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Dagor Dagorath: Ascension of Melkor

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--- Zitat von: DieWalküre am 28. Okt 2016, 07:12 --- Also, with the probable participation of Fine, there are currently four people taking care of this Story.
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Sure, I'll join, but I'll definitely join the forces of Light ^^

I'm all good with starting this game. Also, since no other wish to rule the forces of Evil, I will take care of all the evils in this first story. On the way if anybody wishes to take control of a character (apart from Sauron) they can simply state it and I will no longer manipulate the character.

Elite KryPtik:
One worry I would have with Melkor taking Varda's power is that he should be getting into the Timless Halls through stealth. If he openly attacked before gaining the Secret Fire, Eru would lay the smackdown on him pretty quickly I am sure. He would have to break the Doors of Night, and then make his way through Valinor in stealth, perhaps attacking and stealing the power of Varda while she was isolated in some way, and then making his way to the timeless halls with his followers to carry out his ultimate plan.

Also, he would destroy the Sun and Moon after stealing the Secret Fire, as this would be an open declaration of war against Middle Earth. So my proposal is to have the 3 corrupted Maiar dispatch Earendil, freeing Melkor, Sauron and Saruman, and have Melkor steal the power of Varda in stealth to break into the Timeless Halls. Another thing which should probably be addressed is Tulkas, as we know he is responsible for beating Melkor in the first place, so I feel that Melkor would seek to incapacitate or cripple Tulkas if he could in any way.

I will be doing a promotion for the RPG forum on my channel this Sunday, I'm sure at least a few of my viewers will be interested in joining the game. So I would hold off until after that on starting the game.

The fact that Varda is caught by surprise implicitly infers that Melkor's strike is a sudden and unexpected one. Henceforth, I agree that she needs to be isolated first, and then deprived of the only prowess that could match Ilúvatar's one in the physical dimension (at a minor extent). I'm also for the postponement of the destruction of the Sun and the Moon; interpreting their fall as the manifest and overt act of war is a very clever of an idea. I like it thoroughly  ;)

Varda's energies will nonetheless suffice to break the borders of Eä and reach the Timeless Halls. She is the source of all light after all (whether it be of the ancient Stars, of the two Trees or of their two remnants).

--- Zitat von: Elite KryPtik am 28. Okt 2016, 15:57 ---I will be doing a promotion for the RPG forum on my channel this Sunday, I'm sure at least a few of my viewers will be interested in joining the game. So I would hold off until after that on starting the game.

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Take all time you need. I'm looking forward to seeing how this project is to develop.

Elite KryPtik:
Just did the plug for the RPG Forum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI8NcIRkc9Y

Side note, feel free to join the steam group ;)


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