[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Dwarven Suggestions

Battlewagons Improvements

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So with all my respect I politely ask all the Companions of Edain who will Vote to Read the Thread! :)

P.S. Look at the Bottom of the Post to see the full and almost finished Concept of the Whole idea that we were ableto create till now,hope you enjoy it! :) I did my best! :)

--- Zitat ---Hello to all Fan around the MU! :)

First I want to note that this is a suggestion for fa in the future change,because the Team has enough Work with the few yet to be released Factions,so this something for the distant future ahead of hoping that Edain will be with use for long time ! :)

Now I will start with why I think this change should be done! :) To me the Battlewagons besides veing a good Concept for Dwarven War Machine,I never liked the Animal it Pulled nor the Design since it always seemed too cartoonish in my eyes thats it of course,and sicne there wasn't anything other apropriate to use I didn't want to bother the Team for Creating a competely new Look for them or for Each Kingdom,because I knwo ho much work it needs! Even the Name "Battlewagon" never seemed Dwarvish to me at least! :)

Why is this Change deserved or better!?
Well to me this Change will make Each Dwarven Kingdom more unique and different than the Other Shwoign that despite being the same People(Durin's Folk the Longbeards Clan) they still have their own Style of Warfare! :) It will enriches the Dwarven Realms in Visual Aspect and make then more interesting and fun to play! :)Also the Animals suggested Bellow Correspond very well with the Kingdoms Colors and Design like who,plus the Region in which they are! :) White Tough Goat for Ered Luinn Snowy MOuntain and their Blue/White  Theme,BRown and Stronglegged Goat for the Brownish Erebor and their Tough Siege Machines and the strong Lonely Mountain,and finally Fast and Agile Mountain Rams for the Speed and DMG Iron Hills! :)

So finally the idea itself!  [ugly]
The basic thing is that I think the "Battlewagons" should be renamed "War Chariots" or just "Chariots" ! :)

Now for Ered Luin I suggest this Design,and I mean not only the Chariot Design but the Animal too!Why the Animals should be different!? Well I think if Each Kingdom has Different Animal it will better Represent the Geographycal Region in which they are!Different Places with Different Kind of Animals and also it will make it more interesing for Each Kingdom to has its own Pulling Animal,this goes for Erebor and IHs too! :)

For Erebor "Chariot" I suggest this,the Animal looks tough and strong just as the Kingdom itself and will make it somewhat different!? :)

I knwo those Pictures are quite Blured but I show them just a Basis for the Chariot look and the Animal,they are not needed to be exactly the same! :)

And finally we come to the Iron Hills Chariots which around the EE of BotFA had become quite famous! :) Here is what I suggest for them!

Keeping the Ram as it puling force,but there is another option we may give the IHs Chariot a Wild Boar to pull it,which will show that the Wild Boar has a really big role in IHs as Dain's Crest and will also leave the Rams are more suitable for Cavalry Riding but then agains this is just a BIG "IF" sicne I likethe Ram that pulls the current "Battlewagon",here is a glmpse of how it can look...

Now on the most important thing is that the IHs Chariots have this Unique and very nice Weapon in my Opinion which makes it a perfect War Machine BUT in Game it can Prove to the OP thats why I have thought of a way to Balance it or at least I think I did :D
While Erebor and Ered Luin will have their "Battlewagon" Upgrades being Heal,Archers,Banner I think IHs Chariot can get a little mor different Upgrades! :)
Now if the War Chariot in IHs has that Semi-Automatic Crossbow and a Heal it will become absolutely OP by any standards,so I suggest IHs as a DMG Oriented Faction to get an "Semi-Automatic Crossbow" Upgrade which shouldbe first researched in the Forge" but will isntead Lose the "Heal" Upgrade! And still some may say that having such a Weapon will make it OP in game,thats why I have an idea that the Crossbow should be more like an Ability with some CD represnting that it needs some time to Reload,it can be something like the Ered Luin Crossbowmans Ability,so after Activating it the Crossbow will Fire for like 15-20 seconds and after that it will need around 2min to Reacharge! :) And finally instead of the usual "Ärchers" Upgrade we can get "Chariot Crew" Upgrade which will give 1 Soldier on Each Side of the Chariot Armed with Sword  or Spear for Protection while the Crossbow recharges but this is only an idea which I think most of the Fasn will not like because will make it too strong! :)

Now I usderstand that there can be some problems with the Animation forthe Crossbow but sicne in the Movie it has a rater small angel of moving in Game it can be made to Fire only stright forward,without twisting around which wil lcause bug in the Animations may be!?

Another thing is that it is possible since IHs is based on the Hobbit and Erebor on WOTR when Dain is King of Erebor that those Chariots from IHs are most likely used in Erebor too,so that may mean that Erebor can get those Chariots too!?...

Of course as a fianll solution we can just get the Movie Designs for the IHs Chariots but without the Corssbow if the Animation is to obig of a proble or the the Team and Fans do not like the idea for the Crossbow! :)

Now I hope we will discuss things objectively and from logic point of view withoout Movie Hatred and such things,I know some like those Charitos some not but we should think for the uniqueness and can we fit it in Game too,not only of "I hate it so I do not want it!" or "I like it,it is awesome we should have it! "

Hope to see some discussion about the interesting concept fo those Chariots! :)

Greetings and best regards! Lord Dain! :)
--- Ende Zitat ---

Here is the latest and most full Concept of the whole "War Chariot" idea with the summorized and combined from the best ideas we had dicussing it,hope you guys like it and know that any propposals are welcomed but will be first discussed! :)

After a long discussion with many opniions and ideas to polish the main suggestion I think I should to a Summorize ofwhat we have agreed till now that should be done! :) If someone finds some mistakes or missing stuff feel free to tell me so that I can fix it! :)


Will be Pulled by 1 of those Animals on  the Picture! :) The strong and muscualr Ram Animals correspond with the Nature of Erebor as a Strong and Mighty Kingdom and in Brown Color too with the Erebor Theme and more importantly fits the Region in which the Kingdom is! :) And as well the inspiration about thsoe Animals is taken from Real World as well but just revised to fit better!

Will have "Wheel Blades" as a Passvie Ability from the begining! :)
The Main 3 Upgrades will be the Same: Healing,Axe Throwers and Banner! :)
The Active Ability from "Oil Cask" should become "Flash Bombs" basically a better "Oil Cask" but doing DMG against Buildings with Short Time "Stun" Effect on Infantry Units! :) It will be in connection with Eredbor Basic Strenght being good in Siege and Against Buildings! :)

Ered Luin:

Will be Pulled by 1 of the Animals on the Picture Above! :) Now the Animal is really good fitting in the White/Blue Color theme of the Ered Luin and the Region in which the Kingdom is! And those White Strong Snow Goats are based on inspirations from Real World but just revised a little to fit better in the Middle Earth and Dwarven Style! :) Here you can see the basics for those magnifficent creatures! :)

It will also have "Wheel Blades" as  a Passive Ability from the Begining! :)
The Main 2 Upgrades stay te same: Healing,Crossbowmans,Banner! :)
Active Ability: Active Ability: Will be "Great Shields",which mean two Warriors on the Chariot will hold 2 Big Shields on each side of the Chariot,providing temporarly Big Boost in the Armor ofthe Chariot Against Spearmans or Armor in general against melee units!! :) It is in connection with Ered Luin Basic Strenght being Armor and Deffense! :)
Now this are the Icon Buttons for "Great Shield" Ability of Ered Luin Chariots made personally from CragLord,he has my eternal gratitude for all his hard work and efforts as always!

The 2 Soldiers from the Ability will hold Shields like the one on the Icon button !And here is the Sound for the"Great Shield" Ability that CragLord made,I hope you will like it! :-)

--- Zitat ---http://www.megafileupload.com/5xz9/EredLuin_Shield_Sound_Effect.rar
--- Ende Zitat ---

Iron Hills War Chariot:

It will be Pulled by 1 Ram!And that Ram will be the one used currently in game! :-) :) It will aslo have "Wheel Blades" as a Passive Ability from the Begining! :)
The Main Upgrades will be the same: Healing,Archers,Banner! :)
Active Ablity: Semi-Automatic Crossbow,it will be active for 10-15 Seconds making Rapid Firing and after that 20-25 seconds Cool Down represnting the need to Reload! :) It will connect with Iron Hills Basic Strength being Speed and DMG! :)
And now again the Ability Buttons for "Semi-Automatic Crossbow" Ablitiy provided yet again by our CragLord... :)

Here is a Sound made again by CragLord for the "Semi-Automatic Crossbow" Ability! :-)

--- Zitat --- http://www.megafileupload.com/5xzb/Crossbow_Attack_Sound_Effect.rar
--- Ende Zitat ---

Now something for King Dain II of Erebor! :)
His current Second Ability is Summonin of a Battlewagon which can be Mounted by a Hero!The Ability will stay the same ,BUT the Chariot should be changed!Here is how it should look! :)

It will be Pulled by 1 Armored Boar!The Boar will represnt the Royal Crest of Dain's House and along with the Design of the Chariot will represnt the Connection of Dain to Iron Hills and his Past as Lord of Iron Hills! :) Same Upgrades with same Active Ability as Iron Hills War Chariot,BUT to not make Erebor too OP I think the Ability should have a Limit  of 5 Chariots no more Summon than 5 ,based on the number of Heroes Erebor has! :)

And now the Icon Button for "Wheel Blades that can be used for all 3 Kingdom Standard Chariots,again provided to us by CragLord
 ! :)

About the Passive "Wheel Blades" Upgrade and the Chariots like whole we have come up with 3 Possible Effects,which I hope you will read and find interesting and of course like! ;)And remember we can choose only 1 of the 3 Possible Choices! :)

1. "Wheel Blades" will have a Small Area DMG Effect! :)
2. "Wheel Blades" will give the Chariot a Slower Trample Deceleration! :)
3. "Wheel Blades" will give BOTH a Small Area DMG and Slightly Slower Trample Deceleration! :)

Now I will give my personal Opinion! :) I choose Effect 3 (BOTH Effects)!Why!? Because the War Chariots are Heavy War Machines made of Solid Iron and Armed with Wheel Blades,it makes them Heavy thus they have Slightly Slower Trample Deceleration and the "Wheel Blades" cut everything that touches them in their high Speed Spining which suggest a Small Area DMG on both Sides of the Chariot! That's why I think Effect 3 is the BEST in my eyes choice! :) Eager for your feedback! :)

And Finally the "Healing" Upgrade: Should get a different presentation on the War Chariots for Logical Reasons! :) Bringing a Burning Fire or Fire Place on a War Chariot is not Logical,being inconvinient and dangerous to the Crew! :) So instead of the Fireplace  we should get a Barrel with Beer and Cups Attached to it on the One Side of teh Chariot and on the Other Side a Packages with Food and Medical Supplies,it WILL HAVE the Same Effect as Healing Building just with different Visual Look and name!It can be called "Provisions" or "Long Road Supplies"! :)

Here is my suggestion on how the New Healing Button Icon can Look and be Called "Provisions" or "Supplies" or "Long Road Supplies"  ,it is just as sample and example if the Team finds or mkaes better one,well even better for me!  [ugly] [ugly]

The Objects in the Black Squares can be used as In Game Objects that will appear on the Chariot after the Upgrade is Purchased! :)

Here is the "Provisions" Button Icon made and suggested by CragLord! :) Which one the Team and Fans like or make other there is not problem! :)

I think this all Summorize the ideas being Polished till now,if someone disagrees or has something to add,I will be more than happy to add his idea or discuss it here! :)

Greetings and best Regards to all! :)

Finally @lordDainironfoot:) I defenitaly think the team should implement it,the battle wagons does look a bit cartoonish and a little unfitting with the design...the designs you posted are perfect,also if we add the crosbow and the charriot crew just make them really vonrable to pikes and trolls...that should cancle the op out,in theory it should do a lot of damage to swordsmen and bowmen because they can't stop a charriot!balance wise I think it should be no problem and war charriots is more fitting,it can be larger than the battlewagon with two boars or rams pulling it,I really do hope the edain team finds this fitting and grow fond of it!I thought about the implammentation and it coeld be that you start of with battle wagons and when they are L3 you can send them into the fordge and they will come out war charriots,the battle wagons cost 360 and the upgrade can cost 800 which makes it quite expensive but it will stop spamming

I am glad to see some interest and feedback on this Thread! :)

Well of course they wil lbe quite Weak Against Spearman and Troll(even though logic wise with that Crossbow Trolls should stay aside of the Chariot :D) but joke aside yeah they will be strong only Against Swordsman and Archers! :)

While I really like your idea for the Upgrade I think it might prove to be a little too complicated! Because of that I think they should be Chariotsfrom the Start! :)

About the animals,2 Animals is perfect but I think it wil lbe quite an additional work for the Team to add 1 more Animal insteead the use of only 1 and I have no problem with beign only 1 so I thik we can do just fine with it!? :)

Oh and Welcome to MU mate,I am honored that your First Post was in my Thread! :)
Hope you enjoy it here,we have really great discussion and it isvery interesting adn fun place~! :)

Greetings! :)

Thank you Lord Dain!

Implementing the war charriots will also give a more movie atmosfeer for the movie lovers and it is one step closer to the perfect dwarven faction,and adding their weakness I don't think they will be op with the crossbow and crew,I think it is a splended idea!now we must wait until ET member give as his thought

I like the basic idea of the concept and think that different animals and the design being more adjusted to the style of each factions would be great.

But researching an upgrade in the forge for the crossbow, would be a too big difference. I think the crossbow should just replace the oil cask.

Also there aren't animations for two animals in front of the War Chariot.


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