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Autor Thema: Conversations in Doriath  (Gelesen 36740 mal)


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #15 am: 31. Mär 2017, 14:29 »
ELWË: ''I had the privilege to get acquainted with the temperament of the Noldor since the first days of the Eldar, gentle and wise prince of Aman. Although I admit that so many differences characterise the Houses of your kin, the flame of Finwë and of his dynasty I could hardly ever misjudge. Tales, whispers and words have reached my ears. It seems that vengeance for a terrible crime and the will for a just retribution are not the only reasons that set the Noldor in motion.

I, my people and the friendly Elves of the woods have trodden the paths of this mortal soil for very long time. Not only is Middle-earth the battlefield of two great forces that have always been contesting each other, but many of its vast lands and territories are yet to be claimed and ruled by whoever dares to seek for dominion over this wide wilderness. Free from the authority of the Powers, but subjected to the constant peril of death and destruction. And I think that one, even in the most blessed kingdom or in the calmest continent, might at some point feel the need to depart from a sacred yet confined space, at the cost of suffering much toil and unspeakable sorrows. But I wonder who could really desire to forsake eternal bliss, if not resentful victims or ambitious lords.''
« Letzte Änderung: 23. Apr 2017, 15:29 von DieWalküre »


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #16 am: 23. Apr 2017, 15:39 »
FINDARÁTO: ''His Majesty certainly knows, as I imagine, that toil and much strife we too faced during our journey from the westernmost ends of the World. The endless clash between those two forces is a reality we have always been acquainted with as well, although we were dwelling within the safe perimeter of the Powers' domain. Surely, as akin minds work together and cooperate, I guess we shall soon determine the just course which is to follow from the recent events occurring in Beleriand.

May His Majesty be assured that comprehension and good will are the sole purposes of this visit of ours.''
« Letzte Änderung: 1. Mai 2017, 17:26 von DieWalküre »


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #17 am: 23. Apr 2017, 15:57 »
ELWË: ''And I would never doubt the words of such a wise and noble guest. Yet my experience has taught me many things along the long years of my permanence in this mortal continent. May this be clear and naught misjudged: benevolence shall be given and shown, but with the solemn assurance that one's own plans and schemes shall be known by all parts involved. This I demand be done. That's the king's will.

Now, kind guest and friend, tales narrating the excellency and splendour of your arts seem to have gone past lands and seas, up to the king's ears. You would honour me and my court as a whole, if some of your legendary music were to be heard throughout these broad halls of stone and marble. Let us please ourselves with such a marvellous harmony of sounds and colours.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #18 am: 28. Apr 2017, 00:48 »
And the king's request the wise Noldo fain fulfilled, for he hoped to kindle magnanimity and mercy in Elwë, whose amicable courtesy hid many doubts and fears. Yet the melody of the wisest of Arafinwë's kin might have perhaps succeeded, when others had instead failed to bend the adamant attitude of the Sindarin patriarch. Inviolable defences, made of suspicion, calculations and the other characteristics that often pertain to the greatest rulers.


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #19 am: 28. Apr 2017, 17:29 »
''Beloved brother, I'm sure that each guest would rejoice at your pure music. Undimmed, and said to be even able to move what may not be moved. We shall gladly halt our talking and listen.''

Nerwen gifted his wise brother with the most radiant of the smiles. At that moment, when merriment appeared on the princess' visage and as her hair seemed to emanate an akin bright aura of happiness, it was as if the banquet hall were reflecting all that radiance and spreading it in all directions. Such a special happening, in an environment that had remained almost secluded until then. And seclusion nourishes indeed fears and anxiety. Might Findárato's melody move the proud yet weary heart of the king? Melyanna stood up and remained silent, even though a witty eye would have sensed that hers was joy too, and not just the desire for sung words to be shared.


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #20 am: 1. Mai 2017, 17:20 »
FINDARÁTO: ''How could I ever let your wishes down, kind hosts, siblings and noble court of these halls. Never has something been dearer to an artist than having the right occasion to share the wonders of your own skills. Therefore, if songs and harmony are what you would fain be pleased with, I shall offer thee the finest and fairest lines. In hopes that these lyrics of mine will do only good, let yourselves be transported by memories of what has been or by the infinite and colourful mazes of fantasy. Whether remembrances and old reminiscences of the past could cause one to weep or even mourn, this I do not know. Nor could I foretell how influence on future events my melody will boast. Listener, open the gates of your being, so that the thread of time, deeds and emotions can move even the unmovable.''
« Letzte Änderung: 1. Mai 2017, 17:26 von DieWalküre »


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #21 am: 4. Mai 2017, 10:54 »
In the bliss of Aman we were born, proud and strong lineage of a so noble kin, of which much is sung and we still sing,
Thou might not believe the wonders we dwelt in, for Finwë had led his people there and had been made our own High King,
Between the fairness of the beloved Vanyar and the sea-affectionate Teleri we used to stay, in Kôr immortal, where naught is grey,
The smith-Vala taught us the grandest arts, so that the mightiest things we could craft and fashion, while for many of us adventures throughout Valinórë were a pleasant foray,
Until the seed of discord among the gallant Noldor was planted and resentment the peace started marring.

Envy, anger and much hatred, from whom thought the Powers the Eldar in a golden gaol had confined, to restrain their might and under a yoke have them,
When peace was to be again, the darkest night on all descended, as the eternal day of the Blessed Realm terribly ended,
And the brightest jewels in Arda were cowardly stolen, causing also the sorrowful death of our own mighty ancestral monarch,
An infamous oath was sworn and naught might make his author the flames of vengeance forswear,
Most of the Noldor then deadly perils and dreadful challenges withstood, in order to return to the mortal shores and our legacy retrieve, yet unsure we are, whether success in the end we shall have.

Alas, when one has sworn revenge, innocent ones could too suffer and succumb, for the plague is implacable and all with never-ending grief consumes.


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #22 am: 4. Mai 2017, 11:12 »
In Beleriand, thus, we greatly endeavour and struggle,
To punish the treacherous foe and win the ultimate battle,
As menacing clouds gather and furious storms may be seen across the horizon,
Light and Darkness their entire prowess in the final contest shall throw,
And so we hope and Manwë pray, to be with us in the toughest hour to come.


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #23 am: 5. Mai 2017, 17:03 »
Some of the guests were overwhelmed by emotion and sadness, while the majority, albeit having been enchanted by such lyrics, remained still and in doubt, lost in the vastness of their thoughts. The king himself seemed initially to show some kind of empathy for the tragic narration that had just been sung, even though emotion left rapidly space for an intense meditation. The only one of that merry court who was standing impassive was Melyanna herself, conveying the impression of a genuine curiosity about those tales, of which she had had knowledge of via Galadriel's words.


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #24 am: 10. Mai 2017, 23:39 »
While the court was still mesmerised by such superb composition, the daughter of the monarchs rose from her seat and spoke to the wise son of Arafinwë the Fair. She was Lúthien Tinúviel, who was thought to be the fairest Elf-maiden treading the paths of Arda. It's not clear where that judgement had originated, nor do we know whether the Eldar who dwelt in Middle-earth were conscious that there might have been fairer beings on the other side of the sea, living in bliss and close contact with the mightiest forces of the World. The Princess of Tirion had had indeed them wonder and interrogate themselves whether her beauty could have surpassed the one of their beloved Sindarin princess. Yet akin comparisons would certainly be spoilt and improper for the case, for the will of competition didn't belong to the immortal kind; at least, not in the fashion of those ill-conceived sentiments of mortal gents, which cherished glory and hegemony above all. But Lúthien did keep something special and otherworldly in her being, and Nerwen had exactly felt that the princess' gentle heart hid the most powerful and noblest strength of all: an infinite love, destined to bend anything on its way and the impossible deeds to make possible. Never had the royal Noldo perceived such warm and ardent flame. A flame which naught burns, but all nourishes and kindles.

LÚTHIEN: ''My ears could never have heard a finer song, wise prince. My father never did anything so well as to invite our noble relatives here, within the halls of Menegroth. Even in toil, grief or peril, the approaching shadow shall never take away from us the consolation of our music and the honour of our words. Under the darkness of the past perennial night, the people of Beleriand learnt to cherish the merest things of good in one's own existence and to worship even the humblest ordinary custom of theirs. Music, love, laughter and joy. Naught is greater than them and these mighty pillars of life shall never vanish in the midst of Arda's tumultuous thread of events.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #25 am: 11. Mai 2017, 11:28 »
FINDARÁTO: ''Gracious princess, thy kind praise fills my heart with immense jubilee and pride. Thou have truly grasped the core and spirit of the lyrics the Eldar had been composing since the beginning of their history. I too love the mortal breeze and winds of this great continent, as things here seem to have endured and experienced many struggles, although resilience is what has finally resulted from this strife. A rough beauty that ages in time, as if everything knew that all might change or be shattered by sudden tragedies. This sad yet honest conscience I find in every corner of Middle-earth; be it on your joyful visages or in trees and mighty stones upon the highest peaks. We had our fair part of misery, my lady, and ice and malicious fire much taught us and our spirits shaped.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #26 am: 11. Mai 2017, 11:49 »
Nerwen joined the friendly talk between the two. Interested and genuinely curious to exchange thoughts and wisdom with the fair Sindarin princess.

''Fair Lúthien, how could one disregard the truth and noble intent of your speech? I would fain listen to thee for hours and days. You spoke with such sincerity and kindness. A pure heart and disinterested love; this I have always yearned and longed to possess, even though my story has taken me on different and untrodden paths, for I do not deny that I also desire the strength and majestic rule of our kind, in Kôr full of palaces or on the slopes of the Holy Mountain of the World. In many ways the Elven kings of Aman govern and their immortal subjects lead, yet we all kneel in front of the Powers, whom the inhabitants of the blessed continent must obey. Don't the wilderness of great fields or the mystery of thick forests move the feelings of the people of Beleriand? Unscathed and untamed territories, in which someone proud and valiant ought to restore the order.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #27 am: 11. Mai 2017, 12:36 »
LÚTHIEN: ''Gallant princess of Aman, pride and desire are constant sides of oneself that all shall cope with in life. Whether it takes a century or 1000 years to get through the challenge, this I couldn't foretell. My heart nonetheless tells me that even the doubtful shall eventually find his way across difficulty. At every piece of the mosaic and at the simplest shades of a portrait we should all rejoice. Common and spontaneous acts of gentleness bear the greatest significance, and they often make me weep in joy. Yes, I do weep.''

The Sindarin princess offered then the most radiant of the smiles, to which Nerwen responded with reverence and a sincere smile too. It was hard to tell whether the legendary hair of the Noldorin maiden overshadowed the splendid appearance of the fair Lúthien.


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #28 am: 11. Mai 2017, 15:55 »
ELWË: ''The greatest luck befell within my domain, as the fairest maidens among the Firstborns please my court with their outstanding presence, and the wisest princes of the immortal shores have been here gathered. Now, with the conclusion of this banquet approaching, let us continue our talks and meals, and may music soften dismay or sad thoughts!''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #29 am: 12. Mai 2017, 11:29 »
But music couldn't relieve the princes of Aman from their heavy burden, and the truth was fighting with more vigour to come out, for gentle souls are not likely to hide and not used to deception. Some shades of discomfort and sadness marred then the radiance of their fair visages, still blessed by the light of Valinórë. And the Queen of Doriath noticed it, because a Maia senses pain and grief more than anyone else but the Powers.

How long would Elwë be left in the obscurity of ignorance? When would the king have knowledge of the blasphemous slaughter of his own kin?