar sustaining our ideas is this: the Three Rings were forged unbeknownst to Sauron, thereby remaining utterly untainted, and later used to slow decay and preserve the craft of the Elves from the passing of time. The foremost themes are therefore preservation and protection. It wasn't always so in Edain, and that's why we feel that the upcoming patch can be the best occasion to represent the Three as it's due :)

--- Zitat ---ELROND
Level 1: Rage of the Loudwater - Elrond raises the waters of the Bruinen in defence of his people, summoning a powerful flood in the form of a mighty horse to crush enemies in the target area. At levels 3, 5, 7, and 10, an additional flood horse appears (maximum 5). Left click to activate.

Level 3: Mount - Elrond mounts or dismounts his horse.

Level 5: Ancient Equipment - Elrond draws his old sword Hadhafang and puts on his battle armour. Elrond permanently gains +25% armour and inflicts area-of-effect damage. Units in his vicinity also gain +25% armour. (Passive ability)

Level 7: Wuthering Gale - Elrond summons a raging whirlwind around himself which will heavily damage surrounding enemy units, knocking them down and drawing them towards Elrond. Left click to activate.

Level 10: Vilya's Preservation - The mightiest of the Three Rings shields Middle-earth from evil and toil. All allied buildings and heroes across the map gain +70% armour and are immune to magic. Heroes cannot be knocked back and their abilities recharge much faster.
Lasts for a long duration.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Vilya's graphical rendition: Vilya being activated is going to be signalled by a heavenly light shrouding every allied building. We already notice a similar rendition in the current design of Nenya. This time, however, if the Ring of Water recreates a rather nocturnal vibe across the map, the Ring of Air should cause structures to shine radiantly and increase the very brightness of common daylight; I presume this graphical rendition will do well, in order to transpose Rivendell's ever-present sunny weather into the Edain Mod. Secondly, heroes could get their own effects, too; in particular, we have to show that Vilya refreshes each of their abilities.

--- Zitat --- Level 10: Tutelage of Ossë - Thanks to the ancestral teachings of Ossë, Círdan grants all ships and siege weapons across the map +30% armour, +20% attack and +15% speed for a duration.
--- Ende Zitat ---

The Ring of Air shall offer the ultimate defence against decay. In fact, what is decay exactly? Mostly, I view it as the pitiless passing of time and the consequent deterioration brought about by bad weather and malevolent entities, be it fell ice, poison or other corroding adversities, not to mention destruction and physical damages deriving from assaults and sieges.
A magical defence against the merciless action of these negative factors therefore strings the right chords. Marvellous solution.

We are of the definitive opinion that the aforementioned design not only does justice to a legendary, high-kindred leader of a faction, but it overall suits the canons very accurately. Vilya rendered Imladris an immaculate sanctuary, unscathed by time and decadence. And this the Ring had been doing for several centuries, until the very valley became a paler reflection of Eressëa itself. Hence, here is another fundamental component of the concept: a paradise on earth.

--- Zitat ---Of the Three Rings that the Elves had preserved unsullied no open word was ever spoken among the Wise, and few even of the Eldar knew where they were bestowed. Yet after the fall of Sauron their power was ever at work, and where they abode there mirth also dwelt and all things were unstained by the griefs of time.


In that time the stronghold and refuge of Imladris, that Men called Rivendell, was founded by Elrond Half-elven; and long it endured.
--- Ende Zitat ---
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Silmarillion: Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age


1. Walküre
2. Tiberius Ogden
3. Fellowship_of_the_Ring
4. tolgayurdal
5. GildorInglórion (ModDB)
6. AmosVogel
7. AulëTheSmith
8. TheOnlyTrueWitchking
9. SP19XX

This thread is primarily about Elrond and his skills.

Firstly  - Elrond's role. I always thought that he is strong hero supporter and secondarily unit supporter + ring hero. His abilities don't correspond with mass slayer role, such role have for instance Smaug as a big creature, Mollock as a terrible monster or Gandalf as a powerful wizard. So generally we can say that Elrond is hero supporter.

Elrond's abilities:

1) Loud waters fury
Elrond as a lore master from Imladris has river Bruinen under his control. When he becomes more wiser, his power over river is getting stronger.
So on level 1 water blast in targeting area with one horse, on level 3 two horses, on level 5 three horses, on level 7 four horses and finally on level 10 five water horses.
Spell deals more and more damage and for still larger and larger area, but it isn't so strong like ultimate spell from spellbook - there are seven horses and large area.
If isn't technically possible work with "horses" in this skill, so there can be firstly only water blast and for instance from level 5 his normal spell (there are two horses permanently I think), but logically effect (damage etc.) should be stronger as well.

3) Elrond's advice
Small amount of experience to hero
Iconinc ability from previous version

5) Armour of high elves
Elrond is able to see into the future and reveal the impending danger. He wears the armour of the high elves, which inspires elves on the battlefield, and leads them in order to prevent the future events.
Passive ability - bonus effect for friendly units
I think that he had or will have 25 % armour for him, 25 % faster experience and armour for units or something like that

7) Mount/dismount
Lord of Imladris is able to ride a horse
We know that he is able ride a horse quite a long time, since days of Arnor ...

and in the first Hobbit movie we can see him as a leader of Imladris cavalry:

... also it fits into the faction, Imladris will have melee cavalry and only Glorfindel and Arwen are able to ride.
Don't forget that Imladris will be the second "most cavalry faction" in the game and only two heroes there are able to ride a horse?
By the way - he is able to cast "horses" and he isn't able to ride on normal horse?

10) Vilya's restoration
Elrond is greatest healer and his abilities are supported by ring of preservation. Power of the elven ring helps Elrond to completely heal nearby allies and refresh ability timer of friendly heroes
Just look at it more closely:

- Bearer of Narya is Cirdan for Edain universe, because Gandalf is mass slayer and his abilities are sufficient and come from vanilla game. Ring of fire supports friendly units (their attack and armor) which is lore accurate. Cirdan has such spell on first level.
- Galadriel wears ring of water - Nenya on level 10, which protects her realm (heroes, units, buildings in wide area are protected and invulnerable). Again - very lore accurate matter.
- Vilya, ring of air, is in Imladris. Elrond in former version on level 10 is able to summon tornado for some time and that's a problem ... because we know, that elven rings of power aren't for battle purposes but only for preservation/protection. 
I feel that it isn't suitable and lore accurate (in comparison to Nenya or Narya which have brilliant implementations in the mod) and mainly - I think that his role is (or will be) very useful hero supporter, but destructive whirlwind doesn't correspond with his role.
So new ability could be effect of the Elven ring, mass heal and recovering of abilities for heroes, because it's mighty ability and Elrond isn't powerful sorcerer, so in that case his healing skills are supported by the Elven ring.

So overall effects for three Elven rings of power will be following:

Narya - supports
Nenya - protects
Vilya - heals

Concerning design:

First four levels Elrond has bathrobe ... but Elrond is known for his love to armour:

So since level 5 armour from the first Hobbit movie: 

.... and on level ten his DG armour.

I suppose that everyone likes Elrond with his golden armor from Dol Guldur, which is more elegant than his Last aliance armor. I thought that he can have golden armor on level 10 with some resistance against magic (because it seems that he is quite immune against ringwraiths attack or presense of sauron, but it's only speculation).

Generally his last alliance armour should be for Arnor and he should be included in Last Alliance spell there.

Edited by Walküre

Personally I see no problem with Elrond's tornado. Elrond's role as a helper to others is fulfilled with his "Refresh" ability, which allows an allied hero to instantly use their abilities again.  I would argue that Refresh is Elrond's other iconic ability.  The tornado is a useful ability which should not be removed.

About Elrond's armor, I think the team needs to decide whether Elrond has his Brown and Silver armor OR his Golden armor, not both.  Personally, I would prefer the Brown and Silver armor, because the Dol Guldur armor looks more similar to his Last Alliance armor.

Ealendril der Dunkle:
Well, we cant give Elrond a third armour, this would be definitly to much. I think it fits perfectly, that he wear his brown-silver armor at Level 5. Additionally, i dont have any motivation longer to create a third design for Elrond. [ugly]

Nenya cann't protect the people of Lorien, they win the battle towards Dol Guldor by experienced warriors and sophisticated weaponry. The use of Nenya is to resist the poison and corruption on the woodland from Dol Guldor, thus preserving the living space for Galadrim. In my opinions, Galadriel's power related to Nenya shouldn't be anything directly related to battle. It could heal the friendly units, summon fog to retard enemy's movement, provide resistance to poison or give some bonus to Malorn Tree, something like that.

One of my thought, is make Galadriel's Nenya related her level, as she levels up to lv 3,5 ,7,10, the Malorn Trees(main economic building) will be gradually enhanced in production and protection.
And is there any of Cirdan's power really related to Narya?

I think I can post again here the proposal I made on the EIC once :)

Hi everyone, I want to 'formalize' as an official proposal the speculation I made above about Nenya and the defence of Lothlórien (the settlements of this faction).
The concept also comes from TiberiusOgden, who first had the initial idea about this matter.
As always, it is a proposal and thus it must have, if it gets enough support, the consent of the expert for Lothlórien and the Edain Team.


When Galadriel (normal form) will use her ultimate power (in the 4.0) 'Nenya's Protection', not only will she bless the surrounding units with invincibility, but she will also automatically activate the current power 'Schutzbann Lóriens' on all the settlements (fortresses or camps) of Lothlórien and Mirkwood present in the map (allies excluded); the settlements will shine radiantly for 10-15 seconds (along with the invincibility of the units and the heroes), becoming indestructible and immune to every siege weapon or destructive spell.

Graphically, when the power is activated Galadriel could do the gestures and moves of the current power about Nenya, or raise temporarily her hand and show her shiny and bright ring (as if she was using her phial).
During the duration of the power, Nenya will shine on her right hand of a white light, as it currently does when you use the power 'Gifts of Lórien' on her.


Since Lothlórien can't obviously build resistant walls or structures to properly protect itself from all the 'devilries' (siege weapons, dragons, destructive monsters, spells...) of the other aggressive factions (especially the evil ones), this concept could be a useful and enjoyable solution to solve the important problem of the defence of the settlements.
I don't regard this proposal as OP, because Galadriel has to reach the level 10 to use this power, and the protection of Nenya is obviously temporary and can be used both to attack (blessing on the units that attack, while you are assured that your settlements can't be destroyed) or to defend yourself (blessing on the settlements and on the guards and heroes that defend them).

It would also be an interesting idea to give more importance to Galadriel, the actual and rightful leader of the faction and its most powerful hero.
This is the main purpose of the concept, tying deeply Galadriel and the defence of her realm.


I personally think that this is one of the most lore accurate concepts that I ever thought of.

Nenya has basically the power to preserve from decay all the things created with it by the Elves, conceal and protect from evil the place in which it's kept and slow the flow of time, allowing the Elves to find a blissful shelter in a dark and disenchanted world which is the Third Age.
With its powers the Lady of Light established the realm of Lothlórien, made it a holy place and protected it from the attacks of the evil.
The powers and the influence of Nenya are primarily evident on the physical 'enviroment' (that's why the defence of the settlements), making the realm an enchanted and timeless Wood, that Sauron could have never destroyed without the One Ring.

The whole bliss and the integrity of Lothlórien depend basically only on Galadriel, and thus she is rightfully considered the Lady and the Guardian of her realm. When she leaves Lórien, the grace of the Golden Woods diminishes and the realm slowly 'withers'.
It's the 'Magic' of Galadriel that protects Lórien as holy walls, and these walls are not made of stone or wood (like the ones of the other factions) but are magical and ethereal; probably one of the most important and recognisable examples of Tolkien's conception of 'Magic, that we can notice also about Rivendell and Valinor.
No lands are holy and protected by nature, but they are made so by the beings that live in them; and that's why Lothlórien is a bright and sacred 'sanctuary', because Galadriel lives in it :)

You can obviously propose little changes and modifications, as long as they don't completely modify the concept :)

--- Zitat von: TiberiusOgden am 13. Jul 2015, 22:27 ---

Galadriel wears ring of water - Nenya on level 10, which protects her realm (heroes, units, buildings in wide area are protected and invulnerable). Again - very lore accurate matter.

--- Ende Zitat ---

I think it would be crucial, to be more in line with the lore and to avoid possible OP and balance problems, if Galadriel protected with Nenya only the structures of Lothlórien, excluding thus your allies' ones and even your own Mirkwood settlement.


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