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Autor Thema: A new interesting siege concept + some suggestions for more gameplay variation  (Gelesen 2713 mal)


  • Wanderer des Alten Waldes
  • *
  • Beiträge: 51
I believe that the ideas I am going to share with you that can be applied to edain mod with rotwk engine too. I hope that you will enjoy while reading my ideas and suggestions below, it is quite long and sorry my English too, thank you.

1) Supply Wagon with its camp builders,its mercenaries and its upgradeable features:

**The Supply Wagon is an unarmed unit used to support troops outside of their nation's borders. It protects units from taking attrition damage and decreases the reloading times of nearby siege and artillery units and more affects with upgrade choices.

Have you ever played " Rise of Nations " ? In that game, there are borders and some cool features. When you send your troops outside of the border to attack enemies that you need to supply your army after a point with the help of a supply wagon which Siege+artillery and archery units outside their own nation's borders are considered 'out of supply', when not within the range of a Supply Wagon. 'out of supply' means after a time period that you left your base  your units will start getting damage in time if they stay longer outside of the base range in enemy terriories or in wastelands. In addition supply wagon will provide healing affects or leadership affects etc. upgrade options.

**Once the units are out of your main based range, there will be 1minute20seconds times period that units will not suffer with attrition damage. The longer time you are outside then the attrition damage will be more which will increase slowly, if your troops enter to critical point then they will turn back to base or fight until the end. This feature can be added into the three features options (defense mod, normal mod, aggressive mod ones ).Heroes and elite units are not affected with attrition damage too;so heroes and elite units will always have important place in your army(even with these new features).

**Once you leave or go out of range of supply wagons or from the built camps ( from supply wagon ones ) you will be protected against attrition damage for 30 seconds

**Supply wagons can be turn into small,medium and large camps but to do this you will need builders which can be purchase from supply wagons themself. One builder costs as 50 resources. After you spawned your builders they will be permanent and bind to the supply wagons until wagons are destoryed.

**After you build your camp then you can hire mercenaries from that camps which these mercenaries will stay in the game for some period of time ( if all mercenaries die they will repspawn every 20 seconds again ):
*Small camp mercenaries they will protect your camp for 2minutes with 3 minutes cooldown which has 3 melee units with 2 archery units ( total 5 soldiers ) but these soldiers will be a little more stronger than normal units which the hiring cost will be 200 resources,
*Medium camp mercenaries they will protect your camp for 4minutes with 5 minutes cooldown which has 6 melee units, 4 archery units  with 4 spear units( total 14 soldiers ) but these soldiers will be a little more stronger than normal units which the hiring cost will be 500 resources,
*Large camp mercenaries they will protect your camp for 8minutes with 5 minutes cooldown which has 16 melee units, 10 archery units  with 8 spear units( total 34 soldiers ) but these soldiers will be a little more stronger than normal units which the hiring cost will be 800 resources,

**You can produce these supply wagons and their upgrade features from siege building.

There will be three types of supply wagons :
*Small supply wagons:
-that can supply 2 units of troops within the small scaled circle's inside of it,
-that costs 500 resource but it cannot be upgraded and apply special affects to the units within the circle,
-that can turn into a stable camp and it can be unpacked too to its normal mobile version again with fastest unpacking time,
-that can be produced maximum 4 small supply wagons,
-that you need x2 builders to build your small camp.

*Medium supply wagons:
-that can supply 4 units of troops within the medium scaled circle's inside of it
-that costs 1000 resources but it can be upgraded and apply special affects to the units within the circle,
-that can turn into a stable camp and it can be unpacked too to its normal mobile version again with longer unpacking time,
-that can be produced maximum 2 medium supply wagons,
-that you need x4 builders to build your medium camp.

*Large supply wagons:
-that can supply 8 units of troops within the medium scaled circle's inside of it
-that costs 2500 resources but it can be upgraded and apply more special affects to the units within the circle,
-that can turn into a stable camp and it can be unpacked too to its normal mobile version again with longest unpacking time,
-that can be produced maximum 1 large supply wagons,
-that you need x16 builders to build your large camp.

2) Adding more siege ( sieging ) units with more functions to use + Spy units for every factions:

Spy suggestion :

Have you ever player Red Alert 1 game ? At this game, you can use spies to steal technologies from each other and infiltrated building cannot be used for some time according to which building you stole the technology. Of course, once spy stole your technology that spy will be marked and spy needs to bring back these informations to your base;so because your spy is marked and it can be seen by everyone that helps the faction which lost its technology  it has a chance to get it back. Of course to detect these spies there were counter measurements too like making units which has dog units ( 2 soldiers + 1 dog ) that thy are patrolling the area ( from one point to another with normal speed ) with a limited amount ( maximum x2 units and these units can detect a certain amount of area too so other players can use the gap and tries to steal technology ;but ofcourse if other player can detect these spy units by themself too because spy unit is a solo unit so if you are becarefull then you can find and target yourself too. Then with your spy unit you need to go to your technology building, you can use these stolen technologies for some period and if you lose your delivered building you lose the stolen technology instantly too which your enemy can see which building is that too ( because that is marked ). Once the spy steals the technology thy will be very slow but there will be some options that will help them to move faster by spending some resources. For example, for LOTR standards if you are from good faction then you can call a donkey or eagle to move some distance much faster but these extra skills are expensive with slightly long cooldowns. If you are from evil faction then you can call a warg or nazgul like dragons.

What kind of technologies can the spies steal ?
*Siege technology
*Armor/weapon technology
*Magical technology
Every faction will provide an unique technology features to your faction if you are able to steal and deliver it successfully.

**Spy will cost for 2000 resources.

What kind of sabotages can the spies apply to enemy buildings ?
*Every factions' spies will be unique according to the which factions are bond; because some spies sabotage skills will be much effective according to the which faction they are belong to.
*Stop or make slower or steal the resource income from resource buildings.
*Make the spawn time longer for units productions etc.
*Spies can sabotage the mobile supply wagons and the camps that is built from supply wagons too that prevent their functions for 1minute30seconds.
*Spies can give quite good damage with demolishing buildings,defense towers,stable camps and defense siege units with timed explotions ( when you use demolish skill then you cannot use it for another 3 minutes ):
-Level one resource building to demolish it will cost for 600 resources,
-Level two resource building to demolish it will cost for 900 resources,
-Level three resource building to demolish it will cost for 1500 resources,
-Level one military related buildings to demolish them will cost for 1000 resources,
-Level two military related buildings to demolish them will cost for 2000 resources,
-Level three military related buildings to demolish them will cost for 3000 resources,
-The main building to demolish it will cost for 7000 resouses.
*Planting these timer bombs will take some time while planting the bombs ( like casting time ),
*Hight level builds want more explosion to demolish them
The exploded building will give damage to its around structures and the units around,
-Level one structures will be exploded within 20seconds with a 3 sec casting time to plant the bomb,
-Level two structures will be exploded within 30seconds with a 4 sec casting time to plant the bomb,
-Level three structures will be exploded within 40seconds  with a 5 sec casting time to plant the bomb,
-The main building will be exploded within 60seconds  with a 6 sec casting time to plant the bomb.
*Once the spied plant the bomb to the building, a warning message will be appear for the enemy faction player and for you too " The bomb has been planted! " ;but if anti-spy units disable the bomb and it will say this " the bomb has been defused! "

Anti-spy units :
For isengard+mordor+goblins, the dog unit will be x2 uruk + 1 warg
For gondor+rohan+elves, the dog unit will be x2 soldier + 1 dog
For dwarves, the dog unit will be x2 soldier + 1 goat
For Angmar, the dog unit will be x2 soldier + 1 wolf
*These units will walk around the designated building's area.
*You can produce maximum x3 anti-spy units.
*Anti-spy units are a little more stronger and durable than their normal versions and reveal more areas.
*Anti-spy units will cost for 10 command points+400 resources only and at every level anti-spy unit can increase the number of troops inside of it.
*Anti-spy units can disable the spies planted timer bombs too.
*There will be a cooldown for every defusing the bomb according to the size of bomb:
-20sec cooldown for level one bombs with a 3sec casting time for defusing,
-30sec cooldown for level two bombs with a 4sec casting time for defusing,
-40sec cooldown for level three bombs with a 5sec casting time for defusing,
-60sec cooldown for main building bombs with a 6sec casting time for defusing,

**Every factions can reach these siege weapons but with limitation and restrictions ( the cost, building time etc. ) according to which faction are you from. Evil factions can reach and build these advanced siege units much cheaper while good factions need to steal these techonologies ( stealing technologies are same for evil factions too which thy don't have technology ). If one faction can reach and build a certain siege weapon and others cannot then if that faction tries to build other faction's technolog that will cost for him very expensive but it has benefits. For doing these you will need spy units which is really nice feature that will make more variations and gameplay taste for everyone !!! For example, everyone loves the isengard's spear units or shield units but you love to play with gondor more but you wish to have isengard weapons or armors on your gondor units. Here the spy faction enters to business^^

**The siege weapons/units will have upgrade features for ballista, catapult and trebucket.
**The siege weapons which are entered to permanent/stable mod then they will not affected with " attrition damage ".
**The siege weapons which are entered to permanent/stable mod will open three upgradeable features:
-x2 archers to protect it ( behind of sand bag,wooden,iron,stone brackets according to your faction style ),
-heal the allies when out of combat,
-gives leadership within the circle and the circle size detects as from the ballista type too ( small,medium or large ).
**The siege weapons which are entered to stable/permanent mod that can use annihilation feature to explode itself to give damage to enemies around it.
**Once its enter the permanent/stable mod you cannot turn your siege weapons back into mobile version again.
If you check google there are many type of ballista examples ( small,medium, and large scalled ballistas and these three different size of ballistas have different usages in combats at my suggestion ).
-Small scaled ballista can be used against light infantry+archers very effectively but less effective against horse units+elite units+hero units+monster units+troll units ,and this ballista can enter to stable mod which costs for 200 resouces then the upgradeable features are can be purchased ( you can make x6 SSB maximum ),
-Medium scaled ballista can be used against armored/upgraded infantry+archers+horse  units/normal horse units+monster units very effectively but  less effective against elite units+hero units+troll units ,and this ballista can enter to stable mod which costs for 600 resouces then the upgradeable features are can be purchased ( you can make x4 MSB maximum ),
-Large scaled ballista can be used against all kind of units that includes elite units+hero units+troll units too and this ballista can use another different explosive ammunition to give moderate damage to buildings and units too which costs 300 resources to upgrade this feature,and this ballista can enter to stable mod which costs for 1200 resouces then the upgradeable features are can be purchased( you can make x2 LSB maximum ).

**Current catapults are really good but how can 2 ppl can push it really ? I understand 2 ppl can use it but cannot move it. I understand trolls but not the humonoid units^^. So catapults should be pull by horses/goats/wargs and there should be some preparetion time before using it like in age of empire or rise of nation games to make things more realistic and cooler and making better. We should produce maximum 6 catapults
**There should be trebucket siege units too which has longer range with more damage which can carried by trebucket wagons and it take quite time to prepare it ( packing and unpacking ) before using it for siege and these siege units will be expensive ( 2000 resources ) and limited amount ( maximum x2 amount you can make )

3) Please make the buildings, walls, gates more durable with more hp for a better sieging, thank you.

Like everyone else we play edain mod very often so after a point it is always doing the same things. But if we can apply these kind of suggestions above then there will be more opportunies with more gameplay variations. Then the game will not finish within maximum 20-30 minutes because players will need to be aware around them more and will have fun more ( in my opinion ).

With this supply wagon system, you will conquer the land one by one  or piece by piece with a more realistic way + support your point men and your main army which will allow you to support your front line camps with your balista defense and hiring mercenaries with your troops to prepare the main siege against enemy base in time.

With spy system you can do many things. For example, you are losing the battles and enemy is getting closer and closer to your main base; but with spies you can sabotage your enemies or slow their progress. Spy system is very generous if you can do it successfully but it is very costy too.

I hope that you like these ideas and suggestions. I believe that these things can be coded and applied to the game which the game mechanics allow it; but I know that it will take quite time to do these. However, if edain team and the community like these ideas and suggestions here, why not to see these in the future updates right ?^^

I would you hear your opinions too, thank you very much for reading this thread.


  • Galadhrim
  • **
  • Beiträge: 718
Good day LordMaus,

Most of us on the forums are used to seeing you post random nonesense. This time, you actually went through the effort to write a more indepth and coherent post (forgiving the few mistakes in English here and there). You are making progress, good job. If you do this type of post more often, people might start taking you serious again.

I read through your post, and while I do think that you went through enough effort to post your own ideas and go through the effort to explain them, I am not going to beat around the bush.

Namely, your ideas would require a severe overhaul of the base gameplay. The team simply does not have the time nor the manpower and the will to do such a thing. Besides, this gameplay overhaul that you suggest, is what you have Rise of Nations and Red Alert for. I played Rise of Nations, the expansion and Rise of Nations; Rise of Legends, which are in their own right great games. However, this concept is ''too'' realistic for BFME II gameplay. Yes, you build an economy, and yes you would have it be more realistic with supply and spying on the enemy forces etc, but what will it contribute? For example, why would Imladris spy on Mordor? And even worse, why would they steal ''technology'' from Mordor? If anyone would steal, it would be the evil factions, because there is a clear-cut line between the two sides. The gameplay pace has already been slowed down with the BFME I gameplay, having it slow down even more through spies and reliance on supply carts and whatnot is going to make this game competitively unfriendly.

I suppose the team could eventually do something about the horses pulling siege weaponry and such. Don't get your hopes up though. It will probably happen at the very last possible moment, since it requires more work than people think. We don't even know if there are animations for it, which the addition of new ones, is very much reserved and considered a great investment by the team.
Your best bet to see this kind of thing realised is probably a Total War Mod, like the Third Age Total War mod, where you can have spies and probably have supply mechanics, for the sake of realism. Or your own mod for BFME II, without publicly posting stolen content.

As for your final argument, as a beta and balance tester, I can say that I speak for the whole team and all its testers when I say that Castle walls, towers etc are already resilient enough. Some already say TOO resilient.

I hope you understand that your ideas are simply too radical. The mod is nearing completion, and suddenly, you wish to overhaul the gameplay experience completely. Why? If you had wished to let this concept have any chance, you should have done so when Edain mod first started. The only thing that will probably come close to spies and supply radii are Bill Ferny's abilities, Battlewagon upgraded with Hearths and perhaps the  Misty Mountains plundering cart, if the system is kept.

I hope you have a lovely day dear LordMaus, you have a... special place in our community.

Kind regards,

“For so sworn good or evil an oath may not be broken and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world's end.”


  • Wanderer des Alten Waldes
  • *
  • Beiträge: 51
If I want to give a try to do such a gameplay concept myself where and how should I start coding such a thing to add such features to the game ? I have never tried coding for making a mod. Would you teach me please ? I am a artificial intelligence and robotics engineering student that I know java and C++ coding but I don2t have any experience at coding for a game for modding it. I was checked some tutorials eventhough I don't know where and how to start so a nice guidance from here would be nice. If you have time would you reply to me please ?thank you very much.