[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Imladris Suggestions

Imladris' lack of proper Mass slayer hero

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After many many hours of playing, I've noticed that most factions (if not all), have a signature and distingable mass slayer, such as Saruman with his aoe melee attack, his wizard blast and fire ball, Gimli and his iconic jump, Boromir being a tank and also having Aoe melee attack plus Gandalf and his abilities for Gondor, Witchking and his masse and so on....

The think is that when playing with Imladris, I could not see anybody with such a signature role as in the other factions. I thought that just maaaybe it could be Elrond because he has Vilya, but it with the little damage it does, it works more like a kind of stunner than mass slaying, besides of the fact that it's a level 10 so it takes days to recharge; so would be like saying that Gloin is Erebor's mass slayer because of his level 10 earth-smash that pulls back enemies and does a bit of damage.

On the other hand I thought that Glorfindel could be it? Because of when you release his starlight ability? Either way it's all too insignificant for what (taking the rest of the mass slayers as example) a proper mass slayer is.

Which is why I propose making one of the Imladris' heroes a massive slayer since they have none (by either abilities or aoe+splash attack) or if they have one it's extremely hard to tell who it is, either way it's not good. My main bet is on making Glorfindel a tank/mass slayer like boromir (giving him aoe+splash attack)+ giving him mass slayer abilities like making the ''release starligt'' ability much more powerful and with an area of effect (and damage) similar to Gimli's jump. Which I think it's proper for this Elven Lord given the legend he is.

I remember DieWalküre agreeing with the idea of the main premise but he/she thought it was better to put Elrond on that role. I do not agree because I think he is more of a support hero, despite of his level 10 that really helps more to stun  or run than to mass-slay as I said, and even if the damage on it was to be improved, the ability is still a level 10 which means it takes centuries to recharge.

Feel free to debate more on this!  :)

Keep in mind that Imla has the unique Blade Masters. Furthermore Imla has Blades of Eregion, which allows your units to hit faster. Also your Imla archers have Golden Eregion Arrows, which increase the attack of allied units near the point of impact. On top you have Lore-Masters which deal little AoE damage. Also dont forget the horses of Elrond (if to weak suggest to buff..). So you see, Imladris does not really need a mass slayer compared to other factions.
Though i agree that Glorfindel's abilities could be buffed a bit, to push him more into the role of mass-slayer (if needed). Otherwise i would suggest to change the price with the Twins.

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades:
If you think Boromir qualifies as a mass slayer, I'd suggest you take a closer look at Elrond.

Yeah but all of those upgrades are to compensate for their little numbers, it has absolutely nothing to do with heroes and regarding lore masters, it takes them years to kill one battalion compared to a real mass slayer hero; not comparable.
Besides, if horse stances were to be the same as being a mass slayer(by its own), Mordor would have like 10 mass slayers, besides Nazgul's fell beasts and therefore Witchking wouldnt be necessary as a mass slayer? Weird logic to me

Boromir is a mass slayer in therms that he does splash AOE damage, Elrond when he gets his armor can kill damage 2 enemies at the time, true, but that would be like saying that Thranduil is a mass slayer also. And regarding Vilya I already explained the issues...

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades:
Boromir doesn't even do aoe damage, while Elrond literally starts with an aoe ability that improves as he levels up.


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