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Autor Thema: The White Council  (Gelesen 32944 mal)


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #45 am: 2. Apr 2017, 20:29 »
Galadriel concluded her digression and gave way to the other participants of the assembly.

''Only after the defeat of the Dark Lord could the Three be used for their true purpose. And, since then, the arts and deeds of our kind were preserved from the burdens of the World. The Elven Rings were hidden within our realms and so they still remain, until the fate of Arda is to elect a definitive course, sentencing the Three's survival or end. And I now ask that another of us be committed to continue narrating the lore of the Rings of Power, for the Rings of the Eldar are not our most pressing concern.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #46 am: 6. Apr 2017, 14:56 »

ELROND: ''Seven Rings were then given to the proud Lords of the Dwarves, whose wealth surpassed even the most benevolent tales that were told among the other races. Other people who not seldom would feel the bitterness of envy regarding a so prosperous of a condition. Pride and will to dig unto the deepest caverns of Arda, desiring to uncover the secrets of the World and take possession of its forbidden treasures. An industrious disposition which one might deem admirable, if not that this peculiar nature of the Dwarven kind was turned against them by the deceiving design of Sauron.

If I were to make the attempt to divine what the main schemes of the Enemy consisted of, that would probably turn out to be a vague endeavour, with consequent little avail for us. But we certainly know that there was a flaw in his plans; something he had not predicted nor expected. It happened that the Sons of Aulë managed to resist the malicious influence of their own artefacts, for magic didn't pierce their physical armour and they proved very much resilient to control. They weren't therefore turned in mere pawns of the Evil, although the Seven did mutate their spirit, nourishing and augmenting in an extreme fashion the Dwarves' longing for gold. And when gold is collected with obsession and madness, bad things are often to follow. Across the highest peak and the darkest pit, Durin's genealogy awakened shadows and summoned them at their door as a beacon of misadventures. Despite the valour and toughness, they soon discovered that more dreadful beings than Orcs tread the forsaken path of the abyss. Whether or not Sauron himself had been behind that unfortunate series of disasters is not known precisely, but it's instead our knowledge that four of the Seven were undone by the fire of Dragons and two were retrieved by the Dark Lord via war. Until the beginning of this council, at least. We have now been informed that the last of the Dwarven Rings fell in the hands of Sauron.

If Sauron or one of his enslaved lieutenants could make usage of the Seven against us, that I couldn't tell. Yet a minor evil is always an evil nonetheless.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #47 am: 6. Apr 2017, 22:49 »
The meeting is suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Lindir, who brings words from envoys of Gondor.

ELROND: ''Those are matters we can deal with later. The inquiry of the Wise into the Rings of Power must continue.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #48 am: 21. Apr 2017, 15:45 »

Gandalf rose to his feet, seemingly unnerved by the recent matters of discussion.
"And what of the Nine?" he said, letting his gaze wander from Galadriel to Saruman. "They were given to the Kings and Rulers of Men, whose numbers are the greatest among the peoples of this world. Not even the Wise know about their identities - their names have long been forgotten. Under the influence of the Rings of Power, Men withered and became nothing more than wraiths: dark spectres, forever bound to Sauron's will, and to the Ruling Ring. For the Nine Rings precisely did what their Maker intended them to do: To enable Him to rule over them through the One. And by swaying them, he could yield domination over their realms and kingdoms."

Gandalf paused for a moment. He did not lightly speak on this topic, but in this very hour, it was too important to leave unmentioned.
"The Nine are lead by the greatest amongst their kind: The Black Captain, who became known as the Witch-king of Angmar. He fled the destruction of his dark stronghold in the North at the Hands of Glorfindel and Eärnur of Gondor, but he has taken Minas Ithil and turned it into a place of darkness and death, were the Nine now reside, if the tales from Gondor are to be believed. Sauron has the Nine Rings in his direct control. They are one of his most dangerous weapons."
« Letzte Änderung: 21. Apr 2017, 16:04 von DieWalküre »


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #49 am: 23. Apr 2017, 17:26 »

As Gandalf sat, so did Saruman rise, for the first time during this meeting, for it was necessary that this moment look important if he was to lead them away from the foolish idea of assaulting Dol Guldur. Then laying his staff to rest against his chair he began his tale, made half of truth and half of lies to mislead the members of the Council but keep his true intentions secret.

Talking slowly he began to weave his plan into action: "Thank you Gandalf. As you mentioned the Nine are Sauron's most dangerous weapon," purposely twisting the words," but it was not always so. Before his fall, Sauron's near dominion of the world was brought forth using the power of an artefact he had himself created. One that even now he seeks to retrieve... you know of what I speak for it has many names, the Ruling Ring, the One Ring, the Great Ring of Power are a few among many other. In it, Sauron poured much of his power, his malice, his cruetly and his will to dominate all, with it his power is nearly unstoppable and many fell trying to stop it but it is now lost forever in the sea and he can never again regain it."

"However, I feared that he may try such a terrible feat again and so I gathered all that was related to the forging of magical rings in an attempt to counter the effect of such an achievement. And now, it is my duty to share that knowledge so that all may be able to prevent it if I was to be overcome. If the knowledge was to be lost then the terrible events that happened during the Dark Years would repeat all over again."

"In order to forge the Ring, Sauron had to put much of his power into it with it he became a warrior of terrible power in the same way that without he is but a shadow of himself. With its power he was able to raise his black tower from the ground and control the bearers of the Nine although the control of the Seven escaped him. It is with this same power that he subdued the men of the east and placed them under his dark dominion, transforming these peaceful nomads into a sword with which he strook at the forces of Good. Even the migthy Numenorans fell to his power, for fair he was to their eyes and his words were sweet to their ears. It wasn't until the Valar themselves plunged the isle into the sea that he was defeated."

"The Power of the One is now long gone, but its power endures keeping the Nine under His control. Therefore we must be ready to face against these foes which will show no mercy in their attempt to bring back their master's full strength."

Sitting back down, Saruman finishes his speech and motions to the envoy of Linhir to deliver his report. It is important to him that the council doesn't delve too much on a single fact but rather fly over many issues so as to talk a lot and take little action.

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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #50 am: 25. Apr 2017, 18:38 »
''Hearken, members of this council, for action ought to follow discussions and proclamations of intent. If we were to bandy words with each other, that would be a quite ill of an eventuality, I reckon. Yet, may this be very clear, I'm ready to back my propositions with vigour. The fate of the Free People is in our hands only.

As our little inquiry into the sad lore of the Rings of Power has been accurately exposed, I think that knowing the actual destiny of the ruling Ring would not be of so much avail for the actual state of things. What we have plain knowledge of is that the revenant Dark Lord of Middle-earth is now assembling his fell forces and much magical prowess within that ruined stronghold. Whether he's seeking for his lost artefact or he is to assault the surrounding territories in a sudden invasion, we can't tell. But a kind of very gruesome power is constantly gaining strength as time passes. Should we let it grow further, who shall assure us that we shall nonetheless be capable of halting its course, preventing the Evil from spreading chaos and terror. Inertia would be an ill-conceived decision; a wrong choice. Reality does show itself for what it really is. Eyes in the night. Menacing clouds storming on the other side of the river. My judgement could never be misled: Evil is in action. What are we going to do about it?''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #51 am: 26. Apr 2017, 12:47 »
ELROND: ''How many concrete chances of success do we have, should an attack be launched against that fortress? I imagine that His Excellency has already thought about a possible strategy.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #52 am: 26. Apr 2017, 12:54 »
''The hour is late, unfortunately. If we are to elaborate a military action, it's imperative that a mobilisation of forces be called now. Too many packs of Orcs lurk among the ruins of Dol Guldur''.


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #53 am: 26. Apr 2017, 13:26 »
As the climate of the meeting got thick of tension and as preoccupation intensified every minute, the solitary Grey Pilgrim interrupted those lucubrations on such anxious plans. This had always been a fear that had weighed on his heart greatly. An atavistic of an horror.

GANDALF: ''If I may, aren't we forgetting about another eventuality? What if the One Ring had not sunk into the seas? What if Sauron were conducting inspections and researches to gather information about his greatest deed's fate? We know that the ruling Ring fell with Isildur during the ambush at the Gladden Fields, nearly three millennia ago. That place does not lie very far from Dol Guldur, does it?''

Saruman's visage seemed to become tense and rigid. Was he too recollection information on those territories? The Lady's gallant sentinels had spotted some envoys from Isengard, journeying about the river in silence and circumspection. And Galadriel didn't miss the purpose of Gandalf's polite question.


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #54 am: 26. Apr 2017, 14:13 »
''Yes, Mithrandir, the Gladden Fields don't lie very far from Mirkwood. And yours is a well legitimate concern. The One having sunk into the vast oceans of this World seems to be a tale that spread rapidly, from a mouth to another, across the shires of the continent. An interesting theory, but a tale nonetheless; there are no evidences for this outcome to have actually taken place. It would also be very worrying to know that Sauron may have eventually got to discover more of his artefact's fate. My sentinels are always on the alert. We have not detected suspicious movements on our shore (where Isildur's sad end occurred); not yet, at least. Although that place does appear to have a certain proclivity in attracting people's curiosity...''

The last sentence made the chief of the Wise even more uneasy. But the Lady of Light sensed that they could have worked for things to follow the will of the majority. Circumstances required a resolute response to be given. She wanted to seize that opportunity.

''Gentle pilgrim, my mind knows that you are keen on giving your own contribution as well. Tell us, what is your true opinion on such a military course to be elected? Do you deem it proper?''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #55 am: 26. Apr 2017, 14:23 »
"I most certainly do, noble Lady," said Gandalf. "And I urge you all to consider this: We must take action now, before it is too late. The orcish presence stationed at Dol Guldur will only ever grow stronger the longer we wait. Let us call upon our allies and gather a host strong enough to sweep through the Enemy's defences, cleansing this dark place once and for all. We must send word to the Woodland Realm, the inhabitants of the Anduin Vale and maybe even the Riders of Rohan. And of course, the Galadhrim of the Golden Wood will surely aid us, if their Lord and Lady suggest it, I reckon."

"I shall seek out my old friend Radagast the Brown, for he does not dwell far from the Hill of Sorcery and must know of the darkness that lingers there. And when all is ready, we must make our move. Time is short, even for the long-lived Firstborn amongst us! Lady Galadriel is right - the hour is late, and it will grow even later (and thus, darker) if we do not act. Send word to all who would lend their aid in the attack on Dol Guldur, and send it now. That is my advice."


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #56 am: 26. Apr 2017, 20:13 »
ELROND: ''Such a troublesome history. Alas, events involving both shores of the Anduin have rarely been without strife and sorrow. Indeed, a great power grows stronger and bolder each day passing, and we don't even know whether the ruler of the ruined fortress might be a beacon for other types of foul creatures. The guards of this valley informed me that legions of Goblins are not to be seen, yet a sudden invasion from the pits and caverns of the Misty Mountains might always be a scenario we can't exclude completely. Especially, a coordinated attack on Lórien, in conjunction with Dol Guldur's forces, would pose a great risk for the Lady's domain. War on two fronts. And your people have already experienced the tragedy of war against the fell hordes of the mountains.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #57 am: 26. Apr 2017, 22:45 »

Elrond, with his last remark, referred to a series of clashes between Lórien and the Goblins, culminated in a major battle along the northern shores of the Anduin. The war lasted just five years, but it nonetheless resulted in a bloody and strenuous confrontation. The deed is also recorded in the annals of Middle-earth's history as the Restoration of the Wood.

Around 2000 T.A., briefly after the coming of the new Lord and Lady of Lórien, packs of Goblins began to descend from the misty peaks that were their lair, occupying and raiding the fertile lands near the Anduin. Thus, Galadriel launched a campaign to cleanse the territories that lay north of the borders of Lothlórien, longing, also, to retrieve some of the lands that had been under the past rule of Amroth, the previous king of Lórien and of all the Galadhrim (when the very realm used to be broader in size, but less safe from the outer perils). Galadriel's plans and ambitions had to face the tenacity and cruelty of the enemies, who were then led by a sinister Goblin-lord that dabbled in some unknown arcane rituals. Under the brave command of Celeborn, the host of the Golden Wood took quickly control of the ground, fending off those foul opponents and chasing them unto the north of the river. Yet the Goblins were gathering legions from every corner of the Misty Mountains and were aided by giants too. The ultimate battle took place at the Old Ford, with the fierce resistance of the enemies being utterly vanquished, alongside most of them being exterminated in the aftermath. Their commander found that his dark magic had no effect on the Sindarin prince, and Celeborn slew the Goblin-lord after a violent duel.

Given the utmost danger, Galadriel made extensive usage of her might over the weather of the World, manipulating meteorological phenomena to constantly storm the ranks of the Goblins. The people of the woods and the Horse Lords were terrified by such a magical display of power, so that tales of a terrible Elf-witch would be told among peasants and men of a higher lineage. As 100-150 years of relative calmness passed, the lands which were conquered by the valiant forces of Lothlórien were progressively abandoned. Galadriel's design had to face the inevitable and disenchanted reality of the Third Age, realising that it would not have been possible to grant the bliss within the Golden Wood to those external territories; the protection offered by Nenya could not be extended further, and the Lady had to renounce her ambitious proposition to widen her realm and to restore beauty out of the sacred woods she ruled. Traces and remnants of the war may still be found, since some commemorative statues representing Galadriel had been placed, which now lie in ruin as hidden relics throughout the forests and are covered by grass.


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #58 am: 1. Mai 2017, 17:58 »
''Fell hordes crept from all pits and ravines. Caverns of dreadful creatures were unleashed against us. But the door was shut. Most of them were slain and their foul commander, who was acquainted with some sort of ghoulish cults, fell under the silver blade of the Lord of the Galadhrim.

Although I would be, alas, later compelled to leave the lands we had liberated from chaos and terror, never have Goblins dared to violate the borders of Lórien in the time to come. Albeit being on the alert and acknowledging the wisdom of your concern, dear Lord of Rivendell, I may quite divine that menaces from the mountains are something we should not be anxious for, lest transgressors hear again the violent rumble of the thunder and the furious howl of the wind.

The wood was not completely restored, as I wished and much longed, but the enemies dwelling in those peaks have certainly learnt to fear the power of my wrath!''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #59 am: 5. Mai 2017, 18:13 »
ELROND: ''I feel we can't nonetheless exclude the risk of hostile manoeuvres being launched against the Free People of Middle-earth. My scouts and valiant explorers say that Goblins are growing bolder and are slowly replenishing their ranks, although they daren't yet to abandon their deep pits. Furthermore, vague voices from the North tell that something is in motion across the mountainous chain. It seems that deadly creatures are inhabiting again the cursed remnants of Angmar. But I don't dispose now of more detailed information from our dear allies. It must anyway be noted that Rangers conduct periodic inspections and are ever-vigilant; their reconnaissance is much precious for Rivendell.''