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Autor Thema: The White Council  (Gelesen 45459 mal)


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #30 am: 28. Jan 2017, 17:12 »
The premises of the meeting

The White Council meets again in T.A. 2851, nearly 400 years after the first assembly, in the midst of a sudden surge of grave and very grim events. Mirkwood got even darker and the power hiding there has overtly held dominion over the southern territories of the vast woods, terrorising anyone dwelling in the vicinity. A ghoulish and obscure force that gathered Orcs and fell creatures in the eerie pits of the fortress. The source of this relentless malice poisoned anything alive in the surrounding areas and cloaked Dol Guldur under a strong spell of concealment, through which even Galadriel may not now see anymore.

Saruman had in the meantime settled in Isengard, making this ancient Númenórean fortress his stable residence. In spite of the expectations of the Wise, he didn't endeavour for the cause of the White Council as he should have done; that this, the awakening shadows in Mirkwood weren't the priority of his action. On the other side, he had poured all himself in the studying of the forgotten and arcane arts of the forging of the Rings of Power, in an attempt to retrieve what was irreparably lost. Hoping that this kind of knowledge would eventually strengthen his power and thus his authority, he however started desiring the possession of the One Ring more and more, believing that Sauron's artefact could have indeed survived and remained unspoiled in the passing of centuries. Galadriel and Gandalf began to be concerned by this attitude, and they feared that the judgment of their chief was ever faltering in those times of emergency.

Therefore, via circumventing the rule of the White Wizard, Gandalf (supported by the Lady of Light) visited Dol Guldur again, disguised as an old and mysterious wanderer by the action of his magic. Once passed through the sentinels and the foul beasts patrolling the surroundings woods, the Grey Pilgrim entered the fortress and lifted the spell that kept it hidden. After the discovery of Thráin II, agonising and revealing before his departure that his Ring of Power had been retrieved by the Enemy, Gandalf faced the darkness of the Necromancer, who finally unveiled his identity as Sauron and manifested his true purposes. Despite the terror emanated by the revenant Sauron, the Evil didn't manage to win the Istar and Gandalf found thus a way out of that dreadful peril.

The White Council is summoned again. Galadriel and Gandalf asks for an immediate assault on Dol Guldur, to prevent Sauron from recollecting too much strength and to end his schemes once and for all.
« Letzte Änderung: 29. Jan 2017, 15:23 von DieWalküre »


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #31 am: 4. Feb 2017, 19:22 »
The scene takes place in Caras Galadhon, in the mighty palace of whom reigns supreme over Lórien. It's T.A. 2850 (just one year before the meeting). It's deep night. Galadriel stands firm on the major balcony of the palace; the one towering over all the other gargantuan trees and thus conceding a wide view of all the woods of Lothlórien. Her sight could easily perceive things well beyond the borders of her realm, without relying on the extension of her mind-sensing capabilities. A grim expression had formed on her indecipherable face. Only the wisest could have known that this composure of hers indicated ill eventualities occurring somewhere in the World. Celeborn, returning from the now-frequent patrols, finds himself in front of such spectacle.

CELEBORN: ''What did you perceive, my Lady, of a so terrible fashion to render you so upset? Please, disclose your heart with no fears.''
GALADRIEL: ''It was as obscure as the darkest night. Rapid and unmerciful. A storm of immense greatness that manifested itself on the other shore. A sudden thunder that tore the sky apart. But Mithrandir is safe. For a moment, I was terrified that it was forever over...''
C: ''I can't seem to understand. What kind of words are you trying to speak, my beloved half?''
G: ''He has returned. The darkness has eventually returned. Middle-earth is now to face the most dreadful of the nightmares, which shall soon spread across all angles of lands. We were right, gallant Lord of the Galadhrim, we saw it rightly. A wraith, a mere slave could have never gathered such shadows in the pits of that eerie horror that stands in front of our safe borders. Indeed, the mastermind has come forth.''
C: ''Tell me more, my Queen. My heart is profoundly shaken. And, also, what does the kindhearted Gandalf have to do with all of this. I'm eager to know.''
G: (Making a long sigh and getting even more serious) ''It all started from the recent happenings. The power within that infamous fortress had constantly been getting stronger and darker. The malice hidden in there had concealed the surrounding areas under a powerful spell, of the kind none of the Nazgûl could have performed. As you know, vigilance had become a normal aspect of life and multiple reports from the Woodland Realm had unfortunately confirmed the ever-growing assembling of foul creatures along those territories. For the first time in three millennia, my sight across the river was denied. It therefore seemed that the mysterious Necromancer had chosen to move his last pawns in secrecy, as he was soon to reveal his intentions overtly.

And so, in the darkening hour, I decided to summon Mithrandir at my presence, in whom I place my utmost trust. The Grey Pilgrim had in fact always advocated a careful watch over Dol Guldur, that is now known in the common knowledge as the 'Hill of Sorcery'. A sorcerer was exactly establishing his might and attracting as a beacon all possible threats. As things were evidently boding very ill since the meeting of the White Council, our chief's judgement was and, I fear, is still clouded by wrong thoughts and assumptions. Instead of setting up strategies to counter the pressing issues related to the gathering darkness, he remained locked in his new fortified dwelling, immersing himself in businesses of which I couldn't be capable of knowing the exact nature. Therefore, we have carelessly lowered our guard, while the illness continued to infect and poison.

Yet neither I nor Mithrandir in truth knew how everything was to develop. In spite of the deliberations given by Saruman, I ordered him to enter the fortress and finally unveil that menacing mystery. And it happened. He entered the borders of Dol Guldur, cloaked by his powers and disguised as a lone wanderer. He pierced the defence of the fortress and in that moment he disappeared from my sight. Until some moments ago. Mithrandir found a way out and indeed shall bear the gravest of the news for us. The Necromancer is nothing more than the Dark Lord of Mordor, incapable of taking a physical form yet and recollecting his lost powers, unbeknownst to the majority of us. Sauron, the horror of the First Age, the deceiver of the Second Age, the master of the Rings of Power and the tyrant of the Free People is now again! I saw him. I could never be wrong. He tried to overcome the Istar, but the heart of the wizard was pure and his endurance imperishable. Nenya has reacted with violence, as it has never done for a long time; tell me, can you see it? It's still visible. The Ring of Fire must have shielded Mithrandir from the hopeless void of the Enemy. He is now heading south, riding safely towards the borders of Rohan. Unlikely could someone imagine how I'm relieved to know that he's nonetheless safe.''
C: ''It can't be. All those centuries. He should have been totally vanquished. What do you know about his current strength?''
G: ''The One Ring was not undone in the fire of Mount Doom and the Evil was thus given the chance to linger in Middle-earth. We have all been played for fools. It's our fault. Our vigilance has failed...''
C: ''The armies of Lothlórien are wholly at your command. We're ready to strike immediately!''
G: ''No, such deed would not be wise. Not at this late hour. Sauron has come forth, but I can vaguely sense that he's not in the position to launch anything close to a vast-scale attack yet. But I don't have a clear measure of his might either. We have to plan our moves very carefully. Albeit the valiant courage of our troops, a siege would endanger too many lives, given our present ignorance of his devices. Traps, ambushes and spells may have easily been placed in defence of his lair, during all these years. I fear I don't have the power yet to cure the plague of those woods and to secure a certain victory. With us being busy with the hypothetical fighting, the recent movements of Goblins from the Misty Mountains might suggest that an invasion against our western flank is not a distant reality. Lothlórien can't protect itself and win two enemies at the same time. Furthermore, the White Council must be informed; I will try to urge for an immediate attack. It's imperative that we be ready to deal with this terrible return together, with joined forces.''
C: ''Your will shall be enforced. Patrols shall be doubled and all the peripheral woods shall be guarded by more sentinels. Despite not planning an assault, my Lady, preparations for all eventualities shall be made. I will leave all the matters concerning the Wise and our allies in your precious hands. No one shall never dare to wage war against us and succeed in their propositions. We shall withstand all perils in honour and valour.'' (He leaves)
G: ''Winds and thunders storm on the other side of the river. The weather of the World rages in wrath and is awfully mutated by the arts of the Enemy. Mithrandir, Hope of the Free People, in front of a perilous challenge you were put and many more terrible ones you shall be destined to face. It's time for our will not to falter among the shadows awakening in our grey Middle-earth.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #32 am: 14. Feb 2017, 11:05 »
It's 2851 T.A. Galadriel has just left the borders of the Golden Wood. She's heading to Rivendell to attend the meeting of the White Council. The temporary absence of the Lady of Light compels the forces of Lothlórien to strengthen their own defences and to patrol more portions of the vast woods under the White Lords' domain. The scene is set in the night: Celeborn addresses the rallying sentinels on the eastern borders.

CELEBORN: ''Gallant forces of the Golden Wood, my valiant guardians, foul beings are being gathered on the other side of the river, in the obscurity of Mirkwood. A thick veil of malice and hatred, which can't now be pierced even by the most powerful mind. Desolate packs of Orcs or disbanded masses of beasts, loosely wandering around the southern woods, they are not. There is instead a major mastermind who is moving his own pawns, preparing for battle or for plans we have unfortunately no knowledge of. The power within that eerie fortress next to the ends of this realm is getting stronger and darker as time passes.

Brave sentinels, I fear that, either in a few days or in a century, our enemies will eventually bring the atrocity of war to our door. We must be prepared. In the darkening hour, we shall be ready to face the challenges we are to be put in front of. Let us therefore maintain our guard always high, because blades and thorns will soon become a bitter reality to get acquainted with.

I can't reveal the real nature of the source of such relentless evil yet, but suffice it to say that we are to confront a force who has been scheming in resentment for probably a millennia. Deceitful are his means and treacherous his devices. Instructions have been given. From now on, the path between Lothlórien and Mirkwood is closed and denied to any kind of travellers, as well as the accesses to the Anduin along these shores. Envoys from the Woodland Realm in the far north of Mirkwood, whom we have really hoped to see these years, shall be halted and sent back as a precautionary measure. Unless they have been given authorisation by me or by the Lady, heralds of other realms shall not be allowed to enter these sacred territories either, having this been the customary norm since the beginning. The sole exception consists of Elrond's messengers from Rivendell, even though this is a matter pertaining to the guards of our western flank. We shall show the Enemy that here lies a power which none of his means could ever subjugate!''
« Letzte Änderung: 19. Feb 2017, 01:38 von DieWalküre »


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #33 am: 19. Feb 2017, 15:02 »

2851 T.A. The second meeting of the White Council finally has its beginning in a cloudy and rainy night in Rivendell. The premises of such important assembly, amidst very stringent contingencies, were more or less known by any of the participants. Galadriel and Gandalf were the ones who had urged the Wise to consult each other, just a year before, following the terrible encounter between the Grey Pilgrim and Sauron himself. Due to the urgency of the situation, other minor members of the assembly have delegated the final decision to the authoritative core of the Wise: Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf and Saruman (the chief of the council). The four mighty leaders thus have the opportunity of action in their own hands.

THE TOPIC: The sole topic of the meeting is the sudden return of Sauron in Middle-earth, alongside his ambiguous manoeuvres beyond the eastern shores of the Anduin. Galadriel and Gandalf asked that an immediate attack be launched on Dol Guldur. Saruman, on the other hand, lingers in the mist of cautiousness and doesn't miss the chance to criticise the (in his opinion) improvident decision of his fellow Istar to enter that eerie fortress, unbeknownst to the very head of the White Council.


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #34 am: 20. Feb 2017, 10:06 »
The sound of the rain pouring down on the roofs of the buildings in Imladris was heard faintly while the White Council gathered at their preferred meeting place. Words of salutation and greeting were exchanged for a short while, until the host, Lord Elrond of Rivendell, officially commenced the meeting and brought up the topic, that had brought the four wise members of the council together on this day: the return of their old foe, the Dark Lord Sauron. It was a discovery made by Gandalf, when he ventured into the dungeons of Dol Guldur, the stronghold of the dreaded Necromancer of Mirkwood. And thus, the Grey Wizard saw it as his duty to give the Council and its head, Saruman the White, a full report of his foray into the dark fortress.

"As you know, wise councillors, this was my second visit to that blasted castle that sits atop Amon Lanc, gnawed into the mountain and even devouring its very roots deep below. But this time, I was able to confirm the identity of this so-called Necromancer that has been spreading shadow and plague beneath the once fair Greenwood. It is no other than Sauron himself, in weakened state of course, but nevertheless alive. His spirit must have endured, as the Ruling Ring endured."
"It should have been destroyed long ago, were it not for the faintness of the minds of Men," said Elrond regretfully. "Were this thing put back into the flames from whence it was made, Sauron would have been cast down eternally and could never return. But I disgress, Gandalf. Continue with your report, old friend."
"I came to Dol Guldur with great sorrow on my mind," said Gandalf. "I had heard dark rumours and wanted proof. That's why I travelled to the western edge of the forest, crossing the Great River near Lothlórien." He glanced swiftly at the Lady Galadriel, who gave him an amicable smile. "I left my steed behind at the eaves of Mirkwood - the animal did not dare to enter the dread that now lies beneath the dark trees that grow in the southern reaches of the forest. I was unhindered during my approach of the hill of Amon Lanc - from far away, it seemed abandoned, but when I drew closer, I became aware of the presence of enemies: Orcs, and other foul beings. In great secrecy I made my way to the foot of the mountain, where I discovered an entrance to the vast tunnel network that stretches below the stronghold of the necromancer. Pits upon pits and dungeons upon dungeons did his slaves dig into the earth, and it took all of my will and strength to remain hidden from the sight of the orc patrols that kept watch over the miserable beings that are being held captive beneath Dol Guldur. And finally, after hours of scouring through the dungeons, I made a critical discovery: an old Dwarf, barely clinging to the life left in him, speaking in confused sentences. It was Thráin, the King under the Mountain, who was thought lost on his recent quest to Erebor."
"King-in-exile," corrected Elrond. "How did you know it was Thráin? I housed his company shortly when they were on their way to the Lonely Mountain, and felt the presence of an artifact of great power, when I briefly spoke with Thráin." The Lord of Imladris stroked his right hand reflectively, and the light of Vilya was visible for a fleeting moment.
"If he ever bore the Ring that was given to his forefather Durin, it had been taken from him," explained Gandalf. "But he spoke at length of his son, Thorin, and in the end, he gave me two items to safekeep: A map and a key, both of Erebor."
"One of the Seven Rings of the Dwarves?" intervened Saruman. "That is an important matter, Gandalf, and should not be simply dealt with in one short sentence. The lore of the Rings of Power is my speciality, and I deemed all Seven lost long ago. How can you be sure Thráin had one of them?"
"He spoke of it, in his madness," replied Gandalf. "Untouched it was by the Dark Lord, he kept saying. Given to the King of Khazâd-dûm by the Elf-smiths directly, not by Sauron. He seemed obsessed with it. In the end, he only found clarity when I mentioned his son. But eventually, his ramblings alerted the guards, and I had to flee without being able to rescue him."
"How then did you find proof of the necromancer's identity?" asked Elrond.
"Putting together the pieces seemed easy," answered Gandalf. "Raising the Dead is a feat no Man or Elf has ever achieved, in my knowledge. But tales from the First Age tell of Morgoth's lieutenant, Sauron, who used this ability to ensnare one of Barachír's companions into giving up the location of their secret hideout. And the tale of Thráin's ring gave me further confirmation, aside from chatter I overheard from the orcish guards, that spoke of the Great Master and his flaming Eye. It is Sauron, and he is collecting the rings. Never had I felt his presence so clearly, and I'm sure he was made aware of mine as well, when I fought my way out of the dungeons. I barely made it out, to be honest. And the pursuit through the reaches of Mirkwood up to the shores of the Anduin was relentless. Only within the sacred walls of the Golden Forest I was finally safe."

"And what do you make of all this?" asked Elrond carefully.
"We must make our move, and we must make it soon," said Gandalf. "The combined might of the Council may yet prove strong enough to defeat Sauron, or at least drive him from Dol Guldur. I deem it my duty to go back and free those who are kept in chains in the dungeons. It may be too late for Thráin, for I felt his death soon after my departure, but there are many others there that suffer under the whips of orcish slave-drivers. We must attack Dol Guldur!"
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Jul 2019, 14:00 von Fine »


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #35 am: 21. Feb 2017, 10:51 »
As soon as Gandalf mentioned that the Necromancer was indeed Sauron many thoughts came upon Saruman's mind. His secret search for the One had become stagnant due to the lack of knowledge on its whereabouts. The fact that Sauron had decided to take up residence in the Hill of Sorcery could only mean that the Ruling Ring must be within this region. It was vital that he send out messages after the meeting to all his spies, ordering them to start searching the Gladden Fields, he would have much preferred to do it here and now, but the mind of the Lady of the Golden Woods was too keen, he could not risk that his plan be revealed now. He would have to be patient. He left the palace of his mind and reconnected with the ongoing meeting, Gandalf still telling of his incursion into Dol Guldur.

"... the Ring that was given to his forefather Durin, it had been taken from him," continued Gandalf. "But he spoke at length of his son, Thorin, and in the end, he gave me two items to safekeep: A map and a key, both of Erebor."

"One of the Seven Rings of the Dwarves?" inquired Saruman. "That is an important matter, Gandalf, and should not be simply dealt with in one short sentence. The lore of the Rings of Power is my speciality, and I deemed all Seven lost long ago. How can you be sure Thráin had one of them?"

"He spoke of it, in his madness," replied Gandalf. "Untouched it was by the Dark Lord, he kept saying. Given to the King of Khazâd-dûm by the Elf-smiths directly, not by Sauron..."

Seeing that Gandalf had run out of useful things to say, Saruman went back into his mind to tinker upon what he had learnt. To think that Sauron had now gained another of the Seven was worrying, but it was also a perfect opportunity. He would likely grown bolder and reveal himself, allowing Saruman to gather more information on the One's location. Saruman made a note to arm his spies, not because he cared, but because taking control of new ones would be a terrible waste of time he could not afford. He also needed to look into a way for them to communicate without using the way of the mind, perhaps he could make use of that explosive powder he had recently discovered, although it was still a progress. Many tasks now required his attention and he desired even more strongly that the meeting come to an end. Tuning back into the physical realm, he returned just as Gandalf was finishing his tale and started preparing a counter argument to keep the Wise peaceful and avoid them probing too much into the ma...

"We must attack Dol Guldur!"

Not many can claim to ever have surprised the White Wizard but on that day Gandalf joined their ranks. While in appearance Saruman stayed calm, his mind was now reworking his response to make sure that the White Council did NOT attack Dol Guldur. There was no doubt in his mind that a siege on the hill would result in their victory but his loss, the Shadow would be driven back and the Ring would stay hidden. This would be catastrophic and in addition would only serve to undermine his authority, lessening his position as head of the Council.

Saruman did note that for a brief moment his heart desired to follow Gandalf, he had felt reinvigorated and was taken with the need to lead himself the assault on Dol Guldur to drive the Shadow back. His mind quickly rid his heart of this foolish need but he was intrigued, could it be perhaps that Gandalf's voice had been gifted with a similar power as his? This left him to wonder what else the Grey Wanderer was hiding.
Saruman began speaking, wrapping his words in thin layers of magic, it was a risky move for the members of the Council were powerful and if they were to detect it, things would go ill for him. But he no longer had a choice, it was absolutely essential for his plan that the Council remain passive. Very carefully, he began to thread:

"As always old friend, you gather much evidence but draw conclusions too quickly. Let us examine what we know. Some Orcs have began to gather at the Hill of Sorcery you tell us, but I see no cause for concern. It has always been and shall always been this way, foul things are drawn to foul places but that does not mean that the Enemy has returned. In addition, a human sorcerer has taken residence in the abandoned fortress and uses his magic to control the orcs, they are simple creature, to them any magic can only be the work of their Master, it is even possible that he has told them himself in an attempt to gain their loyalty. Even the lowliest of magicians could easily make Orcs see what he wants them to see whether it be a fiery eye or simply a man in dark armor similar to that of Sauron.

We must not be too quick to show our hand, especially when the possibility that this.. Necromancer is Sauron is slim. You have also told us that this meager human sorcerer could raise the dead, but have you seen it? Have you confirmed that the bodies were dead and that they were indeed brought back to life fully.  A worried mind often pushes the eye to see what the heart desires. Do not be hasty, let us first see proof of what you tell us. The words of orcs and men should not be enough to push us to all out war."

With that Saruman rested his hand on the table, he had made his point and hoped that the charm that accompanied each of his words would be enough to keep the Council at peace. Gandalf was staring at him, unconvinced, but that was expected, if he had truly seen this things he would not doubt his own eyes. Galadriel as always was standing, withdrawn from the meeting but paying attention, behind Gandalf as if to protect him from the words of Saruman. She, too, seemed un-phased by Saruman's silver tongue, she had grown much too powerful to the taste of the keeper of Isengard. Only Elrond, seemed somewhat doubtful of Gandalf's word, but a his mind would quickly clear unless further pressure was put upon it.

Pouring all his mastery of magic into this last sentence he increases the strength of the magic, keeping it as hidden as he could and while he spoke to all, most of the magic made its way to Elrond, which for a second felt an uneasy presence upon him, but it disappeared quickly.

"I advocate that we remain calm, there is no need for war, no need for the council to waste its strength on a simple sorcerer. I will send word to King Thranduil and ask him to cleanse the land of the orcs that roam the forest with the offer of lending him my power."

And with that, Saruman became silent once one. He had done what he could, his plan's integrity now rested on whether or not his words had been crafty enough.
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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #36 am: 22. Feb 2017, 18:35 »
The skies above Rivendell were ever clear and undimmed from unnatural phenomena, which one may instead have experience of when a source of power is perturbing the climate of the World. But it was pouring on the last homely shelter of the West, and the very rain did seem to get heavier as the debate was electing the path of confrontation. A bitter path, as the noble attendees of that assembly were the greatest of their kind and each of them was resolute in convincing the other of the propriety of their thesis.

Saruman's magic was pervading the whole surrounding space via his fluid speech; his discourse was unravelling itself in a plurality of powerful words. The effectiveness of such cunningly-designed manoeuvre had certainly been augmented by the indoor location of the meeting. The great library hall, comprising also a large circular table of the finest wood, had been appointed for the council. Left empty by any other person but the mighty four, a dense silence of preoccupation and anticipation reigned supreme all over its vast rooms, with Elven lamps providing a quite pale illumination. It was therefore easy for the White Wizard to take advantage of this suspended environment and to let his parlance embalm anything in the vicinity. Words burdened by frustration and, unfortunately, deceit. Yet the Lady was more adamant than ever in her firm convictions; unmoved by the usage of a so subtle of a device and staunchly willing to have her good purposes prevail over idle decisions. And idle decisions they were not, given that a clear design sustained their ill-intentioned reasons. Galadriel was also very much dissatisfied and sad to realise how the chief of the Wise had by then completely closed his mind, resembling in her eyes the same veil of concealment that hid the infamous eerie fortress on the other side of the river. A great dismay which found its solid roots in the pieces of the mosaic that she had been carefully collecting and ordering for long time. The discovery, thanks to the impeccable sentinels of the Golden Wood, that agents from Isengard were secretly doing researches across Eriador and the Vales of Anduin, the memories of Mithrandir during his visits to Orthanc and the rare journeys of the very Saruman to Gondor and Lindon reinforced Galadriel's suspects: Saruman was covertly gathering knowledge of the forgotten lore of the Rings of Power, whose arcane secrets no one but Celebrimbor himself could have brought to light again.

Something really ambiguous permeated Saruman's relentless interest into the Rings of Power, for, even if his obsession were aimed at retrieving lost wisdom from the obscurity of the Second Age of Arda, he could not have achieved much out of it. The Lady of Light thus doubted whether he was sincerely moved by a forlorn hope to forge a new Ring of Power of whatever nature, or, being conscious of the impossibility of such eventuality, whether other darker purposes dominated his faltering will. Yes, the wizard had faltered in those decades and let the unknown shadows of Mirkwood operate in complete liberty. Relegated in his fortified dwelling, Saruman had immersed himself in those arcane businesses, alongside failing to comply with the true objective of his duty: the surveillance of Middle-earth. What was his main intent? Why desiring the knowledge of such artefacts? Why at that moment? The timing must have had its own logic; riddles that only a mind as hers could have succeeded in solving.

Needless to say, as a sudden glimpse of favourable opportunity, Galadriel divined what the chief of the White Council was probably to ask with increased concern. Therefore, as his words' effect was beginning to wane, she intervened in the debate. She couldn't permit that Gandalf's remembrances of his own recent mission were abruptly unveiled, so that the secret of Narya would fall prey of the White Wizard's snares.

''We ought not to indulge in such lengthy discussions. We should take Mithrandir's words as the crystalline truth. The exact portrait of the current state of things, which shows nothing more than the consequences of our inaction. The heart of the Grey Wizard does not know lies nor deceits. Even now I may sense the purity of his speech. One should not question that. To the most dubious mind, I shall say that I too perceived his return. I sensed his essence and his ancient hatred. The one who reigned supreme over the lands of shadow in the East of the World. The terror of the First Age and the bane of my kind in the Second. I saw all, because it was also in my mind, gentle pilgrim. That day, we underwent the risk to lose one of the most formidable guardians of Middle-earth. Yet hope prevailed, and you, dear Mithrandir, found a way out of that nameless darkness; Hope has saved you and us all.

If one asked that more elements be brought to the general attention, I can offer what my knowledge can dispose of. Namely, no typology of human sorcery will ever be able to summon such multitude of foul beasts, nor could it be capable of hiding a fortress under a strong spell of concealment that I can't pierce. Moreover, Orcs can certainly wander loosely and sometimes aggregate themselves in packs, but legions respond only to one master. The sentinels who patrol my borders informed me that the Black Speech may now be easily heard across those tainted lands. And we know for sure that such language was created for a single purpose, which is the one of ruling over the minions of the Evil; the Orcs have in fact been reported to have abandoned their scattered primitive idioms. Those are signs that I could never misunderstand. May I also add how asking for Thranduil's help is a very needless of a proposition. He has confined himself within the walls of isolationism, since the time he was forced by unknown shadows to move his people to the northernmost ends of the woods, protected in halls carved in the stone. Dol Guldur is not his prime concern.

We must face the truth: Sauron has returned, and we don't have knowledge of what he is after. All immediate counter-measures should be considered. In particular, I would deem an assault a very proper decision. We can't linger, nor can we give him any chance, for Sauron is an infinite sea shattered by endless storms and his mind is ever devoured by malice. Plans and schemes are continuously being made and remade. He won't give us time. We shouldn't parlay with the approaching menace.''

With 'Hope' in capital and italics, Galadriel is referring to Narya. A reference that Saruman won't obviously understand.


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #37 am: 1. Mär 2017, 17:51 »
ELROND: ''Noble guests, yours are very powerful words that can't do anything else than command the greatest respect. Each speech brings to the general attention a defined portrait of the situation, but I sensed that a marked divergence of views divides this assembly now. The assault which could be waged to Dol Guldur is indeed the central topic of this meeting, alongside what we are ready to undertake, if we really yearn the solution to tackle such sudden menace. All eventualities are obviously taken into account with the utmost care. I would personally suggest we consider events in a theoretical perspective first, in order to gather every possible information in our possession. Only after this kind of recollection of thoughts shall we be able, as I'm confident, to submit our final conclusions to a last ballot; we shall do so with the most open and sincerest mind.

Can we dispose of additional hints about the true schemes of this mysterious enemy? Furthermore, may we elect a clear path in discerning the real identity of the menace? Mighty leader of the Istari, we too managed to collect evidences that ghoulish arts are in action as we now speak, within that place of darkness; arcane spells of a fashion we have not experienced for long time until the recent happenings. The suspects of some of us, during our first council, have sadly become a terrifying reality. If Lady Galadriel deems the resurgence of the Dark Lord an apparent fact, I don't know in all honesty why I shouldn't trust her words as the truth according to which we are to conceive our counter-measures.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #38 am: 2. Mär 2017, 01:33 »
The calm rain of Rivendell was still falling on the roofs of that sacred valley's dwellings. Galadriel perceived the usual kindhearted intentions of Elrond, knowing that he would have presumably leaned on her and Gandalf's side, if evidences and arguments had managed to be enough convincing. The keeper of Vilya had already tasted the poisonous cordial of war, in times when the resurgence of a past shadow would have been faced as a minor challenge. He had known the real sorrows of great conflicts, as the golden hosts of Valinor marched undefeated across the plains of Beleriand, while Arda was agonising for the wounds inflicted by both contestants. He was there, when Númenor reached its apex and its eventual fall, when Sauron tried to destroy the everlasting bond between Elves and Men, and when the strength of Men failed. Elrond would have absolutely done anything possible to put out the flames, before a greater fire devoured the entire forest. She sensed that the interventionist faction of the council might have prevailed, had a general agreement on similar propositions been found. At least, if Saruman had not opted for an intransigent line...

''The host has spoken true words. Let us examine all possibilities with careful diligence, being ready to put forward concrete plans for what we are to do in the nearest future. I don't seek for the imposition of my own views on others' opinions; yet I beg everyone to examine facts with the most acute sight. We can surely spend time debating the nature of our Enemy, provided that immediate action follows our talk. Idleness would be an ill-conceived conclusion. Ignoring an approaching storm doesn't offer one a shelter from its violent wrath. May this be plainly clear to doubtful minds.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #39 am: 5. Mär 2017, 22:38 »
"As always, Lord Elrond, your words are wise and full of good intentions. Perhaps, the words of Lady Galadriel are indeed true: no Man could wield such a terrible power nor would they be able to gather such a great host of foul creatures. However, my argument still stands, if this is not the work of a Man then it might be one of the accursed Ringwraith, perhaps even the Lord of the Nine but not that of the Enemy's "

It has now become clear to Saruman that he might have underestimated the power of the Wise. Galadriel had not been duped by any of the White Wizard's words, Gandalf still strongly opposed him, his beliefs rooted even deeper. Meanwhile, what little magic had made way to Elrond was now cleared by the Lady of Lorien. This may be harder than expected, usually his words are law but this is the White Council. He will have to do this the regular way, convincing the members with arguments rather than magic. A terrible waste of time, but necessary. Perhaps he could find some pleasure in this, after all it had been a very long time since he had a good debate.

"If we are to reexamine the evidence you have brought here in addition to Lady Galadriel's knowledge of magic, then it becomes obvious that this is the Necromancer is most likely one of the nine men who were enslaved long ago by Sauron. As long as the power of the One remains intact so does the power of the Nine, which grants them abilities similar to that of the Dark Lord."

His argument is quite weak, he realizes that. To many it will seem as a rushed change of heart but by building his idea slowly, it will hopefully to seem like nothing more but an honest mistake which he tries to rectify. Hopefully, it would not come to the worst...

Through the remaining hour, Saruman goes into great length diving deep into his own mind and exposing complex arguments to the other members. It is not a simple task and many times he sees Gandalf's face darken in doubt. The rain hammering on the roof is no help, it is a nuisance and he his tempted to disperse it but he knows that the use of magic to modify the weather would not please Elrond, the master of this land, so he merely continues talking. It is a long argument and goes on...
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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #40 am: 12. Mär 2017, 18:41 »
As the discussion progresses, the guests immerse themselves in forgotten arts and tales of a past which is no more...

ELROND: ''Is this what you are inferring then, His Excellency? Could an enslaved wraith perform that type of odious actions? Does that even comprise the marring of vast lands and the infestation of eerie ruins? Never have I found myself in front of such typology of magic from this kind of creatures; not even when their leader took possession of the icy North. Though evil powers operate via similar means, I'm still perplexed.''

Saruman gave a very feeble nod, as if that gesture were more a product of inertia, rather than convinced faith. On the other side of the marble-made table, the Lady of Light smiled imperceptibly and raised slightly her eyebrows, to convey all her puzzled sensations. But the articulated narration that their chief was trying to construct could not have restrained her from intervening in the exchange. She wanted to provide her position with solid evidences, along with memories from the intricate thread of Arda's time. Would have the Istar dared to refute the proofs of history itself?


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #41 am: 13. Mär 2017, 00:53 »
How long and at what extent the White Wizard had been lingering in the shadows of the past she didn't know, nor was it possible to force him to confess which secrets he had found or had been intended to unveil. All revolved around the lost artefacts of the Second Age which had shaped and altered the fate of Middle-earth forever. Even in present times the Elves were reluctant to talk about those whispers of obscure times, lest sorrowful thoughts clouded their mind and darkened their spirit. Considering those mighty items as a disgrace would undoubtedly be a too misleading of a judgement though, since bliss and joy were too the fruits of Celebrimbor's mastery, even if they had equally mingled with destruction and tragedy. It happened, then, that Galadriel chose to have the debate eventually deal with the forgotten lore of the Rings of Power; if not willingly and overtly, she thought that the chief of that assembly would inevitably be obliged to face reality and give away part of the knowledge he had been recollecting so avidly until that moment.

That was thus the strategy. If animosity occurred as the discussion went on, that ought to be pardoned, for the sake of the World was too precious for most of the guardians to come up with dangerous compromises.
« Letzte Änderung: 22. Mär 2017, 19:39 von DieWalküre »


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #42 am: 13. Mär 2017, 09:24 »
"Ring-lore is your subject, Saruman, and thus I do not deem it my place to doubt your findings," said Gandalf. "Let us then account for the Rings of Power that still remain in Arda, to make sure we have not overlooked anything. The Three we know of, for they are in the hands of the Wise and are hidden, far out of Sauron's reach. The Seven he has most likely regained, if they were not consumed by dragon-fire as some dwarves have told me. The Nine are another matter entirely: We know that the Ringwraiths were defeated in the War of the Last Alliance, and scattered after their master's fall. But at least one of them has returned: The Black Captain, who became the Witch King of Angmar. And others were seen during the siege of Minas Ithil, which has since become an evil and gloomy place. But how do they persist if they do not posess the nine Rings of Men? The only locigal answer is, of course, that they still have them. So that would mean, that the Nine are also in the hands of the Enemy. That leaves us with the One... which was lost with Isildur, if my memory serves me correctly. Quite obviously, Sauron has not regained the Ruling Ring - otherwise we would know if. I did not feel its presence at Dol Guldur, even though I became aware of Sauron's Will, that manifested within that dark stronghold. If the One is found, it must be kept hidden from the servants of the enemy, lest he regains it. He must be searching for it, I reckon, and that is why we should attack him now, in order to disrupt him, and cleanse the Greenwood of his vile influence."


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #43 am: 13. Mär 2017, 18:54 »
''Indeed, Saruman the Wise. If retrieving such far knowledge may aid our cause, I shall speak too. The curse of my kind; the stigma that the Eldar have borne with unceasing grief determines even now the course of present events. The story of those artefacts is a very sad tale. A tale of might, ambition, nostalgia, deceit and tragedy. And the Elves will never forgive themselves for their unintentional role in helping the Enemy further his dreadful schemes.''

It begins now the section of the meeting in which the guests are to address the ever-worrying Rings of Power. Gandalf and Galadriel will finally have the real measure of Saruman's commitment to his personal and secretive 'research'; the discussion is to get progressively heated, just to culminate with the conclusive ballot and with the chief's final decision. That outcome and Gandalf's metaphorical rings of smoke are going to widen the wound of distrust towards the leader.


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #44 am: 2. Apr 2017, 15:22 »

''Three Rings, hallowed by the grace of the mighty Eldar, were forged by a legendary smith under the starred sky. Never had they been tainted by the malice of the Enemy and in them their creators poured the essence of the antiquarian spirit of my kind. An attempt to grant those artefacts the property of slowing the implacable progress of time, veiling anything we had crafted from decay. And decay is truly the doom which all inhabitants of this continent shall be ultimately bound to face. The craftsmen who had forged those miracles were gallant and proud those days, for they had also been told that the bliss of Eressëa or of Valinor itself was at hand. And they eventually fell prey of those disgraceful words. Words that had been spread by whom was then thought to be a noble traveller, aiding realms with his skills and offering his services.

Yet I, the Keeper of the Havens and the valiant High King had since the beginning forsworn friendship with that cunning guest. His suspicious manners betrayed his benevolent deeds, alongside boasting a knowledge which would have been forbidden for both mortals or immortals, unless the immortals were those who existed before all; before time and space themselves. Little did Celebrimbor know, however, that the schemes of the Enemy were to prove themselves much more pervasive and vicious than one could have expected. Not being marred by the arts of Sauron was not enough, alas, to save the Three from his grand design. A design of tyranny and subjugation, which he was ready to chain Middle-earth with. Because the three jewels of my people had nonetheless been crafted via an unknown formula that no one but the Enemy alone had knowledge of. Anything come into existence thanks to that lost art would directly or indirectly be subjected to the will of the mastermind who had by then been lurking in the shadows. With or without consent, tainted or pure, the Rings of Power would have responded to a sole master, should a dominating artefact have been forged too. As dominating as the ambitions of its very creator. As tyrannical as the three peaks of the Iron Fortress of the original Evil, which had been terrorising the Free People in the forgotten Elder Days of the World.

The formula was lost with Sauron though, and if one were to yearn the secrets surrounding it, that endeavour would be for naught.''

The White Wizard had been listening to those tales with unceasing attention, but the last remark of the Lady seemed to alter his firm composure.