[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Dwarven Suggestions

Aesthetic Changes for the Dwarves

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There are few "cosmetic" changes that could refresh Dwarven faction.
I suggest next simple changes:

It would be nice to add maybe single target knock back effect on rams melee attack against infantry units. Still battle wagons are to weak, this is minor improvement. :P
To add some palantir images for Assably barracks.
Some minor change about picture in hawk palantir : http://s5.postimg.org/cagmueyhy/Brand_s_hawk.jpg
Also maybe to add some hawk sound for this unit, currently this "hawk" has crow sounds.
Thorin deserves new palantir look when he reaches lvl 10.  Some nice royal look with fur and crown for palantir. :)
This change consers Erebor kingdom. It is about look of placement area of Thorin's runes. Current look of any rune's placement area is look of anvil inside the circle: http://s5.postimg.org/4kuh9kpwn/Thorinarea1.png
I suggest to replace that anvil with look of proper rune, so that rune placement area will have a look of rune (which we plan to use) inside the circle:
Also to add some more information in description of runes about how runes work on Citadels. And  maybe to add runes effect on Summoned Citadel and also information about that. (Currently runes could be placed on Summoned Citadel, but they don't have effect like they have on other Citadel's (From Castle,Camp,Outpost.  When we cast runes on those Citadels, rune's effect is carried on every building inside castle,camp or outpost. If it is possible maybe to add that effect on expansions around Summoned Citadel, so we don't need to cast those runes on every expansion separately.))
There is also similar "cosmetic" change that could improve battlewagons (mostly on information level ). There are three avaliable upgrades for battlewagons, Range unit upgrade (axe throwers, archers, crossbows), Banner Carrier and heal stuff : http://s5.postimg.org/klro0ad5z/battlewagons1.png
When we upgrade battlewagon with Banner Carrier, we got look of banner carrier inside yellow circle as part of battlewagon's palantir: http://s5.postimg.org/c4s5pd8h3/battlewagons2.png
and when we take a mouse cursor over that image in palantir we got some useful information about that upgrade: http://s5.postimg.org/mg4ii106f/battlewagons3.png.
Maybe it will be nice to add a look of other two possible upgrades into palantir with this possibility of reading informations from those new passive abilities, like is case with Banner carrier (I know this is maybe useless from information level, because we know everything about upgrade from it's description which is avaliabe before we start upgrading, but I think this should be added simply because of graphical balance, and it don't represent some hard work).
Maybe to add some better sound effect when Dain's ability "Vendetta" is used. I suggest that sentence from movie: "To battle! To battle, sons of Durin!"
This suggestion is little radical but it's logical. Maybe to add simple requirement of catapult's existence on battlefield before we could use Drár "Barrage" ability. Simply those stones couldn't fall form skies by itself, and Drár isn't mage.
Also about Durin I have one audio change suggestion. It is about his ability "Master of stone". Maybe if it's possible to add new sound effect of crushing/crumbling stones when this ability is used on enemy buildings. We already have nice visual effect, but I think this would complete experience.
To change cape color to royal dark red. ;)

There should be some minor changes for current models of dwarves in CaH:
This picture
for palantir of this model:
and that model fits generally into description of unit killer hero, which is Veteran in this case.
And for palantir of this model
I have found this picture, I think it is good for that "old dwarf" model's palantir:
or some of those :

With maybe change of beard color to white.. :)
And that old model will fit to description of current Wanderer, or class which is good at destroying buildings. :)
Idea is also to change description of classes, because of model looking. Veteran with that model and palantir should be building destroyer and Wanderer should be unit killer, just to do swapping of  classes current description texts.

Tienety's upgrade about CaH:
I have small idea for CaH:
Now Thorin doesn't have his axe in game. Maybe this Thorin's axe can be add for Wanderer subclass in CaH as second weapon/shield in left hand:

Tienety's suggestion about this unit:
This guy look ridiculous with one-handed axe without shield. They can get second axe to left hand. Also, They can gets two handed axes with Piercing axes update.
Maybe this two handed axe:
So, Guardians will look more dangerous. 8-)
Also, this is very similar to current Erebors guardians weapon upgrade mechanism, when Erebor Guardians get siege hammers, that weapon is two handed.
So I have posted  processed sound of Erebor Horn in other topic (Link),
and now I have suggestion about that area look of dwarven Rallying Call. Current look in game: I suggest that symbol inside circle should be removed with look of Horn of Erebor which is used in movie by Bombur:
I have found some decent picture of that horn, so I suggest its implementation for Erebor faction if it is possible:
Similar thing already exist in Gondor and Arnor faction and it looks great:

As Beorn have been described as big bad Black bear in bear form,  I have found mainly buttons correlated to bear form as not good ones, mainly in color terms.

So, currently in game for Beorn's bear form we have this button:

And it is again button which doesn't correspond to black bear. This current button is perfect for brown ordinary Beorninger form, but not for Black bear's one. So, I propose this one for Beorn's bear form:

Beorn's Bear form palantir button

Button 65x65

Beorn's Bear form palantir button     
Button 64x64
Also not only color matching is here good, this is also uniqe button look for hero, which is differenent then a button of Beoringer's bear form.

Similar to previous one, Deadly bite button doesn't fit in color way to Beorn.
Current button look in game:

I wanted to point that maybe uniqe buttons are needed for Beorn. So I suggest button which is different from Grimbeorn's one not only in color, but in general look:

Beorn's Deadly Bite palantir button

Button 65x65

Beorn's Deadly Bite palantir buttonButton 64x64    Version II   
This buttons fit in color terms and also in ability description terms, and it is unique (different from Grimbeorn's one). So, I think it presents good choice for implementation.

Maybe it will be nice visual improvement that when Durin reaches level 7, and unlock his passive ability "Forefathers of the Dwarves", maybe it will be nice to add above his head this crown with those stars.
In game, visual effect like this one (just better scaled): http://postimg.org/image/npykb0dgj/full/

Also if this is gonna be added, maybe according to it, also to change look of current button of this ability, some new change like this one:

Forefather of the Dwarves           
Button 64x64

I also suggest that this visual effect should be done according to original work of Tolkien and his reporesentation of Durin's standard:

Also to change heraldry of Durin's shield according to sketch of Tolkien, in otherwords, to change current look of shield's heraldry to just Durin's crown or to Durin's crown with stars (look as I presented for new button).

What do you think about this? :) Any suggestions about  similar "minor" changes?

You didn't lie, those were really minor changes. :D
But you are right to point them out, it's what makes the game more polish.
I particularly agree about Dain.


--- Zitat von: Adrigabbro am  4. Aug 2015, 21:13 ---You didn't lie, those were really minor changes. :D
But you are right to point them out, it's what makes the game more polish.
I particularly agree about Dain.

--- Ende Zitat ---
Thank you! :P :)
If you notice in future anything similar or get similar "minor" improving idea, this is right place for comment. ;) :)

Gandalf The Gray:
agree on everything

Nice ideas. I Agree with everything except Drar ability.
Maybe Drar just needs new more realistic ability, but requirement of catapult fot "Barrage" ability is too big disadvantages for him. :o


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