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Autor Thema: Galadriel  (Gelesen 112631 mal)


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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #90 am: 14. Nov 2015, 02:01 »
Could we make Galadriel level similar to how sauron levels? I feel like that is more in line with her unit supporting nature, it seems weird to have her as a more front lines hero in her dress.

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #91 am: 14. Nov 2015, 13:01 »


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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #92 am: 22. Nov 2015, 15:53 »
Could we make Galadriel level similar to how sauron levels? I feel like that is more in line with her unit supporting nature, it seems weird to have her as a more front lines hero in her dress.

I'm absolutely against it.

Not only does Sauron level up by 'external actions' not caused directly by him, since he has to recollect his Power via the specific tasks of his Servants, but also this specific system symbolises how Sauron consequently determines with his influence the power (and the very 'vital force' if we talk about the Nazgûl) of his minions.
As Tolkien writes in LOTR, once the One Ring was destroyed and Sauron defeated, every dark creature under his control was deprived of its strength, evil determination and will of fighting.

If we take into consideration Galadriel, that's not how things work regarding her Power.
Galadriel's (and Nenya's) Magic primarily involves the physical environment in which she dwells, turning it into a sacred and DEFENSIVE shelter, and, then, it obviously influences all the people living in there via the creation of a never ending quiet atmosphere of calmness and protection, inviolable by any ill will.

But, this doesn't mean that the Elves of Lórien inevitably depends on her powers, like the Servants of Mordor are subdued to the powers of Sauron/the One Ring.
And Galadriel herself is not necessarily and physically bound to the people she governs, neither does she need to regain part of her lost abilities, as her Power basically remained unaltered (or it was maybe even enhanced in the late Third Age) throughout more than 7000 years of permanence in Middle Earth  :)
« Letzte Änderung: 22. Nov 2015, 16:39 von DieWalküre »


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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #93 am: 23. Nov 2015, 13:43 »

Oh I totally agree, I couldn't have said it better.
« Letzte Änderung: 23. Nov 2015, 19:26 von DieWalküre »


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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #94 am: 23. Nov 2015, 19:18 »
Simply Galadriel and Sauron didn't use their power during ages in same way, they are very different "rulers" in their realms, so I agree with DieWalküre and I am also against this proposal or change in general.


Gandalf The Gray

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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #95 am: 23. Nov 2015, 22:43 »
but what if make her lvl up in some other way ??? more unique one


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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #96 am: 23. Nov 2015, 23:58 »
but what if make her lvl up in some other way ??? more unique one

There are not many other possibilities left, though.
Although her 'new' (in the Edain Mod 4.0) supportive role, it doesn't mean that she can't attack at all, also, being her even a Building Destroyer, I think that she must necessarily join her people on the battlefield as their Leader, not obviously in the very frontline, and unleash her true characteristic potential  8-)

This is how I personally see things, and it would be a pity if her role were changed for something more supportive and 'detached' than she currently is.

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #97 am: 24. Nov 2015, 00:11 »
well she can attack form very far far away kinda like a siege unit with her magic and all this will help her to stay away from enemy s and when she get the ring and becomes dark her attack should become more closer one what do you think ???   


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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #98 am: 24. Nov 2015, 00:31 »
well she can attack form very far far away kinda like a siege unit with her magic and all this will help her to stay away from enemy s and when she get the ring and becomes dark her attack should become more closer one what do you think ???

Galadriel already has a quite wide ranged attack, not to mention that she kind of already uses her Magic from afar, having the most powerful Foresight ability in the game.

I fear that a proposal like this could be very problematic for the gameplay and definitely unbalanced, as she would be too much advantaged, neither would she be very enjoyable to play, remaining always in the Castle and renouncing her natural and active role as the most powerful hero of the faction.

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #99 am: 24. Nov 2015, 00:55 »
well i think she dose not do that much of dmg when she s galadriel and galadriel the blessed the necromancer can kill her with ease 

Melkor Bauglir

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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #100 am: 24. Nov 2015, 01:06 »
How? :o
He deals like zero damage on his own, at least vs. strong troops. I might as well underestimate his damage against heroes, but isn't he more of a spamm-counter / really weak attacker whose strength lies in his abilities? Also the last time I played Galadriel her basic attacks could oneshot unupgraded rohirrim (she was level 10, but for a ranged support hero with splash damage, this is pretty strong), so I wouldn't consider her attacks weak.
Also, this is a real strange balance argument: X is weaker than Y who is completely different and not similar in any way. Therefore X must get a buff? :D

Melkor Bauglir

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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #101 am: 24. Nov 2015, 13:00 »


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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #102 am: 24. Nov 2015, 20:08 »
I didn't mean for her to level up exactly like Sauron, merely that it feels off to me to have her gaining levels by killing enemy units instead of acting to protect her people and realm (and not by just killing them...). I would like to see her made into a far, far less offensive unit, one that you just bring in to destroy buildings, not to kill hundreds of units. Maybe give her basically no base attack, instead let her have a magical shield that repels and knocks down enemy units. Give her a healing spell like the old samesingers, and have her level by granting her blessing and gifts on units, heroes and buildings. I realize she would be a force to reckon with on the battlefield if she chose to take up a sword and fight, but that doesn't fit her actions of mainly being a passive protector, her only real offensive action was to destroy Dol Guldur, and even then I don't think we should imagine that she was storming the stronghold like she does in the movies, barefoot and unarmed.
You might disagree and still want offensive Galadriel, but I just feel like it is contrary to how tolkien has written her, not as a great warrior, but as a great protector.

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #103 am: 24. Nov 2015, 20:21 »
awesome idea sir stig +1


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Re: Galadriel
« Antwort #104 am: 25. Nov 2015, 02:36 »
The difference between Sauron and Galadriel though is that Sauron could not take a direct part in the war of the ring because his strength had been diminished from his downfall at the end of the 2nd Age. The leveling system for Sauron that's in place represents his actions throughout the war of the ring. Taking indirect action in an attempt to gather back his full strength with Mordor having a weak early game, but becoming one of if not the strongest faction in the late game once Sauron begins to reach the peak of his lost power, which fits him nicely and is a perfect representation of his actions in the 3rd Age.

Galadriel on the other hand was never confined to Lothlorien. In fact on quite a few occasions she left the realm for brief instances. Not to mention it was her own choice to act as a protector, however nothing at all was stopping her from using Nenya as a weapon, she instead chose to use it to protect Lothlorien but she was never forced to remain there.

I just think a system like that wouldn't actually be a great representation of Galadriel. Unlike Sauron who was FORCED to use indirect actions in an attempt to regain the power he had lost Galadriel was never in a position like that. She could have used Nenya as a weapon or left Lothlorien to pursue a direct part in the war at any given moment as was proven when she assaulted Dol Guldur with Thranduil and tore it to pieces with Nenya's power, after repelling three attacks against both Lorien and Mirkwood with it.