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Autor Thema: Star Wars  (Gelesen 6139 mal)


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Star Wars
« am: 20. Okt 2015, 05:11 »
this is probably the best place to put this:


So, the sequel trilogy comes out the end of this year and here is yet another trailer for it (more substantial than the previous teasers). What are your thoughts?

Personally, I wish I could be more enthusiastic about it, but, well, it is JJ Abrams and he ruined Star Trek with Star Trek XI and Star Trek Into Darkness Wrath of Khan II, so I'm worried about what he might do with this. Of course the argument is often made in retort that "JJ wasn't a Star Trek fan, but he is a Star Wars fan, so he will do these movies justice." I don't know: from what I've heard about leaked plot details for The Force Awakens, it seems that this might be...

Funny last words; at the current pace, The Force Awakens might very well be out before Edain 4.2!  :D just a joke!
« Letzte Änderung: 21. Jan 2016, 20:04 von Adamin »
"He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."


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Re: Star Wars
« Antwort #1 am: 21. Jan 2016, 20:06 »
What better place to put this than here:


I really like this bittersweet little vignette that combines the two trilogies. Fairly well done.


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Re: Star Wars
« Antwort #2 am: 21. Jan 2016, 23:55 »
I agree with you Adamin. It is well done indeed. I especially like the scene at the end when you see Ben's face staring into space after the pictures of Episode III rushed through his mind again.
MfG Raschi

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Re: Star Wars
« Antwort #3 am: 22. Jan 2016, 00:42 »
That was actually an amazing mix :)
oh and where else to put this?

Recently I've watched The Force Awakens for the second time, and I must say I really liked the movie. I'm currently in a Star Wars frenzy; read 2 novels so far (one which is OK, the other is freaking awesome!) and a bunch of comics :P and it's amazing how everything you read and watch ties in with each other.

J.J. has done a phenomenal job in bringing this universe back, and I believe he managed quite well to introduced all the new characters in a perfect chemistry with all the old characters.
The movie is not perfect, but hell it's a very good enjoyable movie!  xD
« Letzte Änderung: 22. Jan 2016, 00:56 von hoho96 »


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Re: Star Wars
« Antwort #4 am: 27. Dez 2016, 23:39 »
At the end of last year Lemmy died... adn this year... when we thought we were through all deaths...

RIP Princess Leia... now you are one with the force

It was at the Survivor Series that the dark path of the Undertaker was born. It seems like an eternity ago that the demons of hell passed judgement on the mortal world and unleashed a creature of the night so powerful that the mention of it's very name sends shivers down to the spines of who oppose him
You look into the eyes of the Reaper and you'll see that your fate is sealed!

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Re: Star Wars
« Antwort #5 am: 14. Apr 2017, 18:04 »


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Re: Star Wars
« Antwort #6 am: 20. Apr 2017, 19:33 »
I'm HYPED for Rebels as much, if not more than I'm hyped for Episode VIII  (**)