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Autor Thema: Galadriel  (Gelesen 121281 mal)


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #15 am: 16. Jul 2015, 15:29 »

But that's first Alatar attack about. ;) ... It fits perfectly. Maybe in that video it isn't visible as should be, you should check previous version or find different video. 8-|

I'm sorry, I admit I didn't watch the video, because I thought it would have shown Alatar's primary and normal attack from the Edain Mod 3.8.1, since I never played previous versions of the Edain Mod  :P

Now that I watched it carefully, I really like it; if this concept were graphically made into a white and radiating blast, it could resemble perfectly Galadriel's blast in Dol Guldur  :)
Now that you mention it it can really make beautifull sight and mighty power to represnt galdariel skills!
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #16 am: 16. Jul 2015, 15:33 »

Now that you mention it it can really make beautifull sight and mighty power to represnt galdariel skills!

Of course, a characteristic and innovative kind of attack, different from the ones of the other Elven Heroes (Elrond, Thranduil, Celeborn, Legolas,...)  :)
Thank you for supporting it  :)


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #17 am: 16. Jul 2015, 16:22 »

Now that you mention it it can really make beautifull sight and mighty power to represnt galdariel skills!

Of course, a characteristic and innovative kind of attack, different from the ones of the other Elven Heroes (Elrond, Thranduil, Celeborn, Legolas,...)  :)
Thank you for supporting it  :)
No problem mate!A godd idea is a good idea! :) Well her Attack should be much more different than their,they are more of a Melee Fighters while she is Mystic and Powerfull Magic user and on top of it the Fairest of All Elves in Middle Earth which suggests that not only she is beautifull but her Magic too! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #18 am: 16. Jul 2015, 16:37 »

Now that you mention it it can really make beautifull sight and mighty power to represnt galdariel skills!

Of course, a characteristic and innovative kind of attack, different from the ones of the other Elven Heroes (Elrond, Thranduil, Celeborn, Legolas,...)  :)
Thank you for supporting it  :)
No problem mate!A godd idea is a good idea! :) Well her Attack should be much more different than their,they are more of a Melee Fighters while she is Mystic and Powerfull Magic user and on top of it the Fairest of All Elves in Middle Earth which suggests that not only she is beautifull but her Magic too! :)

Exactly, this is the fundamental reason behind it  8-)


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #19 am: 17. Jul 2015, 01:37 »
Since I was young -so do Edain- Galadriel attacked with a white wizard blast. I think its perfect.

About her powers I always supported Tiberius ideas... I only may say dont like a lot her last power: that green explotion.

Why? because its like Zarphagors or Gandalfs Word of Power. Why dont her last power be a random one?

(ill just write a bunch of ideas, you could suggest more & better ones)

1. The same green explotion wich causes damage to everything
2. All units aroundd her become ensnared to her will; as she says <all shall love me & disppair>
3. All her powers become available

Also I may share some pic i truly love, a true & majestic dark form:


"Viva México"


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #20 am: 17. Jul 2015, 02:41 »
Since I was young -so do Edain- Galadriel attacked with a white wizard blast. I think its perfect.

This is basically the fundamental reason behind this proposal :)
The primary attack should remain an attack from distance, as the Edain Team has initially stated in the news about Lothlórien, since the role of Galadriel now is changed, being her an essential supporting hero for both heroes and units, and thus she has to stay away as much as possible from direct and heavy battles; then, once the enemies are defeated or she is accompanied by an army, she can unleash her natural powers against structures, as a Building Destroyer.

But, having said that, I think that it is crucial that her iconic knock back effect still remains a part of her character as a hero, for she is a royal and 'special' kind of Elf, on another scale, compared to elven heroes (still powerful and essential) like Celeborn, Thranduil, Legolas and Tauriel, who fight mainly with swords/daggers or bows.
It is obvious that Galadriel's primary attack won't be nearly as powerful as a Wizard blast; but it could be a white (bright) radiating blast from distance, with also a moderate knock back effect (with also the characteristic sound of her attack in the Edain Mod 3.8.1)  :)

« Letzte Änderung: 17. Jul 2015, 02:47 von DieWalküre »

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #21 am: 17. Jul 2015, 03:03 »
well i think galadriel power should be those. lvl 1 a strong blast lvl 3 a healing mist lvl 5 grow mallorn trees lvl 7 look in to the mirror lvl 10 a tornado only to destroy one building


  • Gast
Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #22 am: 17. Jul 2015, 09:08 »
About her powers I always supported Tiberius ideas... I only may say dont like a lot her last power: that green explotion.
I have no problem with this, because it's quite fitting, firstly it demonstrates her surprise powerful moment when he takes her form in the Fellowship scene and secondly it has perfect animation (green/blue blast of power with waves) - nice image that Nenya is corrupted by the One ring. Just look at my "Comparison" - I am talking about it little bit.

i think galadriel power should be those. lvl 1 a strong blast lvl 3 a healing mist lvl 5 grow mallorn trees lvl 7 look in to the mirror lvl 10 a tornado only to destroy one building
Well, just read my suggestions again - I wrote it for some reason :P. Your ideas aren't conceptual, because it seems like mix of all her forms. xD


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #23 am: 17. Jul 2015, 10:32 »
You are right there!If she is going to have more forms she needs aprorptiate Powers for each one and mixing them all in one will not fit nethier! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #24 am: 17. Jul 2015, 11:20 »
I'm quite satisfied for the Normal version the Edain Team developed for Galadriel, except for her level 1 skill. I don't know if it's an active skill which makes the enemies flee, but I think that a passive skill would be better:

Lv. 1: Might of the White Lady - Nearby enemy units lose -20% attack and damage. The same bonus in defense is applied to Lorien's buildings in Galadriel's proximity. Passive skill

Why this? Because it was Galadriel's magic who kept Lothlorien safe from Sauron's forces, and it could be violated only by Sauron himself. So I think this is an appropriate and fitting way to implement this concept, with Galadriel enhancing the defenses of her realm. Also, her figure is unknown and full of mistery for most of the people in Middle-Earth, which explains the malus she gives to nearby units

When she becomes Blessed, her skill could be changed into this (which is a combination of Tiberius and DieWalkure's ideas):

Lv. 1: Might of the Blessed Lady - Nearby enemy units suffer -20% attack and defense. At level 3, they suffer -25% attack and defense. At level 5, they suffer -30% attack and defense. At level 7, they suffer -35% attack and defense and at level 10 -40% attack and defense. The same bonus in defense is applied to Lorien's buildings in Galadriel's proximity

Why this? Because Galadriel has been blessed by the Valar for her enormous courage to refuse the One Ring, and thus, the more powerful Galadriel becomes, the more strong the Blessing becomes, too. Moreover, this is meant to grant to the player a viable option over the destructive power of Dark Galadriel, so that if he takes the Ring, he will actually think about making Galadriel accept or refuse it: will he need huge command and support bonuses or more destructive skills?

Regarding the other skills and Galadriel's Dark Form, I'm agree with Tiberius, except maybe for the final skill, which imo is a bit commonplace (but I don't have a better idea, so it's ok for now XD)


  • Gast
Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #25 am: 17. Jul 2015, 11:49 »
I'm quite satisfied for the Normal version the Edain Team developed for Galadriel, except for her level 1 skill. I don't know if it's an active skill which makes the enemies flee, but I think that a passive skill would be better
It's her iconic and active ability which causes fear to normal units. Bonuses (passive abilities) can have her ring heroes, but this is only one ability, which helps her slow down enemies around her.

it was Galadriel's magic who kept Lothlorien safe from Sauron's forces, and it could be violated only by Sauron himself. So I think this is an appropriate and fitting way to implement this concept, with Galadriel enhancing the defenses of her realm. Also, her figure is unknown and full of mistery
Yes, but not only her, but the whole Golden forest was full of mysteries and people feared to go there. Defense system will be implemented in different way, through mellyrn:

When she becomes Blessed, her skill could be changed into this (which is a combination of Tiberius and DieWalkure's ideas):
Lv. 1: Might of the Blessed Lady - Nearby enemy units suffer -20% attack and defense. At level 3, they suffer -25% attack and defense. At level 5, they suffer -30% attack and defense. At level 7, they suffer -35% attack and defense and at level 10 -40% attack and defense.
Nice, but it little breaks my comparison. xD ... My logic is simple: Blessed form - positive bonus vs Dark form - negative bonus.

The same bonus in defense is applied to Lorien's buildings in Galadriel's proximity
But about defense bonus for buildings and overall for her realm is Nenya spell on level ten. ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 17. Jul 2015, 11:55 von TiberiusOgden »

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #26 am: 17. Jul 2015, 12:34 »
i think the power of galadriel s ring should be an upgrade for the camp


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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #27 am: 17. Jul 2015, 12:48 »
i think the power of galadriel s ring should be an upgrade for the camp

Actually this was the concept of the Edain Mod 3.8.1.
I think it would be more useful, crucial and characteristic for her, as a hero, if Galadriel personally activated it, as she will personally give her Gifts to the heroes of Lothlórien (once a power only available via the Spellbook) and personally grant them a glance in her Mirror (again another upgrade that was previously available in the fortress of Lothlórien).
Galadriel, thus, will gain much more power and importance, as the leader of Lothlórien, for the whole faction  :)


  • Gast
Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #28 am: 17. Jul 2015, 12:59 »
i think the power of galadriel s ring should be an upgrade for the camp

as a hero, if Galadriel personally activated it, as she will personally give her Gifts to the heroes of Lothlórien (once a power only available via the Spellbook) and personally grant them a glance in her Mirror (again another upgrade that was previously available in the fortress of Lothlórien).
As you said, Galadriel will have one skill from former fotress upgrade and one skill from former spellbook. 8-|
You really want second fotress upgrade for her? She isn't "walking fotress" ... :P
« Letzte Änderung: 17. Jul 2015, 13:06 von TiberiusOgden »

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: Lady of light vs Dark queen
« Antwort #29 am: 17. Jul 2015, 16:01 »
i think she can use a horse too a white one