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Autor Thema: Different textures on default objects  (Gelesen 6332 mal)


  • Elronds Berater
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  • Beiträge: 336
Different textures on default objects
« am: 29. Sep 2015, 12:32 »
Greetings, staff of the Edain^^
I know I already asked this question time ago on the EIC, but since the forum has been closed, I lost the answer. So here's my question:
How can I apply to - for example - Rohan's Castle Walls the textures of - for example - Minas Tirith Walls, but keeping the model of the first one? (So i would have straight climbable stony walls, rather than circular ones, or wooden ones)
I need them for a map I'm working on^^


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Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #1 am: 29. Sep 2015, 12:44 »
It will never work perfectly, as you can just replace a texture by another one - but you can't replace it, so it can happen that the texture for the wall is on top of the modell or the stair texture is on the side of the walls.^^ Looks really funny. :D (I had once a bridge which had the face of Aragorn all over it. :D )

Object RockGrey08
 ReplaceModule ModuleTag_01
   Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_01GG
    RandomTexture = PROldForest01.tga 0 PRGrey.tga
        OkToChangeModelColor = Yes
Model = PRG08

This is how I've replaced the textures of a normal Rock to a rock with more grass on it. You can see multiple examples in the map.ini of my lorien-map for edain. :)
You have to replace the modeldraw with a new one which includes everything and also this here:
    RandomTexture = PROldForest01.tga 0 PRGrey.tga
        OkToChangeModelColor = Yes
The Randomtexture replaces the right texture with the left texture.
So the right texture has to be the old texture of the object (and always have to end .tga, even though those files are NO .tga files) and the left texture is the name of the new texture (also has to end with .tga, even though those files are no .tga files)


  • Elronds Berater
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  • Beiträge: 336
Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #2 am: 29. Sep 2015, 14:47 »
Ok, this is what I did:
Object RohanWall

   Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw Draw_WallNEW
    RandomTexture = GBMinwallA.tga 0 RBCasteWall.tga
        OkToChangeModelColor = Yes
Model = RBCastWALL

 DisplayName = OBJECT:GondorCastleWall
But it doesn't work. It keeps the default texture, even if it looks like the new textures "sparkles" over the old one. I tried with ReplaceModule, but it says that both "ModuleTag_01" and "Draw_Wall" doesn't exist for that object. What should I do?


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Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #3 am: 29. Sep 2015, 15:28 »
Yeah, just adding won't work, you'll always have to replace the old one.^^
Just also look in the inis what the module is called. :)
This is the ini of the object:
Object RohanWall
  ; *** ART Parameters ***
    SelectPortrait = BRCastleWall
;  ButtonImage            = SNReactor

  Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
    OkToChangeModelColor  = Yes
    UseStandardModelNames = Yes
      Model = RBWalls
    WallBoundsMesh = wall1
  PlacementViewAngle  = 0
  ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
  DisplayName         = OBJECT:RohanWall
  Side                = Rohan
  EditorSorting       = STRUCTURE
  ThreatLevel = 1.0
  BuildCost           = 1
  BuildTime           = 5.0           ; in seconds
  VisionRange         = 160.0          ; Shroud clearing distance
  ShroudClearingRange = 160

    Armor = StructureArmor
; For Testing Purposes

  ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***
;    #include "..\..\..\Includes\StandardBuildingEvaEvents.inc"

    SoundOnDamaged        = BuildingLightDamageWood
    SoundOnReallyDamaged    = BuildingHeavyDamageWood

;  VoiceSelect         = NuclearReactorSelect
;  UnitSpecificSounds
;  UnderConstruction     = UnderConstructionLoop
;  End
    CampnessValue = CAMPNESS_WALL

  ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
  RadarPriority       = STRUCTURE
  Behavior = CastleMemberBehavior ModuleTag_CMB
        CountsForEvaCastleBreached = Yes
  Behavior = SiegeDockingBehavior ModuleTag_SiegeDocking
  Body                = StructureBody ModuleTag_05
    MaxHealth         = 1500.0
    GrabObject = EntThrownBuildingRock
    GrabFX = FX_WallGrab
    GrabDamage = 490
    GrabOffset = X:16 Y:0

  Behavior            = DestroyDie ModuleTag_07
      Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_WallBonus
        StartsActive    = Yes ;If no, requires upgrade to turn on.
        BonusName        = WallBonus
        RefreshDelay    = 2000
        ;Range            = 120        ; Range is overridden to affect people on us since we are a wall
        ;TargetEnemy        = Yes    ; Alliances are ignored to affect people on us since we are a wall

  Geometry              = BOX
  GeometryMajorRadius   = 50.0
  GeometryMinorRadius   = 35.0
  GeometryHeight        = 60.0
  GeometryContactPoint =    X:-50            Y:-40                Z:0 Grab
  GeometryContactPoint =    X:0                Y:-40                Z:40 Grab
  GeometryContactPoint =    X:50            Y:-40                Z:0 Grab
  GeometryContactPoint =    X:-50            Y:40                Z:0 Grab
  GeometryContactPoint =    X:0                Y:40                Z:40 Grab
  GeometryContactPoint =    X:50            Y:40                Z:0 Grab
  GeometryIsSmall       = No
  Shadow                = SHADOW_VOLUME
  BuildCompletion     = PLACED_BY_PLAYER
For this object it's called ModuleTag_Draw, you have to replace this.
So you have to use:

RemoveModule ModuleTag_Draw
 Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DrawNew
    RandomTexture = GBMinwallA.tga 0 RBCasteWall.tga
    OkToChangeModelColor  = Yes
    UseStandardModelNames = Yes
      Model = RBWalls
    WallBoundsMesh = wall1
(or use Replace instead of Remove/add, but I always like to write all Removes at the top to have a better overview)

I haven't tested it yet, but it should work.^^


  • Elronds Berater
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  • Beiträge: 336
Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #4 am: 29. Sep 2015, 16:18 »
A bridge with Aragorn face should be cool  :D
Anyway, it keeps not working. But I think the problem is I make the script to replace the wrong picture (I'm pretty sure RBCasteWall.tga are not the textures used for Rohan Walls)
In fact, my main problem was I wasn't able to find the appropriate .ini file, so I have no clues on which texture should be replaced with the GBMinwallA one


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Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #5 am: 29. Sep 2015, 16:57 »
Those files aren't in any ini-file.^^
You have to open the moddle in the w3d viewer and then find out this way what texture the object is using.


  • Elronds Berater
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  • Beiträge: 336
Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #6 am: 29. Sep 2015, 18:39 »
That's the problem. I've looked in Edain textures, Standard textures, and even BFME2 textures...but I didn't find them anywhere ._.
Maybe I missed them, I'll check better. The only place where I haven't look is inside BFME I textures

Ealendril der Dunkle

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Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #7 am: 29. Sep 2015, 18:47 »
The model rbwalls is using the texture rbgate.tga.


  • Elronds Berater
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  • Beiträge: 336
Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #8 am: 29. Sep 2015, 21:11 »
YES! It finally works! It looks horrible, but it works^^
Thank you both so much. I can finally start again works on my map^^


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Re: Different textures on default objects
« Antwort #9 am: 30. Sep 2015, 08:33 »
It looks horrible, but it works^^
This one made my day   [ugly]