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Should Grimbold, Elfhelm and Erkenbrand be made into full heroes? Please read my entire first post before voting.

12 (33.3%)
24 (66.7%)

Stimmen insgesamt: 31

Autor Thema: Poll: Make Eerkenbrand, Elfhelm and Grimbold Full Fledged Heroes  (Gelesen 6996 mal)

Elite KryPtik

  • Gardist von Meduseld
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  • Arise! Arise, Writers of KryPtik!
This is the first of 4 polls I will be making today, based around several different ideas I have had to make Rohan more diverse and improve their late game a little bit.

I think that Erkenbrand, Elfhelm and Grimbold should be made into full fledged heroes, considering that Rohan's heroes are so weak late game compared to the other factions heroes. So to compensate for this, they should just get more heroes. Additionally, in both the Films and Books, Gamling and Hama actually didn't have much more influence than any of these 3, in fact they had less, and would really have about the same abilities. In terms of the hierarchy of Rohan Theoden was King, Eomer, Elfhelm and Grimbold were the 3 Marshals of the Mark, and Hama, Gamling and Erkenbrand were all captains of the guard. So they should not be reduced to just being hero battalions in my view, they deserve to be full fledged heroes. I came up with abilities for the 3, and specific roles too, but don't let this influence your vote, this is just speculation on my part. My ideas for hero roles: Grimbold, Cavalry Supporter, Elfhelm, Hero Supporter, and Erkenbrand, Unit Interruptor. Here are the abilities I thought up for each hero, a couple of these are from my biggest idea and 3rd poll, which will be up in a little while.

Grimbold Abilities
Level 1: Mount
No description needed.
Level 2: Horse Master.
Effect: Grimbold and all nearby friendly cavalry, including mounted heroes, move 25% faster. Description: "Grimbold is a master horseman, able to lead cavalry on routes that most would consider impossible. All friendly cavalry, including mounted heroes, move 25% faster while near Grimbold"
Level 5: Mighty Trample.
Effect: Gamling causes all nearby friendly cavalry to deal double trample damage for 10 seconds, at the cost of 50% armor. Description: "Grimbold drives his ranks of cavalry onward, trampling his foes into dust. All nearby friendly cavalry including mounted heroes deal double trampling damage for 10 seconds, at the cost of of 50% armor for the duration"
Level 7: Calming Voice
Effect: Fear resistance for nearby cavalry, but not infantry. Description: "Grimbold is a master of calming horses and preventing them from bolting in terror. All nearby friendly cavalry, but not infantry, gain resistance to fear"
Level 10: Wrath of the Eastfold
Effect: Grimbold causes all friendly cavalry, including mounted heroes, in a medium radius to continually stun enemies with terror for 10 seconds. The terror effect lasts as long as Boromir's Horn, so once the 10 seconds runs out the enemies will remain stunned as long as if the horn had just been blown. This ability is meant to synergize with Theodens Glorious Charge and Erkenbrands Charge of the Westfold. Description: "Grimbold sounds a charge into the flank of his enemies, and his men ride with such fury that it stuns their foes with sheer terror. Friendly cavalry, including mounted heroes in a medium radius will stun enemies with terror for 10 seconds. The terror effect lasts for a short time after the 10 seconds runs out"

Elfhelm Abilities
Level 1: Mount
No description needed.
Level 3: Elfhelm's Encouragement
Effect: Moderately heals nearby friendly heroes, similarly to Athelas. Description: "Elfhelm speaks words of encouragement to nearby friendly heroes, helping them to forget their wounds and fight on. Nearby friendly heroes will be moderately healed"
Level 6: Pact of Honor
Effect: Target friendly heroes ability recharge timers are fully charged, and they gain +100% attack speed for 30 seconds. Description: "Elfhelm is an honorable man, and has been known to enter into pacts with heroes who need his help. The target friendly hero will gain +100% attack speed for 30 seconds, and their abilities will instantly be fully charged"
Level 10: Elfhelm's Healers
Effect: Hero revival costs will be halved for 30 seconds. Description: "Elfhelm orders the healers of Rohan to work more speedily, to get the wounded heroes of Rohan back on their feet to continue fighting for Rohan's defense. All hero revival costs will be halved for 30 seconds"

Erkenbrand Abilities
Level 1: Mount
No description needed
Level 2: Disarming Tactics
Effect: Targeted enemy units in a small radius become unable to attack for 30 seconds. Ability becomes more powerful as Erkenbrand gains levels. At level 5, the targeting radius increases. At level 7, the effect lasts for 60 seconds. At level 10, the ability can affect heroes. Description: "Erkenbrand uses tactics to trick his foes into releasing their weapons, making them unable to attack or defend themselves for 30 seconds"
Level 5: Slowing Tactics
Effect: All enemies near Erkenbrand lose 50% movement and attack speed for 20 seconds. Description: "Erkenbrand is a master of the terrain of Rohan, and can lead his foes on difficult routes to slow them down and wear them out. All foes near to Erkenbrand will lose 50% movement and attack speed for 20 seconds"
Level 7: The Red Shield of the Westfold
Effect: Passive Ability, allies near Erkenbrand become resistant to fear, while enemies lose 10% damage and armor, but not leadership. Description: "Erkenbrand wields his famous Red Shield with skill, giving hope to his men and causing fear in his enemies. All nearby friendly units will become resistant to fear, enemies will lose 10% damage and armor, but not any leadership effects"
Level 10: Charge of the Westfold
Effect: Erkenbrand and all friendly cavalry in a medium radius reduce enemy armor by 50%. Meant to synergize with Theodens Glorious Charge and Grimbolds Wrath of the Eastfold. Description: "Erkenbrand's voice pierces above the din of battle, encouraging his warriors to fight to the last man. His warriors will fight with renewed fury, and cut through enemy ranks like a knife through butter. Erkenbrand and all friendly cavalry and mounted heroes in a medium radius will reduce enemy armor by 50% for 20 seconds"

Final Note: I will again restate that I do not want these ability ideas to influence peoples votes in any way, they are purely ideas from me. The team could put whatever abilities they see fit on these three if they were made into full fledged heroes. The poll is just for voting on having Elfhelm, Erkenbrand and Grimbold as full heroes in the game. And if you're curious what would happen to the captain system at the assembly point, view my poll on reworking the captain system :)
« Letzte Änderung: 6. Aug 2015, 01:04 von Elite KryPtik »
Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken! Shield shall be splintered! A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride, ride to ruin, and the worlds ending! FORTH EORLINGAS!


  • Gesandter der Freien Völker
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I will answer on this topic although it also deals ith your Rohan Captains rework idea.

When I first read this, I didn't agree because I like very much the current implementation of Erkenbrand & co. I was going to answer negatively to the poll. However, after reading the other topic both ideas might be worth the try if combined. Regardless of the skillsets you proposed, I'll answer yes because I'm interested by how it could affect Rohan and particularly its late game.

By the way, I'm still hoping for Hama summons to be permanent.  xD
EDIT: ... and an alternative outpost!

"That still only counts as one!"


  • Gast
I think it is not necessary to add 3 new heroes for Rohan. :o

I like current captains system for Elfhelm and Grimbold. I think that this is a good way how integrate these guys. but maybe just add new small character from book as new captain and Erkenbrand can be new standard hero on setlement or outpost. He is a very important character in the book. 8-)


  • Orkjäger vom Amon Hen
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  • "Tanar Durin nur..."
I agree with Tienity!Erkebrand has big and important role in the Books and he deserves to be a standard Hero while there can be new Captain in his place! :) And I like the current System but I think the Captains need a little bit more Abilities! :) Llike how Kili and Fili firstly had only 1 Ability and now they have a complete set which is awesome but I think the Captain should ahve at least 2 more Abilities! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


  • Gast
I agree with Tienity!Erkebrand has big and important role in the Books and he deserves to be a standard Hero while there can be new Captain in his place! :) And I like the current System but I think the Captains need a little bit more Abilities! :) Llike how Kili and Fili firstly had only 1 Ability and now they have a complete set which is awesome but I think the Captain should ahve at least 2 more Abilities! :)
Hmm, this is good idea, just add more abilities for three captains. They can stay captains but with 3-5 abilities. So, they will be more important in game. xD

Lord of Mordor

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I'll just throw in one thing: The only reason Grimbold and Elfhelm are in the game right now is because we came up with the idea to make them captains. We knew the community wanted them, but we also felt that the faction really didn't need two more heroes that were generals/warriors of Rohan with leadership abilities, because we already have quite a few of those. You do have some cool ability ideas, but I still don't think Rohan needs three more full heroes that wouldn't be all that distinct from the heroes they already have. I wouldn't mind expanding the captains with one or two new abilities though, there's certainly still some room there.
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul
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  • Orkjäger vom Amon Hen
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  • "Tanar Durin nur..."
I agree with LoM it is true!But I still think it will be nice to have only erkebrand as a Normal Hero! :) And 1-2 new abilities to the Captain will be nice and interesting! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."

Elite KryPtik

  • Gardist von Meduseld
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  • Arise! Arise, Writers of KryPtik!
I guess giving the captains some new abilities would be sufficient to make them heroic enough, especially for Grimbold, his ability is really terrible and I honestly am not sure it even works. I also really think Elfhelm should have some kind of mobile heal for Heroes, which Rohan needs fairly badly considering how weak their heroes are compared to other heroes late game. Like Dain said I would really like to see Erkenbrand as an actual hero, Rohan could use another tank/mass slayer. Regardless the vote is clear that the community doesn't want all 3 of them to be heroes, I hope that we can meet somewhere in the middle though :)

EDIT: Just thought of a compromise. What about if they were made into weaker heroes, like Fili and Kili from the Dwarves, with Erkenbrand being a little stronger, and still recruited at the assembly point, along with some other form of captains? When they die, they lose all of their experience just like Fili and Kili. Do you think that would be fair?
« Letzte Änderung: 6. Aug 2015, 17:18 von Elite KryPtik »
Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken! Shield shall be splintered! A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride, ride to ruin, and the worlds ending! FORTH EORLINGAS!


  • Gesandter der Freien Völker
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Fili and Kili don't lose their experience anymore.

"That still only counts as one!"

Elite KryPtik

  • Gardist von Meduseld
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  • Beiträge: 1.050
  • Arise! Arise, Writers of KryPtik!
Yes they do, but the system is changed now, when they are summoned they get the same level as Thorin. Try it, summon them while Thorin is level 1, get them to level 2 and kill them off, and resummon them.
Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken! Shield shall be splintered! A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride, ride to ruin, and the worlds ending! FORTH EORLINGAS!


  • Wanderer des Alten Waldes
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i think that they can stay captains but with more abilities :) rohan really needs some improvements in late game , i hope for some new outpost building in future ^_^ . Oh and it would be good if their heads could still stay in the bottom with other heroes even after you summon a battalion, sometime it's really hard to find them quickly :/ it's the same with nazgul horde. Anyway , your ideas are good :) hope that team will use something.

Elite KryPtik

  • Gardist von Meduseld
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  • Beiträge: 1.050
  • Arise! Arise, Writers of KryPtik!
Thanks very much :)
Its impossible to make their faces stay on the hero bar, because there are a bunch of units in the battalion, and all those units would need to be displayed. Same with the Nazgul hero horde. Just put them on separate hotkeys, that's what I do.
Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken! Shield shall be splintered! A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride, ride to ruin, and the worlds ending! FORTH EORLINGAS!


  • Gast
Bolg and his bodyguards horde have one hero bar with Bolg face in 3.8.1. xD
I do not know, maybe It is possible to use same bodyguards system for Rohan captains.
« Letzte Änderung: 7. Aug 2015, 13:55 von Tienety »

Melkor Bauglir

  • Held von Helms Klamm
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If I remember corretly this is an entirely different system. Bolg's system worked the same as orc buildings which are surrounded by their inhabitants, he was never the leader of a horde made of his body-guards. This system is of course always possible, but it looks horrible, because the surrounding units are wandering around constantly and in formations it doesn't really work, too. (It's like the old broodmothers of Gorkil they couldn't just be arranged in a formation without running arround the whole time.) Trust me, it's better this way, these systems where  an object is guarded be other units is good for buildings or very small number of guards but not for entire hordes of 15 members.

Melkor Bauglir


  • Gast
Yes, probably you're right. :)
P.S. Maybe we can find new voices for Elfhelm and Grimbold. All captains have a same voice. [ugly]