[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Imladris Suggestions

Imladris Balance Suggestions

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Ealendril der Dunkle:

--- Zitat ---To be honest, Imladris is arguably the most balanced faction Edain has released so far, clear powerspikes in the game, their strengths offset by low model count, a spellbook that is almost perfectly alligned with Imladris' playstyle, and the list could go on
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Thanks for the praise! Great to hear that. xD

nothing wrong with lore masters? Are you mad? let me just STUN your entire army 4 times real quick including heros btw while I slaughter your army, nothing wrong at all am I right?

anyways I probably should elaborate so for the spell book the hobbits for there power point cost don't amount to other 2 point summons such as the hobbits for arnor or the orcs of mount gram for angmar

bombidal could have a little more health, dies pretty quick

last alliance isn't that great for the time that you have them, they just don't get a lot done.

gildors first ability is all he is useful for where as other scouts can be useful late game

the armour buff that Elrond gets was meant to be included when I said he still dies to quick and sure he has more health than Gandalf but Gandalf has abilities to keep enemies away where as Elrond has one to do that and for his whirlwind hes got to be fighting for it to be of any affect

arewen is still bad her heal is the only thing shes got going for her and in case you haven't noticed asfolf is exactly the same as glorfidels mounted ability and how do you think her last ability is good its like a worse version of the old Denethor captain and she has to be level 8 to even use it 

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades:

--- Zitat von: Sawman am  3. Aug 2016, 19:20 ---nothing wrong with lore masters? Are you mad? let me just STUN your entire army 4 times real quick including heros btw while I slaughter your army, nothing wrong at all am I right?

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There are four different lore masters with eight different abilities, six different possible combinations who again have a unique ability. So we're at ten different units with 14 different abilities now. You sound as if lore masters in general are broken, which they are not. As far as I can tell (because you did not specify whatsoever in neither of your posts), you're talking about the air-light-combo and their special ability? Clarification would be great here so I can actually give you an answer. Thanks a lot for staying polite.

--- Zitat von: Odysseus am  3. Aug 2016, 18:58 ---
--- Zitat ---Imladris Spellbook is fantastic. The first two rows are the strongest in the game.
-> Please elaborate, statements like "this is the worst" don't help.
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Proceeds to do the same thing by not elaborating :P.

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Or maybe I'm just repeating something to show what I'm talking about. ;)

Arwen is a decent fighter, has access to a horse, can heal and buff nearby heroes and can make enemies flee. For a hero so cheap I'd say she's pretty damn good, yeah. Allowing your units to permanently heal is just the icing on the cake.

So when Elrond is already one of the tankier heroes in the game with his armour boost he still dies too quick for your liking? I just don't get that, he is supposed to be a mass slayer after all. Being more or less vulnerable to hero killers is basically part of the job description. And units shouldn't catch him anyway, he's got a horse and his flood does knockback...


--- Zitat ---Or maybe I'm just repeating something to show what I'm talking about. ;)
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Might as well jump into this discussion. 

The Lore-Masters have the potential of being very problematic.  If a person only buys 1 or 2, and doesn't go for a Combo that is too strong together, they are fine.  But in numbers, they can make fighting Imladris incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

I really like the abilities the Lore-Master have, but what you have to understand is that Lore-Masters don't have a limit past their argueably low command point cost.  The potential if having an any of those abilties used 4-5 or even more times every battle is too much, such as an incredible amount of heals for Water Lore-Masters, and especially the Speed Boost and Knockback Immunity for the Wind Lore Masters, allowing you to make escapes from spells like Army of the Dead whenever you want. 

And that doesn't even count the Combo Abilities, which are some of the strongest in the game, with Light-Wind and Earth-Wind being the Strongest in my opinion.

I think making the Lore-Masters cost 90 command points each, as well as nerfing certain Lore-Master abilties, will make them a lot more balanced. 

Blade-Masters are definitely way too strong right now.  Lowering their damage and making the AoE only hit basic units should fix them though.  Nothing more to say about them.

And other then that, Imladris is an incredibly balanced faction in my opinion, maybe leaning on the under-powered side in certain aspects.  Credit to the Edain Team for making the pretty much all the units pretty much perfectly balanced compared to other factions. 

Just a few other things though:

I agree with Sawman that Imladris has the least powerful Spellbook in the game currently.  And that doesn't mean that the Spellbook is outright bad, it's just less good then others. 

-The Hobbit summon is very underwhelming compared to other summons.  They are okay when they switch to Rocks, But either way they so quick to everything.  I think this is the opportunity to add Biblo to Imladris.  Not only could he make this summon better (Maybe with a leadership), but this could be the best way to implement Bilbo into the faction.

-Tom Bombadil dies to quick too everything.  Make him harder to kill and he will be better.

-The Last Alliance is slightly too weak in terms of strength, and goes away way too quickly.  I think giving the summon 1 group of Imladris Archers, which are in the summon if I remember correctly, and doubling the timer will make the Summon much better.

-The Flood just needs to do more damage, or at least have some sort of other effect.

Arwen's last two abilities really need to be changed in my opinion.  Noro Lim, Asfaloth is too similar to Glorfindel's Wind Runner, and Blessed Banner is incredibly underwhelming.  I think Blessed Banner would work much better if it was similar to Eomer's Debuff, but instead of Debuffing, it would place the Banner on the Floor which would Buff/Health your units.

And lastly, I think making Ranger Upgrades only allowed to be bought while Halbarad is nearby is a bit weird and inconvenient.

And that's it.  Great work on the faction so far.


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