[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Lothlorien Suggestions

Several ideas for Lothlorien

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Good afternoon Edayn community! I have a couple of ideas for danogo character and wanted to share with you about them! Sorry for my English !

The main problem of Lothlorien is that it is fraction of archers! All elite groups are archers. Therefore all mechanics of game for fraction to consist in that to employ archers and ent. That's all. You will tell that there is still Mirkvud! Yes! But Murkvud's army is weak, for an exception of royal guards, Legolas and Tranduil. Therefore I offer the following:
1) To add one more hand-to-hand ability to Legolas and to change his design (armor from Hobitt. Desolation off Smoug)
2) To change the fifth ability of Tranduil
3) To add to the Outpost Entmut (the building for hiring of ents and to add couple of tactful improvements)
4) To add Grinbyorn's house to the Outpost and to add couple of tactful improvements
5) To change Grinbyorn and Beorn's abilities (they are identical though Beorn was stronger)
5) To strengthen Galadriel
6) To change / finish Celeborn
7) To add Gandalf in the book of spells
8) To change ability in the book of spells for 10 points Elendil's Light, namely by the ship there will be Elendil who will be shoots from onions on land and air targets, but will give to allies less armor
9) To add Galadrim with swords as to Edain 3.8.1.
10) To add Lorien and Murkvuda the obsidional tool
11) To make more armor Mirkud's army. It is really weak.
12) To add a feature for change the weapon onions / sword / spear for Mirkud's cavalry and to add improvement of armor for them
13) To add new elite group for Mirkvud or to strengthen royal guards.
14) All abilities from the book of spells reflect only Lothlorien, (for an appeal exception Tauriyel) and how Mirkvud?

Thank you for your attention ! I hope these ideas (or at least used part) you like!

1) Legolas won't get his armor (the Team has answered this already)
2) Share your ideas of what the ability should be.
3) and 4) Well then you would have only Mallorn Tree to build on the settlement which doesn't force you to think of the strategy (how you're gonna play)
5) Again: share your ideas. I think that Galadriel is strong enough (well she could have some armor bonus I agree) but overall she's fine.
6) What is it there to change and finish?
7) Why? Think about it: Gandalf visited Lorien only 1 or 2 times during the Events of the Hobbit and Lotr.
8) I don't think that would be good. The current effect of this ability is fine and I don't see a reason why level 10 spellbook power should reduce the armor of your troops.
9) Galadhrim can switch between bows and swords. If you mean changing the design then there is already  the design of the Galadhrim from the Two Towers (they are summoned by Rohan spellbook)
10) Not sure what you mean.
11) Can't comment
12) The Elkriders are good at trampling and I better prefer them to shoot arrows than die in melee combat.
13) Again: express your ideas
14) Feel free to propose different spellbook abilites.

5) just watch this:
In the second match Firefly plays a Galadriel-start and it works pretty good ( I think its after the 26th minute).

So I think Galadriels concept is pretty good for now.

Adding to the points of Gandalf, I think you didn't understand thoroughly the role of Mirkwood in the whole faction and the purposes it serves. Mirkwood is exactly a part of the faction to provide Lothlórien with what it couldn't otherwise dispose of (or not at that extent): heavy infantry, cavalry and the features of Thranduil as a tank. Moreover, don't forget that the troops of the Woodland Realm have been granted new own abilities, widening their diversification and usefulness in the game. There is a clear logic behind.

Again, users willing to share suggestions or concepts are wholeheartedly recommended to provide viable arguments to back their thesis. It's absolutely necessary, if we are to ensure productive debates here.

Concerning Galadriel, I have a pretty much different idea from the two opposing opinions presented here. If anyone is willing to discuss about her in a more on-topic space, there already is the proper thread that embraces this topic entirely, where I also shared my personal concept and opinions on the matter. My forum signature will lead you there  :)

Lord Aytugar:

For Lothlorien i have a suggestion to complete that geography. There are woodmen in that area. They have not mentioned yet in Edain mod. These men use axes or sticks to fight and they are friendly to Radagast the Brown. They can be added to Beorninger Hut for to recruit or put to the spellbook for summoning. Is it necessary if you ask, they are a part of this region, somehow they deserve to be in the game i think. Information about them is given below.



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