[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Imladris Suggestions

Imladris Balance Suggestions

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Lord of Mordor:
In this thread, you can discuss balancing issues with the Imladris faction. If you feel a balance topic is so big it deserves its own thread, you're free to create one, but for smaller points this thread might be useful.

Hello there,

So after playing as and against imladris ai and non ai that they are pretty balanced IMO other than the lore masters and blade masters, both these units need to be toned down a bit.

I think this faction could use some improvements though after playing with them a bit.

1. Imladris probably has the worst spellbook in the game atm, it's just really underwhelming.

2. Some of the hero's are decent ciridan,the twins,glorfindel, but I think some could be looked at such as elrond, I think his abilities are fine the way they are but he just dies way to quickly so an armour or health increase would help with that and now arewen's abilities aren't terrible except her last one which is probably the worst tier 5 ability in the game for a hero, I was fine with strider in 3.8 I thought it was really cool but this ability is worthless compared to that. And then there's gildor that's all I'm going to say

Well that's my thoughts.

I personally find Imladris' spellbook very effective and suited for the faction: that is, it's well centred on healing features and supporting properties (especially, via the summoning of precious allies). I think it's probably even better than Lothlórien's. Nevertheless, as you may have already read here or in other topics, every spellbook of each faction is likely to be subjected to an overhaul in the future. Particularly, speaking about Imladris, in order to improve Light of Aman much more conceptually and, maybe, to replace completely some other spells.

Regarding the heroes, the faction design of Rivendell was fashioned so that you should use any hero in combination with the others, as a sum of different elements that ultimately gives you the proper strength and strategy you need. Just think about Elrond and Arwen: their most prominent powers are supportive and aimed to aid the other heroes and all the troops of yours as well, enabling you to advance safely. In fact, I often play with them this way, and their powerful cooperation with the soldiers results in an almost unstoppable force (not to mention the addition of the lore-masters' magical abilities).

Elrond is very similar to Galadriel, and you thus ought to use him as the supportive hero he exactly is (among the other units). With the sole difference that Galadriel is extremely focused on ranged support, while the Lord of Imladris helps his army directly in battle with a warrior/general-type approach.

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades:
What exactly do you want to tone down with lore masters and blade masters? A bit more elaboration would be great. Blade masters are pretty nuts, lore masters I'm quite fine with though.

--- Zitat von: Sawman am  3. Aug 2016, 16:42 ---1. Imladris probably has the worst spellbook in the game atm, it's just really underwhelming.

--- Ende Zitat ---
Imladris Spellbook is fantastic. The first two rows are the strongest in the game.
-> Please elaborate, statements like "this is the worst" don't help.

I agree that the flood is a bit underwhelming and I don't like the eagles either. But eagles are being looked at anyway, from what I know, which leaves the flood, which just needs to do a bit more damage. No need to instagib everything, but atm it is underwhelming. Still can't beat Loriens's spellbook though :P

Gildor is great - best scouting ability in the game, can creep trolls and offers crowdcontrol at level three already.
Elrond is more durable than Gandalf. He even gets better armour at level five. Maybe pay a bit more attention? ;)
Healing spells are quite strong on Imladris units since their health is so high. No need to change it imho, Arwen is strong enough already.


--- Zitat ---Imladris Spellbook is fantastic. The first two rows are the strongest in the game.
-> Please elaborate, statements like "this is the worst" don't help.
--- Ende Zitat ---
Proceeds to do the same thing by not elaborating :P. You have to give concrete examples on each spell in these two rows if you want to give true elaboration. You did on the healing though so good job mate, keep it up ;).

To be frank, all this talk about which spellbooks are bad or good is utter nonesense. All spellbooks have strengths and weaknesses and you have to tailor your choices to the situation. This is strengthened by the fact that most factions have very similar spellbooks, with horns, land spells, arrow volleys and weather spells etc., and that the similarity is thankfully somewhat contested by variations and variants in effects of essentially the same spell(s) in design. However, what you could say is that some spells are not performing in their intended context. Like the eagles, or the recently removed barricade spell for Mordor. I can't wait for the future spellbook tweaks, they will greatly shake up the current matchups, I am certain of it.

If Gildor would ever need a buff, which I highly doubt, I would personally like to see his cost reduced from 250 to 200, and nothing else. His spells are very powerful if used correctly, the only relatively questionable spell being the Elven cloak, but basically a Palantir vision spell without having to spend any Spellpoints is so huge (In competitive play, vision is everything, like battlefield intelligence in real life), and it scales very well into the game. Any person claiming that vision is underwhelming has no idea what they are talking about :P.

Finally, what if we switch the Blademasters with the banner upgrade? So Blademasters at level 3, and the banners at level 2? I think that would solve the apparent issue. You can counter spam factions with Dunedain (the outpost itself being awesome already) and cavalry.

To be honest, Imladris is arguably the most balanced faction Edain has released so far, clear powerspikes in the game, their strengths offset by low model count, a spellbook that is almost perfectly alligned with Imladris' playstyle, and the list could go on. Lorewise, I personally preferred the old concept, with them being unable to level and stuff and all veteran-like, but this, in turn, resulted in critical gameplay hiccups that had to be fixed, so I'd like to say that the current design is probably better gameplay-wise, and easier to adjust when something has to be improved.


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