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Autor Thema: The White Council  (Gelesen 45455 mal)


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #75 am: 3. Aug 2017, 22:22 »
GANDALF: ''Saruman, there is no intention to spread animosity and ill-spirited emotions in this assembly. But we are not here to see ruin getting closer while we do nothing to hinder this course.

I don't really know how one could remain so adamant in his own convictions, when we need be resolute and strive to reach the goals we have indicated as our imperative mission for the very sake of Middle-earth. The Istari have reached the western shores of this continent with a paramount intent in mind, which is to set a careful watch over all lands of these insecure ways and to avoid the Evil being bold enough to make an attempt of returning in this world. And the fell forces of the World know indeed much and dispose of the most numerous means to grow unnoticed and unbeknownst to the most. It is via deception that Sauron hid in the vast forests of the East, waiting for centuries in a ruined stronghold forgotten by the knowledge of the common man. He took advantage of our weaknesses, which are apparent in this exact moment still. He was given the chance to acquire strength again. He is now to prepare for the war. He is the one who blows the winds of conflict against us.

We are not here to point the finger or to accuse someone in particular. We are not the ones who desire to impose a bellicose nature on our plans. It is the grave situation that has put this council in front of the plain state of things.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #76 am: 23. Aug 2017, 18:21 »
SARUMAN: ''And it is always you, Gandalf the Grey. This plain state of things that you often refer to is nothing more than speculations of yours. In that, as it is manifest to many in Middle-earth, you enjoy wandering around the ways of this world and to go in search of uncanny riddles throughout lands and hills, and peaks and unknown villages of rustic people, whose acquaintance you seem to cherish more than your prime tasks as an Istar of my order. And your quest is in most of the cases a vain one, as you seek for issues to discover and unearth, instead of focusing on solutions with which you may mend what is flawed or defective in some ways. And I honestly suspect that these actions are not lone and solitary; I don't believe in this lonesome casualness of happenings. For it might be that you long for forging situations of mess, if only to show up and appear, presenting yourself as the remedy of the daily troubles of this continent's inhabitants. In a wish and improper attempt to collide with my guidance and to go past the head of all wizards in this world. And it doesn't matter if yours is disruptive dynamism or if Radagast the Brown prefers to stay in his personal idleness. You are both flouting whom you should instead follow and consult. This is the plain state of things: very few in this council deem me a wise leader and my rule is thus questioned. A consequence of many years of scheming in the shadows and working for the weakening of my position.

Gandalf, open your eyes and widen your sight! The guarding of this world cannot be entrusted to heated feelings or hurrying of any sort. It doesn't work this way. Defence is built on the founding premises that the defender boasts all the means to obliterate the foe when the latter wishes to come out of his lair. Hence, what matters is attention and a constant and patient studying of the manners of the enemies, unto the hour of attack and victory. And no possible menace is to pose such a sudden and worrying threat; I may concede that the Dark Lord may have come back from his long exile among the shadows of Middle-earth, but the One Ring is now gone for good. The tale of all the Rings of Power that we previously recalled is a lost one, which I don't wish to make actual again, as you accuse me. You are making it actual, via the continuous blabbering of sham perils and disastrous outcomes. The artefact is instead gone, carried by river to the ending of the mortal soil. Thus the answer: the Dark Lord may still remain wherever he wants to, because time, the sheer passing of time, won't give him back his past prowess.

Whilst the grand reign of Gondor strives to contain the ambitions of old rivals, you would like to divert the general effort of our forces from the real and problematical challenges, towards your own theories which you are much fond of, according to which Sauron is to prepare a general assault on the Free People in short time. It's because you don't have a clear grip of the world, lesser fellow. You just long for unrest to befall, so that what you theorised may be proved right and wise. And about your wisdom I seriously doubt.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #77 am: 25. Aug 2017, 19:09 »
GALADRIEL: ''Studying the manners of the enemies? How long for, White Wizard? How long should one indulge in patient studying and observing? Years, centuries or even millennia? Or the amount of time that is necessary to you to actually become one of the foes yourself?

The line you have elected can only bode very ill for us all. This I tell you in plain openness and sincerity. It is facts that speak for themselves and hand to us the exact representation of what is happening as we are conversing with each other. A leader is entrusted with the duty to guide and to solve issues that might be on his way; this means that preventing troubles from worsening is also very wise in equal terms, because the good guide knows when peril is getting closer and how it is best to combat it for the good. And the decent leader knows well his foes, it is true, but never via unproductive observation or obsession for the arts of whom he is supposed to defeat. He already knows his opponent, as history has shown his real colours and the extent of the threat he could pose for the world. A wise leader also takes time to travel and visit whom he rules over and leads; and, should not be possible due to numerous factors, he at least cares about the existence of the most common of the people, sending envoys to make them aware of himself and gathering news from the very lands of Middle-earth. The good ruler shows the foremost apprehension, when such a revenant foe decides to return and acquire strength for a new war. This the good leader does.

This you should have done, chief of this assembly, instead of locking our fates into your black tower and sending your servants in mission at the ends of my realm.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #78 am: 15. Sep 2017, 18:26 »
ELROND: ''Fellows, authoritative companions of mine, exchanging harsh words won't avail the mission we have been appointed to. I perceive that the tone of our discussing may have got too far, away from our intent and imperative scope. We have not been gathered here to bandy words with one another. I beg you; none of whom we desire to aid would ever like the sight of this sort of contest. Fierce battle ought to be spared and saved for the enemies only. And I'm certain that we all do what we may do, to stick to the path we have set ourselves on. A path difficult to journey through, I concede, yet never should the aleatory case and fate lead us astray. Faltering is a luxury we don't dispose of, at the moment. A grim moment. Times that require unity and a very firm mind. I thus ask that all solutions be forwarded in the clearest of the manners. Then, we are to judge what fits best the needs of this assembly, in hopes that the definitive decision will be fruit of thoughtful debate.

Saruman, I infer and dare say that there are very few doubts regarding the nature of our common enemy. The Enemy, as one should better tell. And I may confirm and state again the words of the Lady and Gandalf, because I was there myself, at the slopes of the Volcano, holding high the banners and flags of the lost might of the Noldor; serving Gil-galad the Great, last of the series of legendary kings. And I beheld the terrible spectacle when the hope of Men was near destruction and when the gallant Elven monarch found atrocious death by the direct act of the Dark Lord. Alas, the Evil was given the disgraceful opportunity to linger still in this world. His phantom fled to the edges of the known territories of this continent, too weak to manifest himself in physical shape. We now have plain evidence of his return. Yes, he came back from the oblivion of his erstwhile demise, for this is the nature of any malicious force, if the illness has not been completely cured and purged. We have also been informed of his movements about the ruined stronghold of Dul Guldur. All may see what has been of the one-time green and luxuriant forests of Mirkwood. I also understand why the Woodland King opted to leave his past residence and move his people to the northernmost borders of the woods; it means that shadow had already been lurking in there. We have not noticed that, unfortunately. We must thus determine the course of our own actions. Although it's true that no menacing threat has been posed against us, allowing Sauron to amass his minions without fighting back could be a blunder we are surely to regret.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #79 am: 24. Sep 2017, 16:49 »
SARUMAN: ''Who in the broad world would ever ignore the approaching flames of war? I know no leader or noble lord that has ever turned his back in front of an evident menace being assembled at his borders. And I won't equally underestimate naught of a certain note, be it related to war or minor troubles in the shires of common lands. Yet, may I tell this to this council which dares question my capability of tackling the issues I was appointed to solve and fix: I see no menace. I see no enemy constructing such terrible armies whilst lurking in the midst of the darkness of a gloomy wood. The extent at which you are considering things has been clouding your judgement. What you depict is nothing more than a facade, if I may name it this way. A facade made of the phantoms and spirits you have conjured in your mind. Because, conceding the return of the Dark Lord, he will never be given another chance to acquire his might. He simply cannot. I studied the lore of the ancient Rings of Power more thoroughly than you might think. The answer to the riddle is simpler than many other mysteries that the world keeps secret from the general knowledge. Sauron's own entity is intertwined deeply with the state of his Ruling Ring. Even if Men faltered in front of the chasm of Mount Doom, and even if the One was given the possibility to pass unspoilt the eras ahead, Sauron will never have the tenure of his artefact once again. The One Ring has fallen in the meanders of the River, carried away from the impetuous waters unto the sea. None may recover it from the abyss of the blue. None may try what is impossible to do. Sauron has no force left in him; or, should he prepare himself for a conflict of any sort, the threat would be washed away and vanquished by our might, being us resolute and stout. Let him choose hiding and deceptive snares; they will be of no avail. My grip is ever-firm and only woes for our side voices of dissension could bring.

The One may not be retrieved, unless Arda is shattered and broken from its very foundations of fire and stone.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #80 am: 5. Okt 2017, 18:49 »
GANDALF: ''My erstwhile foray in the dungeons of Dol Guldur was not the first enquiry of mine in that stronghold, Saruman. I know and deeply understand what and, in particular, whom we are due to face. Sauron has been scheming for very long time, too much, to just be satisfied with establishing himself in Mirkwood and awaiting there without any plan or goal whatsoever. It's not how it fares. It's not how he is. It's not how the Evil would behave. We have already discussed the horrendous series of crimes and felonies of the enemy we could at any moment fight. We are well aware of the fact that the Dark Lord must not be conceded anything. No peace, treaty, truce or even precious time. History just speaks for itself and we should never ignore its gold-worthy teachings, methinks. We are surely to pay a terrible toll for our blunders, should we opt to turn our back to such appalling evidences. And from my part, I have done anything in my possibilities, everything in my power, to strive and unearth what needed be unearthed. And no mischievous pilgrim I am, White Wizard. In search of troubles I am not, for troubles I myself try to remedy and all of my hosts could speak in my favour. The loose vibe of journeying I fancy a lot. Yes, this is what I am; a journeyman and voyager, since the task of aiding those who are in need to wizards only was appointed. The lore of the world is immense and never-ending indeed; no epilogue or chapter, yet. The pages of Arda are only waiting to educate and tell their stories of multicoloured tone. And we have to learn and pay attention, I infer. This world has grown much chill, and the Istari have the daunting duty to kindle those hearts which from valour have detached; a beacon of hope for all free we must be. Furthermore, may I just add that guardians we are in equal manner. Guardians that watch over things, without preferring the lonesomeness of our own mastery and might. This is how I deem my work and presence in this world. Are there flaws and faults in that? This I cannot foretell, yet of one thing I am certain. My instinct suggests I be staunch in defence and patrolling the vast distances of Middle-earth. Roaming hither and thither entails fatigue, I do not deny, but accomplishing my objectives has never been for me shame or guilt.

I thus confide that good will be the outcome, whatever happens. I remit my trust in the hands of this authoritative council, whose rule I accept and respect.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #81 am: 11. Okt 2017, 16:46 »
ELROND: ''A just solution ought to be found, and reasonable in equal manner. Our erstwhile exchange has been lively and one could not deny the plainness of facts before us. The prime purpose of the meeting is setting out with the proper measures to cope with whatever challenges we get to encounter in our path. Crude words of all sorts don't help our proposition; yet, thorough discussions are something we are in dire need of, in order to dispel the fog of uncertainty which, for too much time, has been binding our hands. We must act and choose which way will suit our interests better. I myself have learnt how much wide and entangled the multifaceted reality of Arda could be; very much intricate and full of lost knowledge that has seldom been passed on to next generations. But the honourable members of this council may rejoice at the fact that we are not at all ignorant about the befallen times of this world. We are not, I assure. My scholars have long and broadly gone through the obscure traits of common history; I know equally. As I told you, I was there when Elves and Men marched together for the noblest of the causes. I was there, when the mighty host of the West had landed on the sunk lands; I beheld its legendary commanders and the ancient valour of the good kind. And the previous examination that had the Rings of Power as main subject was indubitably useful for multiple scopes. We do have, at the present moment, the fundamental scope for electing the strategy we are to make ours.

I thus take the liberty to ask that a final answer be given. The judgement, by which our deliberation will be informed, belongs to the chief of this assembly. We leave the right and authority to sentence in his wise government, for a leader is ever-burdened by the heavy weight and toil of decreeing what should be done. It is solely up to the head, on whom success or failure depend. Pray, may the outcome be of avail for us all. We are still invoked and summoned to be loyal to our duties. Not only do the Wise of the world sit in silence and converse with each other only, but we also strive with enduring conviction that the Evil will be finally given what it truly deserves. Whether it be through the violence of warfare or through the patience of patrolling, the flood is to be kept at bay. We all sense that illness could soon be spreading here and there, marring what of good has been hitherto built, spoiling the lovely deeds of whom just enjoys the everyday labour of life and endangering again the whole entirety of our multicoloured territories.

Saruman, what is it that you deem wise and proper for the case? What are you to decide?''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #82 am: 19. Okt 2017, 17:29 »
SARUMAN: ''Well, Lord of this merry valley, I fear this council approaches to its end. Naturally, albeit opposing views and deliberations concerning what ought to be done for the matter which is the subject of our parlaying, I shall take a definitive decision, for time should not be wasted in futile quarrelling of any sort; this is only to weaken the bonds existing among us and hamper the mission we are supposed to accomplish.

My line is plain to grasp and see: no army or expeditionary force will be given consent to attack the eerie fortress of Mirkwood. We don't dispose of enough evidences and I believe that patience will be rewarded, in that the enemy is to be forced to unveil his schemes at the very late hour. Then, only then, are we to close this chapter. Should the Enemy be ready for an assault of any kind, we will be resolute and firm in the response. Our might is to be mobilised and we shall counter-attack against all who seek to harm or destroy the equilibrium we have built through much toil and tinkering of ours. I deem useless and counter-productive all plans that entail a sudden strike, now, for there is no risk that the One Ring could be in the hands of Sauron once again. As I told you, regardless of the stubbornness of some of this assembly, the Ruling Ring was lost in the waters of the Anduin, carried away by the river unto the broad seas of the world. None will ever boast its possession and mankind may thus feel relieved. Bragging about sham threats is not to avail our mission. I feel like adopting a patient strategy. One should not hurry; we need the proper wit and sharp intelligence to go through problems. We cannot reveal ourselves in such a manner. The reason why I was obliged to object to similar propositions. We are meant to solve issues; we can't fuel the fire and spread disorder to the world. This is my last judgement.

Yet, I am not adamant in my choice and alien to the thoughts of the other members of this council. I decree that the borders of the southern woods of Mirkwood be guarded and patrolled. The Lady of Light, if she wishes to partake in the defence, could strengthen the control of the river and of those adjacent forests. Be it clear, we are to observe and watch over Dol Guldur. An adequate distance ought to be between us and our opponents. No clashes or incidents. We will conduct ourselves as guardians. From my part, my servants will be appointed to the surveillance of the eastern borders of Mirkwood, north of the Golden Wood, where the grand contest against Goblins took place in past times. Those at my orders will conduct inspections and report anything to me. I won't remain enclosed and locked in my tower. Idleness is not to guide my principles and ever-aware of the world's happenings I will be. Are you content? Are you content with this ultimate resolution? A proper compromise that suits our needs. I hope it will be just and enough, in order to placate doubts and dubious minds who keep on questioning my authority.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #83 am: 24. Okt 2017, 16:14 »
GALADRIEL: ''White Wizard, the ends of my realm are ever-secure. There is no reason to be wary of the Lady's defence. All these centuries, the gates of my woods have remained shut and sealed. We are the ones who patrolled thoroughly the adjacent paths and continue watching over the forest of Mirkwood, which is now a solitary testimony of how the Evil finds great pleasure in marring what is fair in this grim world of ours.

My valiant sentinels have never flouted the orders they were given. And they were bidden to guard the limits of our territories and the river which maintains us apart. The Enemy knows this very well, which is the reason of such suspicious silence on their shore. If anything of note is to befall, it will be not within my surveillance. Yet, I shall not cease what ought to be done. Not now. Not ever. We have always been on the alert since the return of the shadow under those poisoned leaves. And stout I equally was when Mithrandir elected the completion of the quest and unearthed the riddles hidden in the somber dungeons of Dol Guldur. We were aware, even at the hour of doubt. Even though authoritative voices refused to see the evidences provided by the very reality of things.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #84 am: 26. Okt 2017, 14:15 »
ELROND: ''With this last deliberation we shall therefore rest. Our defences will be strengthened all along the eastern flank and particular attention is to be given to the southern woods of Mirkwood, now infested by crawling foes of the most diverse sort. This is the line adopted by the assembly and so it is the very proposition of the Wise as a whole. In spite of divergences on the strategy to put forward, we have come to a satisfying conclusion and this is good news for anyone worried about the recent unfolding of the events, because decisions will be made and idleness won't be the compass of our doing. I thus expect that all of us shall do our best and utmost efforts to make the plan succeed. If we stand together, none may have the possibility to halt our advancing. Should our side begin to falter or wobble, that would be a flaw in a limpid glass, about to be widened and ultimately break a one-time firm surface. And crystalline we must be, as we are resolute in our intent. May this be clear and plain, I hope. The council will nonetheless remain well ready and apt for changing opinion, were the situation to worsen in grave manners. I want this assembly to be strong-willed and prepared to face the worst. We know well that the Evil does not concede truce nor piety of any kind; and even if there is a long pause of stillness, that is simply quietness before the forthcoming storm, and precious time that our enemies make usage of to regain the lost prowess. We must maintain our guard high. We just must, for the sake of whom we have sworn to defend.

I declare the second meeting of the White Council concluded. Go in peace and may well-boding fate be beside our cause.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #85 am: 11. Nov 2017, 01:13 »
The council has almost come to its conclusion. The majority of its members have decreed to stick to the line of its chief. Saruman has in fact preferred a moderate strategy, comprising increased surveillance of the borders surrounding the southern woods of Mirkwood, although he deems any military operation a too risky of a move. Thus, sentinels were ordered to linger and keep a careful watch over those perilous ways. Yet, in no way was such plan meant to face the threat in meaningful manners; the White Wizard had already dismissed the eventuality of Sauron getting his hands on his One Ring once again. The artefact he longs for with unceasing desire. The key for his return in the world. And Saruman secretly knew that the Ruling Ring had not been carried to the sea by the river. Therefore, focusing on patrolling was in his mind the best means via which he could observe his rival's doing. Because Sauron had clearly become for the Istar a rival to surpass, instead of an enemy whom the forces of Light just had to vanquish for the general sake. And this goes without saying that Gandalf was more and more doubtful about his superior fellow. Suspicion then began to grow and be pervasively rooted in the Grey Pilgrim's thoughts. A very recurrent of a grim sensation that could only bode ill. For it was simply manifest, at that time, how the interest of Saruman for the lore of the Rings of Power was not at all the one of a wiseman, as it should have been in truth.


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #86 am: 13. Dez 2017, 18:19 »
At the end of the council. Saruman is busy conversing with Elrond and reassuring him that vigilance was truly the best of the options.

Gandalf sat alone in quietness. His mind was altered and deeply torn inside. He knew that the decision the council of the Wise had made would be to bring woes to the Free People as a whole. Hiding behind towers and patrols could not be the just way! The Evil would simply have continued growing bolder within the dungeons of that eerie fortress. They had discovered that the Dark Lord was again assembling his means. Means of war and meant to wreak havoc in this new era. An era of relative peace, disturbed by turmoil in the mysterious East, exotic South and bitter North. Even the fall of the Ancient Kingdom in the northernmost lands of Middle-earth had not worried the Grey Wizard at that extent, for that was a domain doomed to be broken apart by envy and discord; the Wise knew that, as long the southern realm of Men would last and bear the brunt of time, the world could feel relieved and safe. But Men were again faltering and struggling to keep the pace of the ending age, as was their leadership: wobbly and unstable, weak, feeble and dreading to take the needed measures to counter the threat.

And what about the very White Council, guardian of the balance of powers in the region and ultimate judge? Its leadership was treading the path of doubt as well, but the situation was in truth grimmer and far worse than mere mistakes of judgement. Saruman had grown obsessed with the lore of the lost Rings of Power. Obsessed with their forbidden potency and with their influence on the fates of the world. That could only have meant one thing, a single conclusion: beside the Three that were being kept secret by the Wise, all the other artefacts of such kind were either lost or destroyed. The chief of the council was therefore likely to seek the One Ring, which, as Gandalf feared and suspected, had not passed on to the great sea. It was lingering in the world, secretly kept by unknown hands, posing a general menace for anyone deeming life worthy and precious. The White Wizard had foolishly chosen to follow a path with no fortunate outcome: the longing of power, by means of the foulest heirloom that was ever conceived. A one-time wise leader was looking at the Enemy as a rival to surpass in might, and not as a fire that needed be extinguished.

The Grey Pilgrim took up his beloved pipe of old, smoking that comforting weed for which he had often been mocked by his superior fellow. Meandering among the tension of his hundreds of thoughts, he blew some smoke out of his mouth, shaping it and directing its flow, until that breath was fashioned in the guise of multiple rings that floated above. Then, the Istar tried to grab those nearly immaterial figures; figures which immediately dissolved and faded away, as faded away the pride of whom desired their possession and tenure. And all the scene did not go unnoticed, for Saruman had been staring at his lesser companion all time and this Gandalf knew well.

The visage of the White Wizard darkened and the leader of the assembly began to boil in anger and resentment, for the Grey Wizard had guessed rightly and clear. The buoyant wanderer had guessed whither the chief of his order was directed and whither his obsession would eventually lead him.


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #87 am: 18. Dez 2017, 13:42 »
The council is ended. All guests are preparing to part from Rivendell and head to their respective residence. Saruman is the first to abandon the meeting and journey back to his mansion. The White Wizard offered no kind words in his departure and simply left the scene, resembling a nasty storm passing across far mountains on the horizon; immersed in his enigmatic thoughts and schemes. On the other hand, as the chief was taking the route of return, Elrond got closer to Gandalf and exchanged some final words of sincere greetings, showing worrying preoccupations and doubts.

ELROND: ''I had hoped for a better conclusion, I assure you. And I feel like seconding your reasoning, Gandalf. We had fair evidence that Sauron is once again at work in this world and his goal is obviously the chaining of all that we know; never has it been different from such kind of outcome. Whenever his shadow began to creep out from the ignorance of this earth, war was ever close to all and ready to infuriate against these old shires of ours. But this time the tide is turning in a different manner, my gentle friend. The true reason of your coming here will soon be satisfied for good, for this clash is to be the final one of this age. It's not the time yet, although I clearly sense that it's solely a matter of counting the remaining years before the storm. A storm shall rage indeed and its end I cannot foresee nor foretell, alas. Our only duty is the safeguarding of peace, now, and we must also set the most inquisitive watch over all the happenings we have knowledge of. The current disposition of the council will help put forward this strategy: if we can't act and wage war, we shall at least wait on our side and stay well vigilant.

I don't know if the One will ever be retrieved. The Evil is nonetheless back and none may question this very apparent of a fact. This world has still hope and people have hope for the future too, provided that one will rise and bear the burden of leadership, when the old authority of the past has waned and dwindled in stringent need. You know of whom I speak, Grey Wizard. His time will come, at the end of the tale. In the midst of these grey days, my kind is leaving these shores and reaching the true home that is apt for our glory and endless life within the circles of Eä. Henceforth, Men are to take and accept the responsibility to face the next darkness, soon to cast its illusions on our free lands. In the good and in the bad, a definitive decision will have to be made and it is to determine the course of this story.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #88 am: 19. Dez 2017, 17:10 »
GANDALF: ''Whether Sauron shall have the object of his yearning or not, his forces will rapidly grow at a pace we cannot even now fathom or fully comprehend. The abysses of Mordor are vomiting out all sorts of foul beings; the watch of Gondor is over and the very Men are retreating behind those fortifications of stone that they deem secure and resistant for an assault. What they fail to see is the vagueness of their propositions, not backed by witty leadership. This is for sure. Soon, very soon, the Black Land will have turned into an ocean of turmoil and apprehensive hurry, for their master demands an army to be built in the shortest passing of time, knowing very well how no other adversary in the world could contend his will for return. While the sorcerer awaits our moves in the eerie fortress amidst thick woods, his minions do not waste time and labour unceasingly within the borders of that cursed land; whither the Dark Lord is bound to head, at the end of this skirmish between the two shores. The plague is fostering its advantage and ruthless course. Even with Sauron diminished and lessened in might, we are doomed to be overcome and outnumbered. This is how the wheel of our fate is turning and it does so very fast.

The eastern routes are no longer safe to pass through. It is not only Orcs or other ill-natured beasts. Lies and deceit have breached the feeble hearts of many human tribes there; weak Men, but not in the sense that Saruman would give. They wander without a certain scope and captives they are of their own voluble temper. They are very likely to fall prey of malicious lies that are spread across those remote places, cunningly and conscientiously. Our enemies had knowledge of this weakness and made it so that many of those people would reinforce the ranks of the shadow we all dread. And it is appalling how the innocent one might often be moved by fear and such compulsion which I disdain; they fear the Tyrant as we do as well, being the chains that bind them too nasty and intricate to free a spirit longing for liberty. It won't happen, unless our very Enemy is thrown off and defeated for good, once and for all. And, sadly, my lord, none could come to our aid in those far territories of riddle: two of my order had journeyed thither, endowed with a mission akin to mine. They have disappeared, though, and I fear they may have been trapped by the same unstable vibe which runs pervasively through those ways. Thus, we are sole and lone in the predicted clash; only on the western ones we shall count for sure.

Yet, my gentle sire of honour, honest I would not be if I did not tell you this: verily, I feel that the One Ring will eventually be found and discovered again in Middle-earth. At the moment of extreme danger, being the hour late and grave, hands will bear the wicked weight of that artefact. And I pray that those very hands shall be mere hands of common soul, for never has the Evil succeeded in marring whom was humble and lesser for our eyes. And seconding the opposite is the most flawed judgement one could make, since it is simple kindness and love that may keep the darkness at bay.''


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Re: The White Council
« Antwort #89 am: 6. Feb 2018, 14:02 »
A lament for future woes

In the gathering of clouds, an Elven choir of Lothlórien sings the coming of troubles in the world and the oncoming storm that is to befall. Guided by the leading wisdom of Galadriel, the choir represents the very will of the Lady of Light and her concern regarding the future, whose course she deems tortuous and full of peril. Also, the ruler of the Golden Wood knows well that a showdown is to take place within the secretive walls of Dol Guldur, for that she divined.

1. In the hour of worry,
When birds change their flight and winds seem stronger,
Even inside the blissful forest,
We may sense something in motion,
Peace was disturbed and it could not come back anymore,
Clouds move from the easternmost ends of the world,
Carrying neither joy nor good tidings for us,
Yet, the East is not the utmost concern,
Of our gallant people of the woods,
Awoken a ghost has been, whose lair lies not far.

2. Why must it always be so?
That Immortals have to suffer dread,
Fearing the ruin of their homes,
Homes built with care,
And immense love as well,
For strangers know not,
If they believe we would give up our land,
To which Elves are bound,
As swan-ships are anchored in our havens,
Willing we are not to depart, although that is inexorable fate.

3. The Elven heart is conscious,
Of such ending, in the concluding chapter,
Our history comes nearly to the epilogue,
Wanting or regretting,
Good or bad,
We shall leave these shires,
Become grey and solitary,
Ready for the younger race to dominate,
While we contemplate the twilight of our domain,
What was raised with marvel shall cease to be.

4. The Lady this has foreseen,
Piercing the veil of disguise,
Opening the gates of the past,
Gazing at the maze of forthcoming events,
Destined to be,
Bitter-sweet truth has been revealed, indeed,
To the profound dismay of the Seer,
She guards the well-being of her kingdom,
Seldom was her wrong or chained to doubt,
She thought and spoke wise words, for us to grasp.

5. Her life commenced in Aman,
In the Immaculate Reign of the Archangels,
Beloved by her noble family,
Royal kin dwelling in legend,
Mightiest maiden, tells the lore, and fairest of all,
Alas, the dream broke and vanished,
Once the Trees were touched by venom and by terrible dark,
The greatest token was stolen,
Revenge you yearned,
As well as wild free lands to command under the finest rule.

6. Surely do you know how things were to unfold,
Unto our present,
She governs the ways of Lórien,
Her coming was best gift that was granted to us,
The wittiest monarch would not equal her,
None did so far,
For with incredible force she was endowed with,
Versed with the oldest arts commanding magic,
You may have certainly noticed,
How here, within her realm, time does not flow and things are not diminished by decay.

7. Aye, a secret we keep,
Nay, we may not make it known,
You ought to be content with your guess,
She is our grandest defence,
The most resistant wall she has laid,
Encircling the green of such uncanny realm,
Unfairly feared by Men who understand not,
Her prodigious shield is not shattered by mere blade or cheap means,
Fell assailants will be given the proper response,
Until the Lady of Light stays, naught may drive us away.

8. The Wise have been summoned anew,
To the sacred valley,
His gentle lord thought it was necessary,
Imperative danger requires the firmest act,
It's not the time to flinch from duty,
The erstwhile council boded ill,
For leadership faltered in the advancing of trouble,
The chief was clouded by wrong judgement,
His mind was not apt for the task,
He who seeks the pleasure of flames cannot be asked to extinguish the fire.

9. The Dark Lord has made his move,
His pawns are ready and haste,
The disgraceful fortress you may find in the nearby,
Strange fate, that the night-mare of the tale should hide there,
Concealing his presence and disguising his scope,
Veiled by sorcery and poisonous fog,
Who could see beyond such mist?
As eerie beacon in the night,
Many wicked beings it gathered,
Whither he shall send them we do not know.

10. She has divined a vision of future woes,
Whatever the outcome may be,
A contest is to be,
Along those grievous dungeons,
In which many lost their pitiful lives,
The Sorcerer shall manifest his evilness and vile intent,
Fire and shadow will cover the sight,
Regardless of courage, ghoulish prowess in the foulest guise,
A new darkness, come out of hatred and deceit,
You shall stand bold, Elven Queen, as a radiant lantern in a haunted night.