[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Imladris Suggestions

Brief Imladris Suggestions

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The Light of Aman spell will surely be improved: it was suggested by DieWalkure and, as far as I know, the team liked it, but had no time to implement it properly for the release of the 4.4 :)


--- Zitat von: helloa2134 am  2. Aug 2016, 00:29 ---
I saw elsewhere that you were  considering adjusting the spell books of several factions, looking to differentiate them. If that winds up being the case then this suggestion may be a bit redundant.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Yes, a new overhaul of each faction's spellbook and, in particular, weather spells is something very likely to be one of the next plans for future updates. Also, as DrHouse correctly wrote and as I also explained myself in a recent spell topic, a very complete and structured concept of Light of Aman already exists and it's perfectly at hand (as you can see yourself in this very section); not only was the conceptual design proposed in details, but I also provided the Edain Team with a great sound for the said spell (ideas of mine that have been made into reality with the fundamental help of CragLord).

The basic core of my suggestion was successfully implemented and replaced the previous and very generic clouds break (graphically and lore speaking, at least). But the complete suggestion ended up being too much daunting to achieve during the Beta development and, especially, before the imminent release. The proposal itself remains nonetheless valid indeed; so, I guess it's not a matter of 'what', but rather a matter of 'when'  :)

Hey people, I have 1 suggestion, about the faction. Specially about Lindon guys, that are overtiered, regarding the needs of Imladris. Imladris dont need dual weapon warrios that come 5 in 5, Imladris needs numbers and lindon dont give this numbers.

Right now what is better? get 4 hobbit farms to reduce Dunedain cost, or waste 1 settlement place with a lindon watch tower ( that would have lonetower use mostly all early to mid game) I think Hobbit-dunedain is far away more usefull.

Because of this, that the settlement barracks use to be a support building for all factions that increase their streght in areas they lack that strenght.

What are giving Lindons right now that I dont have with my standard Imladris units?
A bit more dmg and health?

My suiggestion is make Lindons be in 12 guys battallion just like Gahladrim, costing like 600 or 500, limited to 4 or with 90 cp cost, allowing imladris to acces good archers and fighters that can eventually support the faction in a very bad map control situatuion where the enemie has the nearest outpost and he is just not allowing you to get your very needed dunedain.

Just make them more Early unit to allow players go for other tactics than outpost rush.

Please Edait Team do something with Loremasters of Stone they can attack walls and Gates it's really destroys early game when u play with/vs  AI and second they ALREADY HAVE SIEGE so i think it would be better limit them attack  only normal buildings .

Ealendril der Dunkle:
They are intended to damage buildings, walls and gates - so no, there aren't any plans to change this.


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